•Chapter 4•

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The next morning Pavitr awoke with tear stains on his face and a really bad headache.

He tried to get up when he felt a weight on his waist, and the feeling of something lying on his stomach.

After a second, he realised it was a hand. He tried to move again and someone behind him made a disgruntled noise and pulled him closer, nuzzling into his neck.

He recognised the noise.

It was Hobie.

Pav felt his face heat up and discreetly grabbed his phone.

CHAIMEANSTEA and MilesPerHour DM's :




MilesPerHour: Pav-? Whats up?


MilesPerHour: Pav? Hello?

CHAIMEANSTEA: crap gtg, ill explain in a sec


"Morning. Who ya texting?" Pav jumped at the breath on his neck as Hobie spoke, hurreidly texting Miles that he had to go.

"Just miles" Pav responded, nerves evident in his voice.

"Mm kay."

"Morning to you too" Pav said, moving to get up

" 'M still tired"

"Well i still have to go, im spiderman, ive got work to do"


Pavitr smiled as he went to the kitchen to make some Chai and call Miles.

"Miles help- im freaking out"

"Why whats up?"

"Hobie stayed here last night and when i woke up he was like cuddling me"

"Oh my gosh thats adorable"

"I know and im going to die"

"You two need to get together"

"I want to but im worried, what if he doesn't feel the same way? Or if he doesn't swing that way in general? What if he doesnt talk to be after?!"

"Calm down, just wait a bit and talk to him when your ready"

"Yea, i will. Thanks Miles"

"No problemo"

"Anyway, I'll see you later at Gwens show?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world"

Pav hung up as Hobie walked into the room, rubbing sleep from his eyes and wearing a baggy T-shirt and joggers (sweatpants for u Americans).

"Hey Pav" Hobie said, grogginess evident in his voice, maving Pavitr blush.

"Hi Hobie, do you want a cup of chai?"

"Sure, thanks"

They sat in silence as Pav made the chai, and when it was done they continued to sit in silence at the table.

"So.. are you excited for Gwens show later?" Pav asked apprehensively

"Oh yea- i need to go home so i can get changed" Hobie replied, quickly finishing his chai and opening a portal "See you there, aight Pav?"


Hobie stepped through the portal and as it closed, Pav spoke quietly



A few hours later, Pav was preparing to go to Gwens contest, and trying to pick an outfit. He wanted to dress casual but still pretty (he was looking to impress someone) and ended up settling on a muted green shirt with gold buttons, regular jeans and a few pieces of gold jewlery to match, including a pair of earrings he found at Hobie's house a while back.

When he got to the auditorium, Pav looked around and noticed the familiar silhouette of Miles, seated near-ish the stage.

"Pav! You look great! You tryna impress someone?" Miles said with a smirk

Pav blushed "I could say the same about you. Dressed to impress much?"

Miles went bright red "im not trying to impress anyone!"

"Mhm" Pavitr smirked

"Wh- " Miles stopped and smiled an evil smile.

"Whats that look for?" Pav responded, confused.

"Hi Hobie!" Miles called to behind Pav

Pavitr turned and instantly felt his face heat up.

Hobie was wearing his usual sleveless leather jacket with ripped skinny jeans and worst of all, a crop top with a bad Pav had never heard of on it.

Could this get any worse!

" 'Ey Miles, Pav. You good man?"

"I- uh, yeah! Im great! Why?"

"You look really red"

Miles proceeded to burst out laughing, doubled over, when Hobie shoots pav a confused look, to which he responds by going, if possible, more red.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Take your seats as our first contestant, will be coming on!"

As the 3 took their seats as the first few contestants came on. Unluckily, Pav was inbetween Hobie and Miles, so he had to pretend nothing was up whole he very much overthought what just happened, and how amazing Hobie looked. Did Hobie think he looked nice too? And oh my he looked beautiful.

Then, Gwen came on stage and sat behind her drumkit and began playing. As she played, Pavitr glanced over to Miles, who was staring intently at the Drummer, his face flushed and looking like he was watching the most amazing thing he'd ever seen. Pav would gladly admit Gwen was amazing at the drums, and she had the whole crowd cheering for her when she'd finished.

Then, it was the break. They were serving drinks and snacks at the back of the room, and on their way to get some, Gwen came out of the backstage area. Upon seeing her, Miles ran towards her and hugged her, spinning her around and congratulating her.

While he talked to her, Pav and Hobie were left to get drinks for everyone. As they waited in the scarily long line, Pav barely noticed Hobie moving his arm up until it landed around his shoulders.

His face flushed, and he went slightly still, looking away.

"You alright, love?"

Oh. My. Gosh. Pavitr might explode. Hobie just called him 'love'. At this point he must've been bright red as he mumbled a quick yes and continued to face away from the taller boy.

Hobie took this as a negative response, and slowly retracted his arm. And while the rest of the wait was in silence, Pavitr found he missed the closeness of Hobies arm around his shoulders.

Word count - 957

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