•Chapter 5•

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After Pav and Hobie came back with the drinks, they found Gwen and Miles, the latter with his arm around the former, chatting and discussing the other acts.

As the 2 older boys sat, the presenter announced the next act and they all sat back and watched, though Pavitr felt a familiar throb in his heart when Hobie sat on the other side of Miles and Gwen.


An hour or two later, the competition had finished, and Gwen got 2nd! The 3 boys clapped loudest, and Miles congratulated her to no end when she met back up with them.

As they all parted for the night, Pav couldn't help but notice Hobie and Gwen walking through the same portal, and Miles watching with a look of sadness. Pavitr could certainly relate.

As Pav got home, he began to overthink that night. Maybe Hobie's arm around him was just a friendly gesture? And Hobie though Pavitr was pushing him away? Gwen and Hobie went home together, that must mean something...

Oh no.

What if Hobie and Gwen are dating?!

It wouldn't be weird, they hang out a lot and are very close, so them potentially dating wasn't really too far fetched, but there was a problem with them dating.

It made Pavitr excruciatingly jealous. So jealous he wanted Gwen to mysteriously disappear so he could have Hobie to himself, despite that he'd never have the courage to tell the taller man his feelings.

And yet the more he thought about it, the worse the circumstances seemed.

Until finally, he was snapped out of his haze by a phone call. It was Gwen.

"Hey Pav!"

"Hi." Pav responded in a sullen tone, of all people he didn't want to hear from Gwen was at the top of his list.

"Whats up?

"Nothing much, you?"

"Well, i actually wanted to know if you'd be interested in seeing me and Hobie performing?"

Being too polite to reject, Pav agreed, feigning delight.

"Great! So its in a few days, thursday to be specific, and it should be after school hours for you but if not you can come a bit of the way through"

"Well schools off for two weeks for me right now so i can definitely make it, what time?"


"Great, your place or his?"

"His, i keep a lot of my stuff there so its easier"

A pang of jealousy hit Pav like a bowling ball to the stomach.

"Ok, see you then"

"See you!"

Pavitr flopped down on his bed, laying on his back. He wondered how the band practice would go. Maybe it'd be ok? maybe everything would somehow turn out fine.

or not

who knows!


A few days passes and before Pav knew it tuesday had rolled around, and he had to get ready to go to Hobie's place. He was undeniably nervous, as he'd never seen Hobie play outside of missions, so it would be nice to be able to focus on it for once.

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