Chapter 4

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And so, Ahsoka trained Ezra in her spare time when she wasn't training with Anakin or going on missions with Anakin. She graduated with flying colors.  Anakin was present when she graduated. Ahsoka  became a Jedi Knight and took Ezra as her Padawan. One day, Ahsoka was training Ezra when Anakin ran into the training room and said: "Ahsoka! Come quick!" Ahsoka turned around and said: "Anakin, what's wrong?" Anakin said: "follow me. I'll tell you." Ahsoka turned to face Ezra and said gently: "Ezra, I need you to go back to the apartment and stay there." Ezra nodded and returned to the Skywalker apartment. Then Ahsoka followed Anakin. She said: "Anakin, what's wrong?" Anakin said: "It's Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon called me and told me that Obi-Wan went dark." Ahsoka said: "that doesn't make sense. Now Pong Krell, I can see as a Sith. But not Obi-Wan. Something must have happened." The two Jedi Knights walked. Ahsoka was baffled. She said: "what would make him do that?" Ahsoka's lekku had grown longer and she wore armor on her arms and chest over a red and tan sleeveless tunic. She wore navy blue jeans with navy blue slacks over them. Both pairs of pants were tucked into her Jedi boots. Ahsoka had her utility belt strapped around her waist. Anakin said: "what do we do?" Ahsoka said: "to start with, find out where the hell he is. If he's gone dark, he'll most likely be on Mustufar. Either that or Dathomir." Anakin said: "I don't want to fight him. He's my brother." Ahsoka said: "I know. Which is why I'm going to Mustufar myself to find out. You go to Dathomir and find out if he's there or not." Anakin said: "I'd rather you bring backup with you." Ahsoka said: "don't worry. I was going to call Master Windu and ask him to come with me. You should bring Qui-Gon with you." Anakin said: "I thought for sure you'd pick Master Plo." Ahsoka said: "eh. Master Windu and I have worked together before and we make a pretty good team. At first he didn't particularly like working with me. But he finally came around and we work well together. If there's anyone I'd trust to have my back when fighting a Sith besides you, it's him. Now, let's go." Then they split up. Anakin went to get Qui-Gon while Ahsoka called Master Windu. Master Windu agreed to come with her to Mustufar. The group met up in the Hangar Bay. Anakin said: "may the Force be with you both." Ahsoka said: "and also with you both." They climbed into their starfighters. Ahsoka and Master Windu took one. Anakin and Qui-Gon took another. They closed the hatches and fired up the starfighters and lifted off and flew out of the Hangar Bay and set course for Mustufar and Dathomir and flew off of Coruscant and made the jump to hyperspace. Ahsoka said: "thank you for coming with me, Master Windu." Master Windu said: "of course. I was happy to come with you." Ahsoka really hoped that neither of her hunches were correct. Ahsoka said: "I really hope neither of my hunches are correct. I'm hoping it isn't true that Obi-Wan went dark." Master Windu said: "it baffles me too. I'm trying to think of why he'd turn to the dark side." Ahsoka closed her eyes and opened herself to the Force and let it speak to her. After a while, Ahsoka opened her eyes and said: "Duchess Satine's death. Obi-Wan loved Duchess Satine. Her death is what caused him to go dark." Master Windu said: "how did you find that out?" Ahsoka said: "the Force told me. I closed my eyes and opened myself to the Force and let it speak to me." Master Windu said: "and here I thought I'd be going out of my mind trying to figure it out." Ahsoka said: "same here." A few minutes later they dropped out of hyperspace close to Mustufar. Ahsoka said: "I sense Obi-Wan is here. I can sense his Force signature but it's all clouded and heavy." Ahsoka flew into Mustufar and landed on a landing platform and powered down and opened the hatch and jumped out followed by Master Windu. Ahsoka looked around. She said: "Obi-Wan is definitely here. I can sense his Force signature but it's all dark and heavy." Master Windu said: "let's go find him. We'd better stay on guard. " Ahsoka nodded. Then the two Jedi Knights split up but kept their guard up. Ahsoka was really hoping that she could turn Obi-Wan back to the light side. She looked around. She spotted a second starfighter land on the landing platform. The hatch opened and two figures jumped out. Ahsoka sensed Obi-Wan approach from behind before she heard him. She grabbed her lightsabers and ignited her lightsabers and blocked the incoming strike. Then she spun around and said: "Obi-Wan, this isn't you. Snap out of it. If Satine were here, she'd be disappointed in what you've become. You're no Sith Lord. There's still hope. Come back. Anger and hatred is like a acidic poison that eats you alive from the inside out. