Chapter 1: A New Pet

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A pounding headache welcomed you as you awoke from your slumber. You growled in anger as you slowly opened your eyes. The scene that was laid out before you was dark and sickening. Blood of all colors splattered the metal that enclosed you. The only light that came into the room was from a small window at the top of the cell. Not only this, but many trolls were chained up to the wall with heavy chains that were in no way escapable. It took you but a moment to realize you were chained in a similar fashion.

"Where are we?" was the first thing that escaped your lips. Your words caught the attention of a dark yellow blood. "We are in the dungeons under Grand Highblood's hive. It is best if you don't struggle and await your death," the other prisoner answered coldly.

"Wait for my death!?" you asked, clearly getting upset. Your slight conversation was disrupted as a blue blooded guard walked in with others trailing behind him. They silently walked over to you and one opened a paper. "(F/N) (L/N) you are sentenced to death for the murders of many highblooded trolls. Do you have anything to say before your punishment is carried out?" he read coldly before looking at you.

Oh, there were many things you wanted to say, but you knew that would just make things worse. Slowly you shook your head no before looking down. "Then may the merciful messiahs have mercy on your soul," he told you before the others rushed forward. The released you of your binds and forced you to stand.

As you walked through the halls to the Grand Highblood's throne room you stared at the floor. You were to sickened to look up at the strangely painted walls. The clanks from the guards' uniforms sounded in your ears, making you more and more nervous. No! You were not about to go down appearing weak! You would not give those highbloods the pleasure of seeing you like that!

As you stopped in front of the throne room door you stood up straighter and growled slightly. Suddenly, the guards pushed you inside before leaving. The troll in front of you was terrifying! He had some kind of facepaint on and had to be at least ten feet tall! A mane like style of hair flowed down to his back, giving him an animal like look. His giant hands were holding two large clubs with different colored blood splattered across it.

"You! Scum blood!" the large troll called to you. When you heard this you decided to feign innocence of not knowing who he was talking about. You looked around the room before pointing to yourself. "Who me?" you questioned as you tried your hardest to not laugh.

The male troll glared at you before he stood up. "You know very well who I am talking to!" Grand Highblood yelled at you. The male had gotten closer to you as he spoke, his footsteps shaking the ground you stood on.

"Well, if you are going to kill me then go ahead," you muttered. The silence that followed with what you said was threatening to swallow you whole and hold you captive forever. Finally, the other troll answered. However, his reply was not directed towards you. "Get this scum out of my sight and to a cage," was his answer.

You looked up at the troll when to other guards rushed in to grab you. As soon as they reached you, you had a rag placed over you mouth. As you opened your mouth to tell at the guards, the chemical on the rag made its way into your system. Your body fell like it weighed a ton as you tried to fight against the chemicals. Finally, you gave in and let sleep take over you.

A few hours later, you woke up in a giant cage that swung from the ceiling. When you looked over, you saw the Grand Highblood smirking evilly at you. "Welcome to your new home,

Grand Highblood x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin