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Gufuu's POV
I woke up from my nap. I don't feel better but I feel at least ok. As I sat up I looked at the time on my alarm clock. '1:59' school should be done soon. Like about probably in thirty minutes. I got out of bed and walked to my desk, where my laptop sits with a notebook next to it. I write down songs I record myself singing to. I don't write my own music. But I'm working on it!
I opened my laptop and turned it on. It showed my desktop. My wallpaper was me from my past when I sang at the Halloween dance. When I was still Dark's girl. I was dressed in a black dress, my hair down with heeled shoes. It was great. I started looking up stuff. As in researching. I don't know why but oh well.
I guess I was on my computer for a while. I think school finished just now. Right? Oh well... That's until I felt someone's arms wrap around me tightly on my chest.
"Whatcha doing?~..." Vaati said, whispering into my sensitive ear, making me blush.
"J-just on my laptop.." I answered back.
He nuzzled me, "Alright than.." His hot breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. He was like Dark but not exactly. Vaati is his own person. That's what I like about him. He's original. Just perfect. Just like me a bit.
I continued what I was doing until Vaati spinned the chair to make me face him. Our face was close. I was blushing red. I could tell he likes my reaction by the way he smiled more. He grabbed me and carried me onto my bed. I was confused.
'Is he gonna fuck me?! Please no!!... Wait. Vaati wouldn't do that.. Right? He knows I don't want to.' Lots of things was going on in my mind. He was right on top of me. But not putting any weight on me. He moved a strand of my hair behind my ear, his hand going in the back of my head. As he leaned down and kissed me softly. His hand holding my head still. I was dumbfounded. He tasted like.... Grape. No... Dragon Fruit. My favorite fruit of all time.
I kissed him back, making him blush as well. He made the kiss deeper, tilting his head more to the side. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down, wanting him so badly. I was lost in his kiss. It was so good. What would Veran say? What would Dark think?? I set that aside, kissing Vaati was the best thing in my life.
I ran my fingers through his long, lavender hair. It was silky smooth. He groaned, kissing me deeper. It was so enjoyable until we heard the door open. Vaati looked up and jumped off me and sat beside me. "V-Varen."
Veran stood there, with water and medicine for me. "Hmph, so you decided to start making out with my sister than. Were you planing to rape her?" She sounded angry.
Vaati stuttered. "N-no ma'am. I wouldn't do that to her. If I wanted to have sex with her it would be when we actually get married."
My sister stood quiet before smiling. "Your a good kid Vaati. I'm gonna allow you to be with her. But if you do ever have sex with her.... Wear protection. There should be some in the bathroom-"
"VAREN! " I yelled angrily.
"What? I'm just saying. I don't want my sister pregnant at a young age."
"Please... Leave."
"Whatever. Just where protection just in ca-"
I yelled. She finally leaves, closing the door behind her.
I put my head in my hands, embarrassed. I layed back on my bed, frustrated. I felt Vaati move, laying next to me.
"Your don't need to be embarrassed. She isn't giving me ideas in fucking you." He pulled me close to him, moving my hands away from my eyes. His body was quite warm. His legs wrapped around a mines as if keeping me from running away from him. One arm was wrapped around my waist while his other hand was running through my hair.
"Your sweet Gufuu. And I would never want to hurt you. I wouldn't want to fuck you unless we get married." He chuckled. "Besides, I want to spend time touching your body and being able to kiss you all the time. I want to love you correctly." He nuzzled me and kissed my forehead.
I smiled and nuzzled, "Your so kind Vaati..."
Vaati chuckled, "But just to tell you, I'm rough when it comes to something like this sweetheart."
I gulped.
He kissed my cheek, "But I wouldn't want to be too rough on you. I wouldn't forgive myself for hurting you.." He said kindly.
He cares so much for me. I love him so much. He treats me like I'm fragile. It's so sweet.
He held me tightly, and started kissing my neck. I blushed deeply as his rough lips kissed my pale skin lovingly. He than nipped at my ear, making me squeak. He looked at me and smirked. He lifted my chin, pulling me head closer to his, our lips close to eachother.
"I never know your ears were sensitive~"
"S-so was my neck!-" I stopped talking. Shit! Why did I tell him that too?! It made him smirk more as he pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss. His rough lips pressed against mines. His lips were warm against my cold lips and body.
I kissed him back, my body pressed against his strong body. I felt so warm. As well as I felt the warmth of him I gripped his shirt, pulling him closer to me as I begged him for more. He knew what I meant, he pulled me up till I was right on top of him. He kissed me passionately as he grabbed the back of my head, pulling me down into a deep kiss. I melted in his kiss. I felt weak against him yet I liked it. I liked how he over powers me I don't know why... His other arm snaked it's way on my lower back, making me blush.
He smirked and kissed me more. I just know this was so good. Until I heard my android phone (A/N I like them better) ring. I was quiet annoyed. Right now?! Really?! I sighed and pushed Vaati away from me gently as I got out of my bed to take a look at who the fuck dares to call me at this time. Vio. Well can't blame him. I answered the phone and cleared throat, "Yes Vio?" Vio cleared his throat, "H-hey Gufuu. We were quite worried so I decided to give a call to see if your alright." I sighed and chuckled, "I'm alright. Calm down man. I'm coming back tomorrow alright?" I could hear him sigh in relief, "Good. Well see you tomorrow." He said before he hung up. I put my phone down and laid in my bed tiredly, stuffing my face in my soft pillow. I sighed into it tiredly. I felt Vaati lay next to me, rubbing my back. I made an approving sound and fell asleep.

(Ok sorry for the late update. Started getting into Five Nights at Freddy's. So calm down. See YA next chapter.)

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