•Chapter 3•

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Pavitr woke with a start, not knowing what'd made him so scared in his sleep.

As he sat up and looked across his room, he realised he had his spider suit on, and proceeded to take his mask off in confusion.

He looked across his room and saw none other than Hobie. He sat in his suit, mask off, staring at Pavitr looking vaguely angry.

"Hobie? What are you doing here man?"

"I know."

Pav looked at him in confusion

"You know-? Know what?"

"About you. And how you feel about me." Hobie spoke slowly, accentuating the words.

"You.. you do?"

"Yup. And you know what i think?" He said, getting up and moving closer to Pav

"What do you think..?"

"I think.." Hobie began, leaning down until their faces were inches apart "its disgusting."

Pavitr stared back, taking in what the taller boy had said, when tears began to threaten his eyes

"You.. you what..?"

"I think its absolutely fucking disgraceful. As if id ever even consider dating someone like you. Id never even look at a man like that, its a disappointment to everyone."

Pavitr began to sob, crawling backwards on the bed while Hobie continued to berate him.

"Stop.. stop please i cant.." Pavitr begged, he couldn't bear to hear his dear friend call him such things.

All of a sudden, Hobie raised his hand to Pavitr, and went to slap him when..

Pavitr sat up in bed. He was in pyjamas, and Hobie was nowhere to be seen.

Worst of all, he was sobbing uncontrollably, crying forlornly and grabbing his pillow to hug for comfort before turning on his phone.


On the 'Spiderteens' groupchat

Gwendy: hey MilesPerHour CHAIMEANSTEA 'Obie are any of you busy tomorrow?

MilesPerHour: no, why?

Gwendy: im playing drums for a school contest and i wanted to know if you guys could come?

MilesPerHour: sure!

'Obie: aight, when?

Gwendy: 5pm, the auditorium at Midtown High.

MilesPerHour: we'll be there!



MilesPerHour: he normally responds really fast, do u think somethings up?

Gwendy: he might be asleep, it is like 3AM

CHAIMEANSTEA: can someone come over

MilesPerHour: why? Whats up?

CHAIMEANSTEA: just please

'Obie: On my way

MilesPerHour: Same


Pavitr could barely see the screen through his teary eyes as he set the phone down and continued to sob.

Suddenly, a bright light erupted in his room, and Miles stepped through.

"Pav? Pav oh my god what happened?"

"I just- he- i-"

As Pavitr spoke another portal opened and Hobie stepped through, immidietly spotting Pav and running over.

"Pav what happened? Are you ok? Whats up?"

Miles went to grab some tissue and a glass of water while Hobie sat on the bed next to him and put his arm around him.Pav leaned into Hobie and sobbed, while Hobie hugged him.

When miles came back, Pav leant awat from hobie to drink the water and wipe his eyes. Miles sat in the bed opposite the 2

"Pav, what happened?" Miles said, looking over at him

"I- i went to sleep, and then i woke up but i didnt really wake up and.." more tears rolled down his face as Miles's phone rang.

"Crap.. Yea dad? Im sorry ok i-.. ok, i got it, im on my way.." miles hung up the phone and cursed,"sorry guys, i really need to go- my dad is gonna kill me"

"Its ok Miles, go, ill see you tomorrow" Pavitr responded with a light smile.

"Bye!" Miles said, opening a portal back home.


Hobie and Pavitr sat in silence for a minute or so, before Hobie spoke

"So what happened next? After you woke up but didnt really wake up?"

"I sat up, in my suit and.."

"And..? You can tell me Pav."

"You were there."


"You were there, im the corner. Staring at me."


"And then i sat up and i asked what you were doing there, and you... you said you knew."

"Knew about what?"

"Me. Im not.."

"Your not what?"

"Im not straight Hobie. And you said you knew about it and you.." Pavitr was cut off by his own sob, and Hobies arm tightened around him.

"What did i-"

"You said it was disgusting. And disgraceful. And dissapointing to everyone."

Hobie was silent.

"And then you tried to-"

Pav was cut off by Hobie reaching around and hugging him.

"Pav, no matter what that dickheaded dream me said, i would never say anything like that to you. I could give a shit if you like guys, it doesn't make you any different, and if anyone tries to say anything on the contrary give me their adress and ill bash their heads in."

Pavitr was stunned. He then hugged Hobie back and buried his head into the crook of the taller boys neck.

"Thank you Hobie, for everything"

"No problem."

Word count - 827

(Also i literally almost cried writing this i hate life)

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