Chapter 14

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Then Ahsoka stood and grabbed her lightsabers and clipped them to her utility belt and walked out of her hut and climbed on a nearby speeder and fired up the speeder and followed the Force signature. She stopped in front of a hut and said out loud: "what the kriff?" She parked and climbed off the speeder and walked up the steps and opened the door and said: "Barriss? Are you in here?" Then a female voice said: "Ahsoka?" Ahsoka spun around. She said: "Barriss?" Barriss said: "Ahsoka? How are you alive? I heard all the Jedi had been wiped out." Ahsoka grinned and said: "not all the Jedi. First of all, are you a friend or an enemy?" Barriss said: "friend. The Empire disgusts me." Ahsoka said: "follow me. Have you heard about the hits on the Empire by rebels?" Barriss said: "yeah. I heard about that. No way. That was you?" Ahsoka said: "not exactly. I'm the official leader of the rebellion here on Shili." Barriss said: "that is so cool. Let me grab my bag." Then Barriss grabbed her bag and slung it over her head and followed Ahsoka out of the hut and walked down the steps. Barriss climbed on her speeder and fired up her speeder. Ahsoka climbed on her speeder and fired up her speeder and said: "follow me." Then they flew back to Base and parked and climbed off the speeders. Barriss looked around and said: "wow. I can't believe it." Ahsoka said: "we're a major pain in the Empire's butt. It's quite amusing seeing the Empire look like an embarrassment. Follow me." They walked to the chief's hut and walked up the steps and opened the door and walked in and closed the door behind them. Barriss said: "Master Skywalker?" Anakin smirked and said: "please, call me Anakin. I'm not a Master anymore. Haven't been since the rise of the Empire." Ahsoka said: "she's on our side. She hates the Empire." Anakin said: "well, good to have you here, Barriss. Truth be told, we could use a healer around here." Barriss said: "I'm the woman for the job." Ahsoka said: "go talk to Shaak. She'll point you in the right direction. She's also my mom. And one of the Co-leaders. Anakin is the other Co-leader." Then Barriss left. Ahsoka smiled and said: "very subtle there, Skyguy. You know, some of them might not trust her." Anakin said: "why not?" Ahsoka said: "rumors about her during the Clone Wars. I don't know how many of them believe those rumors. I'm concerned that they may shun her." Anakin looked at her and said: "Snips, if they do that, we'll stand by her." Ahsoka sighed and climbed up the ladder to her bed and sat on her bed. Anakin climbed up the ladder and sat down beside her on her bed and said gently: "wanna talk about it? I'm pretty sure something's on your mind." Ahsoka said: "sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. It's hard being a leader and having everyone looking up to you for guidance. Some days I'm not sure I can do it." Anakin said gently: "Snips, why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Ahsoka said: "you were busy." Anakin said gently: "Snips, you know that I will always make time for you. Come here." Ahsoka hopped up onto his lap and snuggled up close to him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly close to him and laid his head on top of hers and placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head and held her tightly close to him. She broke down and cried into his chest. Anakin let her. He knew that she needed to get it off her chest. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and leaned back against the pillows. She snuggled up closer to him and buried her head in his chest. The two siblings stayed there the rest of the day. Ahsoka stopped crying and fell asleep. Anakin smiled softly and lay down with her and pulled the covers up around them. She felt safe in his arms. Anakin let her snuggle up with him. She started purring. Anakin looked down at her and felt her purring against his chest. He smiled softly. After a while he fell asleep himself. Around midnight Ahsoka had a nightmare and woke up and sat up. Anakin was currently sleeping quite soundly. She sighed and Force jumped down to the ground and grabbed her jacket and shrugged into her jacket and walked over and opened the door and quietly slipped out of the hut and walked away from Base and climbed up a nearby tree and climbed to the top of the tree and settled in on the branch and looked up at the night sky. A few minutes later, Anakin woke up and threw the covers back and climbed down the ladder and grabbed his jacket and shrugged into his jacket and walked over and opened the door and walked out and closed the door behind him. He looked around. The Force told him to look up. Anakin looked up and saw Ahsoka. Anakin walked over and climbed up the tree to the top of the tree and said: "Snips, what the kriffing hell are you doing up here at this time of night?" Ahsoka said: "I had a nightmare. I came out here to get some air. I didn't want to wake you up." Anakin reached the top and sat down beside her and said: "what was your nightmare about?" Ahsoka said: "to be honest, it was kinda weird. It was a blur of images. I