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. Once, I came very close to becoming a Sith. But Anakin brought me back to the light. And now, I'm going to do the same thing. You're no Sith Lord. Listen to me. I know what it's like to lose someone dear to you. I lost my parents early on. I had to raise my two little brothers on my own. I didn't know a thing about parenting. And yet, I managed to raise my two little brothers. I lost my parents early on. My whole village was massacred. Children, women, men, elders were slaughtered like they were worth nothing. My two little brothers and I are the only survivors of that massacre. Because we were on Coruscant when it happened. I know it hurts, but you have to let her go." Anakin, Qui-Gon, and Master Windu stood a short distance away, holding their breaths. Then Obi-Wan deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his utility belt and sank to the ground and started crying. Ahsoka deactivated her lightsabers and clipped her lightsabers to her utility belt and knelt down and gently pulled Obi-Wan into her arms and held him close to her and let him cry into her chest. She felt the moment when he returned to the light side. She looked at the three Jedi Knights standing a short distance away and motioned for them to come over. Anakin walked over and knelt down and joined the hug. Then Qui-Gon walked over and knelt down and joined the hug as well. Then Master Windu came over and knelt down and joined the hug as well. After a while, Obi-Wan stopped crying. Ahsoka and the three Jedi Knights pulled away. Ahsoka said gently: "you okay?" Obi-Wan said: "yeah. I am now." Anakin said: "hey Snips, how did you know that Obi-Wan was coming up behind you?" Ahsoka said: "I sensed him coming up behind before I heard him. The Force warned me and I was able to grab my lightsabers and block the incoming strike before it did any serious damage. Then I turned around. Man, that was hard. I wasn't sure if Obi-Wan would listen or if I would be able to get through to him. Fortunately I was able to get through to him." Just then Ezra arrived with the clones. The five Jedi Knights stood and walked back to the landing platform. Ezra said: "Master!" Ahsoka ran over to Ezra and pulled him into her arms and held him close to her for a while then pulled away and said: "Ezra, what on earth are you doing here? I told you to stay at the Temple." Ezra said: "I was worried when I couldn't sense your Force signature. So I rounded up the clones and we came here. We would have been here sooner but I had to explain to the clones what I knew about what was going on. Finally Captain Rex got them to listen." Ahsoka smiled softly and said gently: "my dear Padawan, your timing was impeccable. You trusted your instincts and the Force and did what you felt had to be done. And, you also knew that you wouldn't have been able to come alone without backup. You sought help even though you didn't know what was going on. I'm proud of you." Ezra said: "really? You're not mad that I came even though you told me to stay at the Temple?" Ahsoka said: "no. I'm not mad at all. You were very brave." Then Master Windu and Qui-Gon flew the two starfighters back to the Temple. The others returned via Anakin's flagship. They took a gunship down to Coruscant. The gunship flew into Coruscant and stopped in front of the Temple. Anakin, Ahsoka, Ezra, and Obi-Wan hopped off the gunship and walked into the Temple. Anakin, Ahsoka, and Ezra walked into the Skywalker apartment and went to freshen up and changed clothes. Then they went to bed and fell asleep immediately. The next morning they woke up and sat up in bed. Ahsoka said: "ugh. Right now I just want to sleep for a week." Anakin chuckled and said: "unfortunately you can't." Ahsoka said: "I know." Just then Ezra ran into their room crying. Ahsoka said gently: "Ezra, what's wrong?" She lifted him up onto the bed. Ezra said: "I think I had a vision." Ahsoka said gently: "tell us what it was about." Ezra said: "there was an order. Order 66 and the clones turned on the Jedi. Jedi everywhere were killed." Ahsoka looked at Anakin who looked visibly disturbed. Ahsoka said gently: "Ezra, did something happen prior to you having this vision?" Ezra said: "no." Ahsoka said: "everyone get dressed. We need to pay a visit to Master Yoda. This may or may not mean something." Then they all got dressed. They left the Skywalker apartment and walked down the hall. They walked to Master Yoda's apartment and knocked on the door. Master Yoda opened the door and invited them in. They walked inside. They sat down upon invitation. Ahsoka said: "Master Yoda, my Padawan had a vision last night. You need to hear it. Ezra, tell Master Yoda what you told us." Then Ezra told Master Yoda what he'd told Anakin and Ahsoka. Ahsoka was worried about Ezra. Anakin sensed this and reached over and squeezed her hand. When Ezra was done, Master Yoda said: "no ordinary vision, this is. A vision of the future, this is. Very in tune with the Force, is your Padawan." Ahsoka said: "so, this will happen in the future?" Master Yoda nodded. They stood and left. Ahsoka said: "this confirms what fives told me." Anakin said: "this is worrisome." Ahsoka said: "I wish we knew who is behind this." Anakin said: "I think Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've been looking for. He's made references to the Force. And just recently, he told me a story about Darth Plaguis." Ahsoka looked at Ezra and said gently: "Ezra, go on ahead. Master Skywalker and I need to talk." Ezra nodded and ran back to the Skywalker apartment. Anakin said: "what do we do?" Ahsoka said: "we wait and see what Palpatine does. We can't do much else." Anakin said: "I don't like this."

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