Chapter 7

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Ahsoka said: "Skyguy, you just love a good battle." Anakin said: "eh. Can't help it." Ahsoka chuckled and said: "you are the only person I know of that actually enjoys fighting." Just then Kanan ran in and said: "guys, we got trouble." Ahsoka said: "TIE fighters?" Kanan said: "how did you know that?" Ahsoka said: "the high pitched noise that they make. I'm a togruta. So I hear things most humans can't. I can literally hear the TIE fighters. Skyguy, you and I to the guns!" The trio took off running. Ahsoka climbed up the ladder into the top gun turret and sat down and started shooting at the TIE fighters. Anakin jumped down into the bottom gun turret and sat down and started shooting. Kanan ran into the cockpit. Ahsoka and Anakin shot down the TIE fighters. Then they made the jump to hyperspace. Once in hyperspace, they relaxed. Ahsoka slid down the ladder and met up with Anakin who was climbing up out of the bottom gun turret. Ahsoka said: "we did it, Skyguy. Come on." Then they walked to the cockpit and walked in. Hera said: "was that you two shooting?" Ahsoka said: "yep. Skyguy and I make a pretty good team. Back during the Clone Wars, Anakin and I would fight back to back. We almost always had each other's backs. Sometimes he'd try to make me stay back at the Temple. But unfortunately for him, he rubbed off on me. I usually ended up stowing away on board the ship he was taking." Kanan said: "that's pretty impressive." Ahsoka said: "just like old times, huh Skyguy?" Anakin said: "just like old times." Ahsoka said: "so, what now?" Kanan said: "no clue." Ahsoka turned and walked out of the cockpit and walked into the Phantom and sat down and stared at the stars. She pulled her legs up onto the chair and hugged her knees and broke down and cried. Meanwhile, Anakin was talking to Kanan when Sabine said: "Anakin, I may not be a Jedi, but I think Ahsoka needs her brother right now. I think she's in the Phantom." Anakin took off running out of the cockpit and ran down the hall and ran into the Phantom and stopped. He said gently: "Snips? Sabine told me you were in here." Ahsoka was crying. Anakin walked over and found Ahsoka on the seat crying. He gently scooped her up and sat down and set her down on his lap and held her tightly close to him. He placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head and held her tightly close to him. He laid his head on top of hers.

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