•Chapter 6•

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Kinda NSFW warning-? Idfk


When all of a sudden Pavitr felt a warm, shallow breath on his ear and strong hands ghosting over his waist

"Hey there Pav" Hobie said in a dangerously low tone that made a shiver run up Pav's spine.

Pavitr tried to say something but the words caught in his throat.

"Aww, do i really make you that nervous, Princess?"

Pav began to breath heavier in response, Hobie thought maybe it was a result of the pet name as he snuck his arms all the way around Pavitr's waist.

"You didn't seem so nervous earlier, couldn't keep your eyes off me, ey? Looked like you were thinkin' about something. I wonder.. would you mind enlightening me?" Hobie said, pulling Pav in to be flush against him.

Pav was about to respond when he felt Hobie sucking at his neck, leaving marks all over him.

Pavitr tilted his head back against Hobie's shoulder and whimpered at the feeling.

"Come on, love, use your words. Tell me what you were thinking."

Hobie slipped one hand under Pavitr's shirt and began roaming his chest, awaiting a response

"Mm- it was just- uh, your hands.."

"My hands huh? What about my hands was oh so enticing?"

"I just wanted to know what they'd feel like.. on my skin, and in my hair-" he was cut off by a groan coming from Hobie as the taller reached up and buried his fingers in the others hair, eliciting a pornographic moan from Pavitr as he did so.

"What else darling?" Hobie said, letting his other hand drift lower until it was directly on Pavitr's crotch.

"And i thought about wether you'd be rough with me, shove me against a wall and kiss me senseless-"

And then a Knock came on Hobies door.

The 2 stayed still and silent for a second, before a second louder knock came

"Ey let me in!"

The 2 finally came to their senses and Hobie moved away while Pav began hurriedly typing 50101 into his watch, eager to get home before he freaked out.

ON EARTH 50101

Upon the portal closing, Pav flopped down on his bed, contemplating what the hell had just happened. The more he thought to more he worried that Hobie would be upset if he went back now.

What if it had been a joke anyway? What if he was mad that Pavitr believed it and played along?

Pavitr had a hard time sleeping that night, and couldn't help but have the memories of the taller man on his mind.

Pavitr had come to a conclusion, however. He couldn't bear to face Hobie, not for fear of rejection and even humiliation. So he'd have to avoid the other man for the foreseeable future.

But, of course, he was still panicked and called the only person he could think of to help.

Miles Morales


The portal closed when Hobie turned away from the door. It turns out the person there was simply a delivery man, and he wad dropping off a package for Hobies neighbor.

After the shorter man left, Hobie couldn't stop thinking about him. What if he hadn't wanted to? Yes he could've pushed Hobie away but what if he was too polite?

Hobie had a hard time sleeping that night, and couldn't help but remember the shorter man and how he'd felt under him.

Hobie had however come to a realisation, he had to find Pavitr and apologise, and make sure their friendship that Hobie, though he'd never admit it, cherished, wasn't damaged.

But, of course, he was still panicked and called the only person he could think of to help.

Gwen Stacy

ON EARTH 50101




"Why are you shouting?"


"YOU WHAT?!" Pav thought he heard another familiar voice say it at the same time, but he just brushed it off in his panic.


"No but i can't leave the house, but tell me everything! Well, not everything, i dont want the weird details"

"Okay so..."


"Hobie? You don't normally like calls, whats up?"

"Sorry, im kinda shaking and cant type"

"What?! Are you ok?"

"No..? I think me and Pav nearly had sex-?"

"YOU WHAT?!" Hobie vaguely heard a double chorus of that, the 2nd voice sounding eerily familiar.

"i don't know, we just nearly had sex! Im freaking the fuck out here Gwendy!"

"Okay uhhhh- i dont know what to do!"

"Can you come over?"

"No, im busy tonight"

"Ok, well uh-"

"Just tell me what happened, from the top, though spare me the gross bits- i don't need to know about my friends sex life thanks."

"Ok- well uh..."


The rest of that night was spent with both Hobie and Pav calling their respective confidants, explaining their perspectives and unknowing of one crucial fact.

Operation Chaipunk

Word count - 829

(This was so fun to write, and yes i am including the ship name as a plot point, sue me)

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