Chapter 13

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A few months later Ahsoka was sitting at her desk when Ezra knocked on the door. Ahsoka said: "come in." The door opened and Ezra came in and closed the door behind him. Ahsoka said: "what's up, Ezra?" Ezra said: "I could be overreacting but Anakin has been acting strange since he returned from the mission." Ahsoka looked up and said: "strange? How so?" Ezra said: "well, he pushed Sabine aside when he disembarked the ship. And he never does that. In fact, he usually makes it a point to help women." Ahsoka said: "that's weird. What about his Force signature?" Ezra said: "it felt dark." Ahsoka stood and said: "Let me go talk to him. Is Sabine okay?" Ezra said: "she is. She's in my hut right now. She's just a bit stunned." (Ezra and Sabine are married.)Then Ahsoka opened the door and walked out and walked down the steps. She walked over to Anakin's hut and walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Anakin opened the door. Ahsoka said: "for someone who just pushed Sabine aside when he disembarked the ship, you're remarkably calm. Ezra came and told me. He said you were acting strange since you returned from the mission." Anakin said: "come on in." Ahsoka walked in. Anakin closed the door behind her. Ahsoka sat down on his bed and said: "Anakin, Ezra is kinda worried about you. Wanna tell me what's going on with you?" Anakin said: "I'm sorry, Snips. I'll apologize to Sabine later today. The inquisitor kinda got the best of me. But I'm okay now. I didn't mean to push Sabine aside when I disembarked the ship." Ahsoka stood and walked over to Anakin and reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and nestled her head in his chest and started purring. Anakin said gently: "Snips, would you like me to move in with you?" Ahsoka nodded. Then Anakin pulled away and packed his bag and grabbed the crate full of parts and his tools. Ahsoka opened the door for Anakin. The two siblings walked out of Anakin's hut and walked over to Ahsoka's hut. Thankfully Ezra had left the door open when he left. Ahsoka looked at Anakin and said: "here. Let me take your stuff. You go ahead and talk to Sabine." Anakin said: "are you sure?" Ahsoka said: "Skyguy, you need to go talk to Sabine. I can take your stuff from here. I'm the leader here. I don't want there to be any tension around Base. Although, the battle droids that you fixed help a great deal. I can't believe you actually got them to stop saying "Roger Roger ". You have no idea how annoying that was." Anakin said: "to be fair, people around Base were complaining about them saying "Roger Roger ". So I did something about it and reprogrammed their responses. It was pretty easy to do." Ahsoka took the crate and Anakin's bag and walked into her hut and set them down. Then Anakin walked to the Bridger hut. He reached the Bridger hut and walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Ezra opened the door and said: "Anakin. Can I help you with something?" Anakin said: "is Sabine here?" Ezra said: "come on in. I'll go get her." Anakin walked in and closed the door behind him and stood there awkwardly. Then Ezra went to get Sabine. He returned a few minutes later with Sabine. Ezra said: "I'll leave you two to talk alone. Sabine, call me if you need anything or if you start feeling uncomfortable. I'll have my wrist commlink on. I'm going to be talking to Kanan." Then Ezra walked out of the hut and walked over to Kanan's hut. Meanwhile, Anakin said: "Sabine, I'm sorry for pushing you aside when I disembarked the ship. The Inquisitor got the best of me. But I'm okay now. Can you forgive me?" Sabine said: "I forgive you. I accept your apology." Then Anakin left and walked over to his and Ahsoka's hut and walked up the steps and opened the door and walked in and closed the door behind him and said: "that went better than I expected." Ahsoka said: "now aren't you glad I told you to go talk to her?" Anakin said: "you were right. Thanks Snips." Ahsoka said: "I know from experience that it's better to talk rather than keep your thoughts and emotions to yourself. Because sooner or later, you're bound to explode. I would know." Then Anakin unpacked his bag. Ahsoka studied him intently then said: "you have nightmares, don't you?" Anakin turned around and said: "how did you know?" Ahsoka said: "I can tell. Also my hut is right across from yours. I can hear things from a mile away." Anakin said: "how long have you known?" Ahsoka said: "I've known for a while now. I just chose not to say anything." Anakin said: "why?" Ahsoka said: "as far as I'm concerned, it's nobody's business to know what goes on with you." Anakin said: "thanks Snips. I'm glad you haven't told anyone else about them." Ahsoka said: "you're welcome, Skyguy." Then Anakin continued unpacking his bag. Ahsoka sat down at her desk and examined reports. A few minutes later, Anakin finished unpacking his bag and looked over at Ahsoka and said: "what are you doing?" Ahsoka said: "examining reports. Boring, but it has to be done." Anakin said: "you know, I never realized that people can be so cold towards others." Ahsoka said without looking up: "seriously? Skyguy, I've seen it before. Battle after battle. The inquisitors treat people like they're expendable." Anakin said: "the second sister seemed kinda familiar. I wonder if she was a Jedi at one point." Ahsoka said: "I don't know. There's one familiar Force signature that I've been sensing for some time now." Anakin said: "here? On Shili?" Ahsoka nodded. Anakin said: "do you know who it is?" Ahsoka said: "I think it's Barriss." Anakin said: "Barriss? As in Barriss Offee? Luminara Unduli's Padawan?" Ahsoka nodded. Anakin said: "what do you want to do?" Ahsoka said: "I want to talk to her." Anakin said: "want me to come with you?" Ahsoka said: "no. I need you to hold down the fort until I come back." Anakin said: "okay. But be careful. You don't know who's side she's on." Ahsoka said: "don't worry. The reason why I've lived as long as I have is because I make sure to be careful."

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