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HEY THIS IS IMPORTANT! This isn't an actual chapter but I figured I might as well post it so you guys have /something/ to read as I work on the newest chapter. I'm so so so sorry about how slow I've been! I promise I will try my best to get the new chapter up soon! Also this chapter was never finished so yeah :/

You silently followed Alease towards the throne room. Something seemed... Off about her leading you to the throne room. The silence that surrounded you two threatened to swallow you whole as you walked. "Here we are," she murmured before opening the door for you. You slowly walked into the blood stained room yet again, clearly nervous.

The highblood stared at you with hate filled eyes and an evil smirk appeared on his face. "So, Y/N, would you like to play a game?" he asked as he leaned foreword in his throne. "Depends, what kind of game?" you replied and crossed your arms over your chest. It didn't take you but a few seconds to regain your confidence. 'A game? How stupid," you thought. That is, until you saw the growing smile on the Highblood's face.

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