Ch. 9 Memories

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Days had passed since you saw the two strangers. Ever since they had appeared you suddenly weren't aloud to leave your cage. You, in fact, were starting to get a bit restless. As you sat patiently in the middle of your cage you let your mind wander back to the time that was before you went crazy. Before you became a slave.

The first memory that came to mind was how you became out of control. Running. You were running. The heavy footsteps of your lusus could be heard behind you. Suddenly, those comforting footsteps stopped and a loud thud followed the sudden silence. You knew what happened. She was gone. Fear, anger, hatred, and sadness clogged your brain all at once causing you to stop running. Then, you heard it. It didn't want your lusus it wanted you. You tried to get your legs to move but you had frozen in fear. The sudden stopping of all noises told you it was here. You could catch glimpses of the terrifying creature. It was a droid and you knew why it was here. It was here to kill you.

Suddenly, instincts took in and you turn and ran. Your legs pumped as fast as they could go and tree branches continuously hit you almost as if they were coming from nowhere. 'Please, let me escape,' you prayed as you ran. After hours of running you finally stopped. You were completely lost wherever you were. That's when you remembered something. Your lusus... She was gone... A lump formed in your throat as you thought of how the large beast could have died. 'Im so sorry,' you thought sadly.

That night you had slept in cold, wet, and dark hole underneath a tree. You were lucky to have survived, but now you were wanted. You could never go home or see your friends. They would surely kill you on sight.

Suddenly, you were ripped out of your thoughts as you saw the troll you had met the other day walking towards you. "Hey Alease!" you called out happily, clearly glad to see another troll. The troll didn't look at all happy though. "The Grand Highblood wants to see you in his throne room," she answered softly. She silently walked over to the cage and opened up the cage door for you to get out. "Please follow me," she murmured as she started walking.

((Hey guys! This chapter is a bit longer than the other but I still think its short! I finally got some inspiration back!! Woot! Anyways, I realized you guys don't know your characters backstory so I'm going to reveal a bit each new chapter. Till the next chapter! -clownishArtist))

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