Ch. 13 Oh No

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I took in a deep breath, letting the smell of the salt from the sea fill my nose. Today was the day. I was going to get Y/N back. It had been months since she was taken and I felt weaker and weaker with each passing day from not sleeping well and not eating much. Some of my guards had actually brought in other female trolls to try and get my mind off of Y/N. I killed each of those whores. Nothing, and I mean nothing was going to stop me from getting my pet back. A smirk appeared on my lips as some of my guards got me and led me to my new ship. Reports had come in stating that Dualscar's ship had been seen by the town across the sea. She is so close... "Im coming for you... Y/N." I growled as the ship set sail, heading straight for the area the boat was last seen.

Your POV:
The growl of my stomach was the only thing that kept me company. I hadn't seen the outside world in months considering I was being held prisoner in Dualscar's respriteblock. What has been happening to me? Well, I don't want to talk about it. Just know that I've never had so many bite marks in my life, not accounting the new brand that I had across my stomach. Compared to here, the Grand Highblood's castle seemed like paradise. Suddenly, the ship rocked with such a force that I was thrown against the wall on the other side of the room. I felt the boat shake under what seemed to be large, heavy footsteps and I heard the crew scrambling around nervously. "WHERE THE MOTHER FUCK IS SHE!?" roared a thunderous voice that I immediately recognized as none other than the Grand Highblood. "Well, well, nice to see you again, lowblood," a calm voice stated that was most definitely Dualscar. 'Oh no, this will be bad,' I thought as I awaited the next reply....

Heheheh, hey guys. Im so sorry about nor updating. I've been in school and all this crap has been going on. It hasn't been to great. Not to mention that with basically every new chapter I get severe writer's block. You'll have to learn to be patient with me. -clownishArtist

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