Attempt of murder Part 1

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Blue's POV

Well P.E was stressful. Gufuu was really quiet for the rest of the day. Right now its chemistry and we had to create a chemical reaction. I didn't even focus on what we had to do. My partner was Red and surprisingly he knew what to do.

Vio, being the smartass, was doing most of the work while Shadow just watched him from time to time. Green was partnered with Zelda. And Gufuu and Vaati was partners. And those two both was doing the work easy. Its like their ancestors knew how to do this (Lol that's because Vaati and Gufuu's ancestors made potions and knew right off the bat on what to put. Hehe badasses XD).

I was completely bored out of my mind. I seriously wanted it to end. That was when there was the announcement on the speakers.

"Attention teachers and students. Please send the students to the school auditorium for an assembly. Thank you."

We were all looking at each other in confusion before the teacher excused us all to the auditorium.

"What do you think its about?" Red asked me as we walked to the auditorium. I shrugged, "I don't know." As we entered the auditorium we all sat in a row. Green sitting next to Red, Red sitting next to me, Vio in a row before us with Shadow by his side, and Vaati sitting next to Shadow with Gufuu sitting next to Vaati.

"It better be important" Shadow grumbled.

"Just as long as its not an announcement for something dumb like a dance.." Gufuu said as she rested her head against Vaati's shoulder.

The principal came to a microphone and started speaking, "Hello students, sorry for the interruption. We have some announcements to make.."

For probably about 10 minutes he talked about how our school won the basketball tournament thanks to Dark Fuckface and his other retard friends, school council shit... Stuff that none of us care about.

"Now we have one last anouncement. So because of the money we've earned over the years, our student council has come up with an idea of having a-"

"IT BETTER NOT BE A DANCE!" Gufuu yelled it in annoyance.

"No Ms.Yakunan it is not a dance." The principal said, which made Gufuu chill out and sit back down.

"We are actually going to have prom on the last day of school. And we are making it mandatory for EVERY student to attend." The principal said as everyone cheered.


"Aww the emo girl is whining because she doesnt have a date to prom?" Dark teased.

"OH THATS IT!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MY LIFE WORKS YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING- HEY!!! PUT ME DOWN!!" She screamed as she started pounding Vaati's back.

"Yeah as much as I want to see this fight I don't want you to get into trouble." Vaati said as he carried her out of the room with the others following.


"Was your ancestor a demon or something!?" I said in disgust as I followed.

"To be honest Blue yes. Yes she was." Gufuu said.

We all looked at her with wide eyes besides Vaati and Shadow.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled out.

"Its not weird. My ancestor is a demon." Vaati said as he put down the agitated Gufuu.

"Mine was a shadow but somewhat demon like." Shadow said as he leaned against the wall.

We all stayed quiet, Gufuu silently planing Dark's death and funeral.

It was soon lunch and we all sat at our usual table. Gufuu was still agitated from the assembly.

"Stupid principal *chewing her food angrily* Stupid Dark *takes a bite out of her bread* I'll show that bitch who's boss* she said before drinking her water.

"You're really irritated aren't you?" Vio said as he looked up from his book.

"Of course I am!" Gufuu said before growling as Dark and his friends entered the cafeteria.

Dark and his gang sat at their usual table. Gufuu was glaring daggers at Dark. If stares could kill, he would have been dead already. We all just chatted and such. Shadow just kept annoying Vio about something. Green was just in deep thought. Vaati tried cheering up Gufuu. And Red was annoying me. Soon Dark came by the table, "Hello dorks, brother and sexy.~" Dark purred as his eyes was on Gufuu who only looked away from him.

"Meh," was the only response Dark got from Gufuu as she scooted away.

"Don't need to run from me sweetheart. I just want to talk to you in private." Dark said as he sat next to her.

"Why? So you can go an rape me. I will eat your arms and make you eat your own fuck dick." The whole cafeteria fell silent. All eyes on Gufuu and Dark. Dark kept his smirk, not really caring about the threat.

"Sweetheart, I promise its not. I just wanna chat with an old friend." Dark said calmly.

Gufuu wasn't buying it, I know it. She than sighed and got up, "Make it quick."

Dark smirked more and lead Gufuu out of the cafeteria. "I swear if Dark lays a finger on Gufuu I will snap his neck and make him regret for being born." Vaati threatened. We just chatted away before heading a blood curddling scream, in which sounds a lot like..


Hey guys. I would like to thank you for your supports. I'm happy you guys cared. I promise I did not cut. Its thanks to you all. So I know I promised Vio and Shadow's date in which you guys REALLY wanna see but I promise, SOON that chapter will come. Please don't kill me. See ya next chapter!
-Lucina the White Bunny

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