Prolouge: The Beginning

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A sharp scent hit your nose like a freight train. It was a smell you recognized oh so well, fear. It tore through you causing you to let out a delighted growl. The trolls you were closing in on knew you were there, and that was causing them to let off the glorious smell.

Your eyes narrowed as you silently crouched behind some bushes. You could easily tell what blood these trolls were. They were blue blood, very high up, too. A silent smirk danced across your lips as you waited to strike. This would be fun.

Suddenly, before you could pounce on the two higher bloods someone grabbed you from behind! Fool! You should have never let your guard down when you were about to kill! Something was pressed against your face, and it reeked of sleeping gas. As the drug made its way through your systems your struggles died down. The last thing you felt was metal clamping on your wrists.

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