Chapter 2

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Anakin said: "not if I have anything to say about it." Obi-Wan said: "I had a feeling that you were going to say that." Ahsoka said: "will he ever stop trying to hurt me?" Anakin looked down at Ahsoka and said gently: "I'm afraid not. Unfortunately, in his eyes, you're still his play toy. And if I know Krell, he will never stop. No matter what we do." Ahsoka was scared now. Anakin said gently: "it's okay. I won't let him hurt you." And so, they trained. Ahsoka slowly overcame her fear of Pong Krell. When she became sixteen, she started using two lightsabers. Anakin was proud of how far she'd come. Of course, fighting by his side in battle helped too. One day, Anakin and Ahsoka were fighting battle droids. Anakin was captured. Ahsoka growled in her native language and took off running, slicing up battle droids as she went. She Force jumped up into a tree and looked down at where they had taken Anakin. Ahsoka Force jumped down into the building. She stealthily moved down the hall. She followed his Force signature. She located his cell and grabbed one of her lightsabers and ignited it and carved a hole in the door and kicked the door down. Ahsoka deactivated her lightsaber and clipped it to her utility belt. Ahsoka said: "how is it that you wind up in trouble every other day?" Anakin looked up and said: "Ahsoka? What are you doing here?" Ahsoka said: "saving your sorry shebs. Again." Anakin stood and said: "Obi-Wan is here too. Dooku is behind our capture." Ahsoka said: "you get Obi-Wan. I'll handle Dooku. Also, if you see a whole army of cut up battle droids, that was my work. I did that prior to entering in here." Anakin said: "you dismembered a whole army of battle droids by yourself? Snips, that's pretty impressive." Ahsoka said: "they messed with the wrong togruta Jedi Padawan. Us togrutas protect our own. And while you're not a togruta, you're still family to me. So, you betcha that I'm going to come after you." Then they split up. Anakin went to get Obi-Wan while Ahsoka handled Count Dooku. Ahsoka raced to the center of the building. Meanwhile, Anakin found Obi-Wan and freed him and said: "come on. Let's get out of here. Ahsoka rescued me and then went to handle Count Dooku." Obi-Wan said: "and you actually let her?" Anakin said: "Obi-Wan, she dismembered a whole army of battle droids by herself. She can hold her own pretty well. Believe me, if I was worried that she couldn't hold her own, I'd be with her instead of rescuing you." Obi-Wan said: "I suppose you're right. As her Master, you know her best. Let's go." Then Anakin and Obi-Wan ran out of the building. A few hours later, Ahsoka came out looking like hell. She collapsed on the ground. Anakin ran over and knelt down beside her and gently lifted her up onto his lap. He said gently: "Snips, talk to me." Ahsoka said weakly: "Anakin, Count Dooku is dead. I killed him." Then Anakin stood and said: "we need to get back to the flagship immediately." Then they boarded a gunship with the clones and returned to the flagship. Upon reaching the flagship, Anakin immediately took Ahsoka to the medbay.  He set her down on one of the beds and sat down beside her and held her hand while the medic did his job. Ahsoka subconsciously squeezed his hand tightly. Anakin was glad that she was holding his prosthetic hand and not his organic hand. The medic kept her there for a while given how badly she was injured. Of course, Anakin stayed there by her side. Even when Obi-Wan told him to go get some sleep. The only time he left her side was to freshen up and debrief the Council.

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