Ch. 14 Game Over, Kid

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Suddenly, my ear drums were met with the all to familiar sound of flesh hitting flesh in the most violent of manners. I heard a body fall and hit the floor, but I didn't know who had delivered the punch and who had received it, or if it even was a punch. "You little bastard..." I heard Dualscar snarl. Yes! Grand Highblood had actually delivered a punch to him. "You want your slave? Ill give her to you." He stated, but you could hear the smirk in his voice. You most definitely were not going back with GHB alive.

Suddenly, the door that had held you hostage ripped open and a grey arm reached in and grabbed you. You made no effort to struggle as the troll pulled you out and pushed you down onto the floor of the ship. "Y/N..." You heard a deep voice murmur, almost seeming to sigh in relief.

You glanced up into the eyes of the troll that had once left you captive, but you would now rather be there with him more than anywhere else. His red eyes stayed locked on your figure as he took a step towards you.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast. You'll get her." Dualscar stated before he took a fistful of your black hair and pulled your head up.

"I've just got to make a few adjustments." He stated as he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

Highblood's eyes widened in shock and he moved forward, but he was suddenly held back by a group of at the most ten pirate like trolls. He struggled against them, but they really had a strong hold on him.

What happened next you weren't very sure of. You heard a knife slash through flesh, but what you didn't realize is who's flesh. You looked down at the floor of the ship to see (B/C) blood pooling underneath you. You felt a sudden pain in your neck and you collapsed on top of the wood flooring.

"(Y/N)!!!!" High blood screamed before he knocked the trolls off of him. He rushed towards the purple blooded troll and grabbed him before he could run away. What he didn't notice is the one pirate member that snuck up behind him. "Why don't you join your low blood?" Dualscar growled before a sword plunged into the large troll's mid section. His red eyes widened in shock and he slowly fell down beside your body. He looked over at you and slowly brought his hand up to stroke your hair. "I'm... I'm so sorry... (Y-Y/N)..." He murmured before everything went dark. Game over, kid.

Hey guys! I apologize for taking so long to get this chapter out! You won't believe the size of the writer's block that I had. Also, do not threat! There will be at least one more chapter that will end everything on a much lighter note. Just be patient with me. ^u^

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