can't make sense of it." Anakin said: "try to tell me as best as you can." Ahsoka tried to explain it as best as she could. Anakin listened patiently. When she was done, Anakin said: "that's one heck of a nightmare. No wonder you decided to come out here. Let's go back to bed and we'll try to figure it out in the morning. Come on." Anakin climbed down the tree and landed on the ground. Ahsoka came down a few minutes later. She swung over the last branch and jumped and did a back flip in mid air and landed on her feet. Anakin chuckled and said: "showoff." Ahsoka said: "eh. Couldn't help it." Anakin said: "come on." The two siblings walked back to the hut and walked up the steps and opened the door and walked in and closed the door behind them. Ahsoka removed her cloak and hung it up. Then Anakin shrugged out of his jacket and hung it up and climbed up the ladder and settled in on the bed. Ahsoka climbed up the ladder and settled in on the bed beside him. Anakin pulled the covers up around them and went to sleep. Ahsoka cuddled up close to him and fell asleep and slept peacefully the rest of the night. The next morning they woke up and lay there in bed talking. They talked about Ahsoka's nightmare. Ahsoka said: "I'm glad you're here with me. It helps with the nightmares." Anakin said gently: "Snips, do you have nightmares often?" Ahsoka nodded, knowing that Anakin could tell if she was lying to him. He could see through her facade. Anakin said: "Ahsoka, you know that you can talk to me about anything. I promise. I won't let nobody hurt you. I love you. You're my little sister. No matter how old you are. You'll always be my little sister." Ahsoka nestled her head in his chest and started purring. Anakin chuckled and wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly close to him and laid his head on top of hers and placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head and held her tightly close to him. Ahsoka said: "thank the Force it's Saturday. I don't think I can handle having them all coming for advice." Anakin said: "I agree with you there. Believe me, it's not easy. But you're not alone." Ahsoka cuddled up closer to him and wrapped her arms around his middle and buried her head in his chest and said: "when you have nightmares, are they really bad?" Anakin said: "sometimes. Sometimes not." Ahsoka said: "do you think we'll ever be free from the Empire?" Anakin said gently: "Snips, I don't know what the future will bring. But we have to believe that things will get better eventually." Ahsoka said: "Skyguy?" Anakin said: "yeah?" Ahsoka said: "can I ask you something?" Anakin said gently: "of course you can." Ahsoka said: "Have you ever..... killed someone out of anger?" Anakin took a deep breath and said truthfully: "yes Snips, I have. When I was still Obi-Wan's Padawan, I had visions of my mother dying. Padme and I went to Tatooine and found out that my mom had been captured by the tusken raiders. I went to save my mom, and I did. But she died in my arms after telling me that she was proud of me. After she died, I killed the tusken raiders in a moment of anger. I was filled with blind rage and I killed the tusken raiders. Men, women, and children. I regretted it afterwards. But it felt good in the moment. But after the fact, reality sinks in and you realize what you did. (Pause) why are you asking me this?" Ahsoka said: "when I killed Count Dooku, I kinda used the Dark Side. The reason why I didn't tell you directly afterwards is because Obi-Wan was present and I didn't want him to know that I had used the Dark Side." It slowly dawned on Anakin. He said gently: "Snips, was that why you felt guilty?" Ahsoka nodded. Anakin said gently: "Snips, I had no idea. Come here." Ahsoka cuddled up closer to him. She felt safe in his arms. Just then there was a knock on the door. Ahsoka said: "I'll get it." Then Anakin let go of her. Then Ahsoka Force jumped down and landed on her feet and walked over and opened the door and said: "May I help you with something?" Anakin heard a male voice say: "I'm looking for Ahsoka Tano." Ahsoka was immediately suspicious and said: "who the kriffing hell are you and why are you looking for her?" Anakin was proud of her. She didn't reveal that she was the one that the man was looking for yet. Which was wise." The man said: "my name is John Smith." Ahsoka said suspiciously: "how do I know that you're not a spy for the Empire?" John said: "sorry, Empire? I'm not sure I understand." Ahsoka slowly relaxed and said: "you're definitely not a spy. A spy wouldn't be that clueless. Come on in." John walked in and Ahsoka closed the door behind him and hopped up on her desk and said: "I'm Ahsoka Tano. I'm the official leader of this rebellion. How did you find out about the rebel base?" John said: "I didn't. I more or less crash landed a few miles from here. I didn't know where I was, so, I walked to the nearest village which happened to be this one. I was greeted by multiple laser swords and blasters. Then a friend of yours saved my life. She put herself in between me and the others and got them to stand down. Her name is Barriss Offee. She told me to tell you that she