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Not really an epilouge, just what happened w Miles and Gwen while Hobie and Pav were in the room.


As the two walked into the room, Gwen and Miles swung down and slammed the doors behind them, now unable to hear what they were doing or saying, they bolted the doors and stood back, admiring their handiwork.

"Id say we did a pretty good job!" Miles said, glancing over to the Blonde

"Yea, it was epic!"

The two then stood for a second, making sure the other two didn't get out before swinging back up to the ceiling rafters, where they'd made a sort of lookout with a few pillows and a blanket or two, along with snacks and drinks.

"So, what do we do now? We've got some time to kill, right?" Gwen said, laying down on one of the ceiling poles.

"Yea, i guess so.. wanna play a game?"

"Oo what game?"

"How about.. never have i ever?"


"Okay.. never have i ever.. dyed my hair!"

"Oh you little- never have i ever gotten a B in spanish."

"Wha-?! What did you get?!"

"I didn't take spanish, but im pretty confident on this weird murderous bird app, unolingo?"

"Its duolingo"

"No, its definitely unolingo"

"Oh well, different universes i guess"

"Okay, your turn!"

"Ok.. never have i ever.. kissed a boy."

"Hah! Jokes on you, i haven't either!"

"You've never kissed anyone?"

"Ive kissed girls, but never guys."

"Oh.. so your into girls then.."

"No! Well- yes, but im into guys too."

"So your Bi? Me too!"

"Really? Thats so cool!"

"Anyway, your turn"

"Okay.. never have i ever..."

Gwen thought for a second, and decided to be bold, despite her worries.

"Never have i ever kissed a friend."

Miles glanced up at her, then down to her lips for a millisecond before looking up at her brilliant blue eyes once again.

"I haven't..."

Miles also chose to be bold, and moved closer to the blonde. Gwen noticed this, and followed the movement, mirroring it. Soon, their faces were quite close, a light blush dusting both of their cheeks.



"Its your turn.."

"Never have i ever..."

Miles pondered what to say, trying to come up with something that wouldn't kill the moment. As he stared into Gwens eyes, be thought hard. Then he came up with something.

"Never have i ever.. kissed Gwen Stacy"

Gwen was silent for a second, looking down to Miles's lips before meeting his eyes again.

"You know.. i could make you loose a point for that?" Gwen responded, teasing.

"Really? And how would you do that?"

"Like this"

Having uttered the phrase, Gwen closed the gap between them, the two locking lips as everything around them seemed to go quiet.

When they pulled away they stared at eachother for a second before Miles began to laugh. Gwen soon followed suit, and seconds later both of them were laughing their faces off above an empty hallway.

"Looks like this plan worked on us too-" Miles got out before bursting out laughing again, doubling over clutching his stomach.

"You can say that again-" Gwen responded.

When the two had eventuallt calmed down, they had moved to sit next to one another, legs hanging off the ledge, fingers interlaced between them while they stared intently at one another before locking lips again.

The second kiss was shorter, but held just as much emotion. When they pulled apart they sat, staring through the window on the ceiling up at the stars, as it was getting quite late, before Miles spoke.

"I hope it works out for them"

"Me too."

Word count - 609

Thanks Suck_My_Penis for convincing me to write this bit lol


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