Ch. 2 No way to leave

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Pet!? Did that oversized clown just call you a pet!? Oh heck no! You were not a freaking pet! Your yellow and (b/c) eyes glared daggers at him. Somehow, this just seemed to amuse the large troll further.

"Oh, I see my pet has a bigger attitude than I thought," he purred. You could feel your blood pumper pump harder at his words. How dare he insult you win this nickname! Did he not know how many highbloods you had killed before for the same thing!

The daggers from your glare just seemed to rile this male troll further. As you two watched each other in pure silence you let out a soft growl. Finally, you couldn't stand the troll's staring. "What are you looking at?" you growled in anger. This caused the larger troll to let out a booming laugh, which happened to scare you half to death.

Instead of answering you, like you expected, the large troll walked away. You growled in anger and instantly kicked one of metal poles that held you captive. "Fuck!!!" Was your answer as pain radiated completely up your body from where you had gotten injured.

While you waited to make sure the high blood was actually gone you chose to search your surroundings. Of course, thanks to your horrible luck lately, there was only one way out and it was completely useless to you. The only way out was a large curved door made of pure metal. No matter how strong you were you couldn't break through that door.

There was no way out unless that highblood would open the door....

((Sorry guys! I don't think this chapter is very good but you guys have been pestering me to no end to update. xD I'm not mad at you though, I just have had a horrible writer's block lately. Hopefully I can get a small romance scene in the next chapter. Till next chapter, clownishArtist.))

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