•Chapter 2•

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"Shit" Pav says, realizing what he had just said, and just how obvious it was.

He was in love with Hobie.

"Pav? Hello? Earth to Pav?"

"Oh! Yea- hi..."

"Are you ok dude? You look kinda like your gonna be sick"

"No no, im fine i just- im just a bit stunned is all"

"Stunned by what"

"Im in love with Hobie."

"... yeah, and?"

"Miles! I have a girlfriend! Who, while with, ive never felt the way i feel with Hobie! That means i don't love her which means i have to break up with her which means shes going to hate me! And shes so-"

"Calm down! Pav, she wont hate you, if shes really cool she'll be cool with it, right?"

"Right... yea."

"Hey, its all gonna be ok, and now we're in the same boat! We can help eachother"

"Yea.. i guess that is true"

"See, its all gonna turn out great"

"Thanks Miles"

"No problem"


The next day, Pavitr texted Gayatri that they needed to talk, and they arranged to meet later that day at a newly opened cafe.

"Hey Pavitr!" Gayatri says, kissing him on the cheek discreetly

"Hi Gayatri, its great to see you"

"You too! Do you want to go order? I can get us a table?"

"Yea that'd be great! Do you want your usual?"

"Yup! I'll be waiting"

Pavitr moves to order, and as he waits in the queue, he contemplates how to tell Gayatri about his recent epiphany, and he wonders how she'll react? He still thinks shes a great person so maybe they can stay friends-?

"Hello? Sir? Your order?" The clerk says to him, exasperated. Had he really been that lost in his thoughts?

"Oh! Right"

After ordering, Pav moved to the table where Gayatri sat waiting.

"So, how have you been lately?" Gayatri says, starting up a conversation.

"Ive been good! A little stressed but good overall. How have you been?"

"Ive been good too!"

That sat in silence for a second, when the waiter came over and placed their food on the table.

"So, What did you want to talk about?"

"Well umm, you have to promise not to be mad- and hear me out."

"I promise, now whats wrong?"

"I.. i think we should break up."

"What?! Pav where is this coming from?!"

"Its not you i promise! I just dont want you to get hurt because i.."

"Because you what?" Gayatri responded with a calm but sad expression, "you can talk to me Pav, as a girlfriend, or just a friend, or a stanger if you'd-"

"No! I definitely dont want to be strangers. Look, Gayatri, i think your amazing. Your smart and cool and classy and I'd be honoured if you'd stay my friend after today, but i can't be your boyfriend anymore, because.. because i love someone else."

Gayatri stays quiet for a few seconds, staring at the table.

"Ok. Thank you for telling me."

A few more seconds of silence

"Gayatri im-"

"Its ok. Really, i dont mind. Im glad you told me, and I'd be happy to stay your friend. And hey, if im being honest, i think your pretty great too."

Pavitr smiled at her, slightly teary eyed at the sentiment

"Thank you, Gayatri"

"Your welcome"

For a few minutes they sat in comfortable silence, when finally Gayatri spoke up

"So.. who is it?"


"Who is it your in love with?"

Pavitr blushed and looked away

"Uh- no one! Just some nobody, you wouldn't know him-"

"Him? I didn't know you swung that way?"

"Yea.. i do. I was kinda worried to tell you and i thought it wouldn't matter but here we are.."

"So, whats he like?"

For the rest of their time at the cafe, they talked. Everything was fine, and Pavitr left that day relieved. He'd had nothing to worry about.


That night, Pav fell asleep easily, finally achieving a fraction of peace through all this nonsense. Right now he could just relax. He'd figure out how to talk to hobie later, but now? Everything was at peace.

Until he woke up.

Word count - 692

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