Chapter 11

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I arrive at the astronomy tower and go to sit but in the couch I see Draco. "Draco? What are you doing here?" I ask "it's pretty late what are you doing here?" He knows why im here "you know why im here but I want to know why your here."

"I came up here to stargaze with you" Out of all the things he could have answered with, that one was the one I least expected, with me?

"How long have you been up here?" I would normally be here around an 1h ago "I think like 30 minutes?" Oh ok a lot but not that much "Are you still willing to stay?"

Probably not tho he's been up here for a while "Of course, why else would I have waited."

"So, why are you late?" He asks, I let out a sigh before answering. "Snape caught me in the halls and said I was strutting around. I don't think he likes me very much luckily R- professor Lupin came and saved me"

"You know? I've told you so much about myself-" "No you haven't" he says cutting me off "yes I did, I even showed you all those photos but as I was saying. I've told you so much about myself and I barley know anything about you. Tell me some thing about yourself" I say hoping he responds

"Well, im named after the constellation Draco, Uhhhh professor Snape is my godfather.-"

Of course "Professor Snape! So that's why you're his favourite, I always knew something was up with you too!"

He lets out a slight chuckle "Tell no one!" "Oh why because you're embarrassed to have professor greasy hair as your god-father" I joke "He does not have greasy hair!" He protests

"Does too! You know considering he's the potions professor he should be able to make a potion to get ride of all that grease" I say laughing. Draco proceeds to roll his eyes.

We sit in a silence that I break by saying "It's getting late, I should go." Draco looks slightly upset by this but it must have been my imagination "ok well then goodnight Y/N"

"Goodnight Draco."


The next morning I wake up and begin getting ready for breakfast.

"Morning sunshine." Pansy says with a weird look on her face

"Morning? Whats wrong?" I ask "oh I don't know, just that someone wasn't in their bed last night" she says

"Pansy, I was just stargazing, you knows this." I say "Ok well according to Blaise, Draco also wasn't in bed last night." Where was she going with this

"I don't know what Draco wasn't in bed last night, ok? Now piss off." Shit that came off harsher then I intended

"What's up your arse this morning" pansy says clearly upset "Sorry, I just- somethings going on. I didn't mean to take in out on you."

"It's fine I understand."

As I'm walking through the halls Remus stops me "Ms. Potter could you please follow me to my office, if you are not busy." He was giving me a look that said this is important "Of course professor"

Once we reached his office Remus let his guard down "Y/N last night I noticed that Peter was and is in Hagrids hut, which made me wonder, why would Hagrid keep a random rat correct? Until I remembered that Mr. Weasley also owns a rat. Would you have any information on his rat?"

I tried to think about what I knew about him "I don't know much but I once heard Ron say he's had it for 12 years and that's pretty much it"

"12 years? Y/N which garden rat would live for 12 years?" He says "I don't know sir" how would I know "None. No normal rat lives for 12 years unless it's an animagus!" Remus says

"You think Ron's pet rat is Peter Pettigrew?" He might be correct but that's a pretty big assumption "No, I know Mr. Weasleys rat is Peter, he's an animagus in 4th year Peter, James and Sirius became animagus -illegally- Peter was a rat, Sirius was a black dog and James was a stag. Y/N i think I'll be here for a few more hours I  will inform you if anything happens, you may leave."

If this wasn't Remus I would say he's kicking me out "Ok goodbye sir"


Y/n Potter and the Slytherin BoysWhere stories live. Discover now