sent me to you." Then Anakin Force jumped down and landed on his feet and said: "hello. I'm Ahsoka's brother. My name is Anakin Skywalker." Ahsoka face palmed and said: "seriously? Skyguy, that was really bad timing." John smiled. Ahsoka said: "excuse him. My brother has a tendency to insert himself at the worst possible moments. Skyguy, go eat breakfast. In the kitchen. Now." Then Anakin walked into the kitchen. Ahsoka shook her head and said: "he's a lovable idiot most of the time. But he's a great man all in all. Anyways, can I help you with something?" John said: "I'm looking for someone. She has blonde hair, and is wearing a army green t shirt and tight fitting black pants and military boots and a utility belt around her waist." Ahsoka looked thoughtful then said: "hey Skyguy, come here for a moment!" Then Anakin ran into the main room and said: "what's up?" Ahsoka said: "John, tell Anakin what you just told me." Then John told Anakin what he told Ahsoka. When he was done, Anakin said: "I recall a girl who fits your description. She crash landed South of here a few rotations ago. She was severely injured. When she fully recovered, the others were all for throwing her out. Fortunately Barriss stepped in. The girl helps Barriss over in the medical hut. Let me see if I can remember her name." Ahsoka said: "her name is Jenny. I have a very good memory, Skyguy." Anakin said: "this is coming from the woman who leaves her lightsabers in the hut every time she goes out." Ahsoka said: "you're one to talk! You do the same thing every other day. You know what Obi-Wan always says about that." Anakin shrugged and said: "eh." Ahsoka said: "first of all, John, why don't you join us for breakfast? And then we'll see about locating Jenny." John said: "I'd like that." Then they walked into the kitchen. Ahsoka looked in the cupboard and smiled and grabbed ingredients and whipped up a batch of lemon poppyseed muffins. She said: "are either of you allergic to lemon poppyseed muffins?" Both men said at the same time: "no." Then Ahsoka put frosting on the muffins and put them on a plate and walked over to the table and sat down and said: "it's my mom's recipe." Then they filled their plates. After breakfast, Ahsoka took the plates and stood and walked over to the sink and washed the dishes. Then Anakin said: "Ahsoka, you might want to go change clothes. You've got batter on your tunic." Ahsoka said: "hey, getting messy goes hand in hand with baking." Anakin said: "fair point." Then Ahsoka walked into the main room and changed clothes. She wore a red tunic with bands on her arms. Then she put a red and tan tunic on over the red tunic. She had armor on her chest and arms. She wore a pair of navy blue jeans under a pair of navy blue slacks. Her pants were tucked into a pair of knee high navy blue slip on boots.   Then she grabbed her lightsabers and clipped them to her utility belt and walked into the kitchen and said: "shall we head over to the medical hut?" John jumped up and said: "Allons-y!" Anakin said: "huh?" Ahsoka said: "it means let's go in French, Skyguy. Come on." Then Anakin stood and grabbed his lightsaber and clipped it to his utility belt. Then they walked out of the hut and walked over to the medical hut and walked in and closed the door behind them. The girl looked up and said: "Dad!" John said: "Jenny!" Jenny ran over to John and flung her arms around his neck. John wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly close to him and said: "I'm so happy I found you." Ahsoka looked at Anakin and smiled. The two siblings nodded in agreement. Ahsoka said: "you know John, you could stay and join the rebellion." Jenny said: "please Dad?" John laughed and said: "sure. How could I say no? Especially since my daughter is practically begging me to stay. Besides, I just found my daughter. I'm not leaving any time soon. I'm staying here. With my daughter." Jenny said: "I'm glad you're staying. I've missed you so much." John said: "me too, baby girl. Me too." Anakin and Ahsoka watched the reunion with a smile on their faces. Ahsoka said: "we reunited a family." Anakin said: "we sure did. Let's go." Then the two siblings left the medical hut. Ahsoka said: "we did it." They walked up the steps and walked into the hut and closed the door behind them. Ahsoka said: "that went well. I'm happy we were able to reunite Jenny and her Father." Anakin said: "so am I, Snips. So am I." Ahsoka said: "you know, it's been a while since we've sparred." Anakin said: "agreed." Then they walked out back and grabbed their lightsabers and ignited their lightsabers. They took up the sparring stance. Ahsoka held her lightsabers in a reverse grip. She waited for Anakin to make the first move. She breathed in and exhaled. She opened herself up to the Force and let it guide her. Then Anakin made the first move. Ahsoka blocked the strike. Then they started sparring. Anakin was surprised when she back flipped in mid air and blocked the strike. He could see that she was one with the Force. After a while they deactivated their lightsabers and clipped them to their utility belts.

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