Chapter 8

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One day they were on a mission that found Anakin, Ahsoka, Ezra, and Kanan on the planet of Malachor. Of course Maul showed up. They fought the inquisitors. Then Maul turned and struck Kanan in the eyes. Ahsoka said: "Anakin, a little boost!" Ahsoka took off running. Then Anakin Force pushed her across. She landed in front of Kanan and said: "big mistake there. You want a fight? Bring it on!" Then Ahsoka and Maul started dueling. Ezra helped Kanan over to Anakin. Anakin, Kanan, and Ezra ran into the Phantom and lifted off. Kanan said: "what about Ahsoka?" Anakin said: "Ahsoka will probably end up Force jumping." Ahsoka put up a hard offense and sliced Maul vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. Then she took off running and Force jumped up into the Phantom and retracted the ramp. Ahsoka said: "that idiot made the mistake of hurting one of my friends. Anakin, head for Coruscant. I'll explain why when we get there." Anakin set course for Coruscant and made the jump to hyperspace. Kanan said: "shouldn't we inform Hera and the others?" Ahsoka said: "Kanan, the Empire will be on the lookout for the Ghost crew. But they won't expect a shuttle craft with only four Jedi on board." Anakin said: "Ahsoka is right on that note. If we inform Hera and the others, we're putting them in danger." Ezra said: "if I know my former Master, she has a plan. So I trust her judgement." Ahsoka smiled softly at Ezra. A few hours later they dropped out of hyperspace and flew into Coruscant. Ahsoka said: "head for the Temple." Kanan said: "why?" Ahsoka said: "I can heal your eyes. I'll explain everything in due time." Anakin flew to the Temple and landed in the Hangar Bay. He powered down and stood. Ezra stood and helped Kanan to his feet and lowered the ramp and guided him down the ramp. Anakin and Ahsoka followed suit. Anakin said: "Ahsoka, how can you heal his eyes?" Ahsoka said: "remember Mortis?" Anakin said: "oh yeah. But what does that have to do with you being able to heal his eyes?" Ahsoka said: "when the Daughter used the last of her life essence to save my life, it made me more powerful in the Force. I picked up the art of Force healing. I can't do it on the Ghost because of all the Force signatures. And in order to be able to heal his eyes, I need to be able to focus. That's why I had you bring us here to the Temple. Because nobody is here. The Temple is virtually abandoned. Therefore, it makes it the ideal place to go to be able to heal Kanan's eyes." Anakin said: "Snips, you continue to amaze me. Sure, I knew you were powerful in the Force, but I didn't know that you were powerful enough to be able to heal Kanan's eyes." Ahsoka said: "I also picked up your temper." They walked out of the Hangar Bay. Ahsoka led the way to the Halls Of Healing. The four Jedi walked into the Halls Of Healing. Ahsoka said: "get Kanan on one of the beds. Anakin, take Ezra outside." Ezra helped Kanan on one of the beds and left with Anakin. Then Ahsoka walked over to Kanan and sat down beside him and covered his eyes and focused hard and opened herself to the Force. Both sides of it. Anakin and Ezra walked around the Temple. They encountered a familiar Force signature. They followed it to the source and Anakin said: "Obi-Wan? How are you alive?" Obi-Wan said: "I didn't die." Anakin said: "Ahsoka will be happy to see you. What about Plo Koon?" Obi-Wan said: "he's here too. I can call him." Anakin nodded. Then Obi-Wan called Plo Koon. He met up with the three Jedi a few minutes later. Then they returned to the Halls Of Healing. Obi-Wan said: "why are we out here?" Anakin said: "you'll find out." A few minutes later Ahsoka said: "you can come in now!" Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ezra, and Plo Koon walked into the Halls Of Healing. Ahsoka gasped and stood and said: "Master Plo? Obi-Wan? How are you alive?" Obi-Wan said: "we never died. It's good to see you again." Ahsoka looked at Plo Koon and ran over and fairly launched herself into his arms and said: "I'm happy to see you two again." Anakin smiled. Kanan said: "it's nice to be able to see again." Plo Koon wrapped his arms around Ahsoka. After a while they pulled away. Plo Koon said: "you grew up." Ahsoka said: "had to happen sometime." Ezra said: "we should leave before the Empire learns that there are Jedi on Coruscant." Ahsoka said: "my former Padawan is right. Obi-Wan, Master Plo, are you coming with us?" Obi-Wan said: "if you'd like us to." Anakin snorted and said: "seriously? I'm pretty sure Ahsoka wouldn't let me hear the end of it if you two didn't come along. Maul already got a face full of Ahsoka's temper and he's dead as a result. Ahsoka made sure of that. He seriously got on her bad side. Believe me, I've seen what she can do when she's pissed off. And let's just say that the stormtroopers are afraid of her. They won't go within a ten mile radius of her." Obi-Wan said: "I believe you. I've seen her on the battlefield." Then Ezra helped Kanan to his feet. Kanan smiled and said: "Ezra, I can walk on my own now. But thank you anyways. I appreciate the gesture." Then Anakin, Ezra, Kanan, Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, and Ahsoka walked out of the Halls Of Healing and walked to the Hangar Bay. They walked in and boarded the Phantom and retracted the ramp. Ahsoka moved to the front and sat down in the pilot's seat and fired up the Phantom and lifted off and flew out of the Hangar Bay and set course for Tatooine which was where the Ghost was at and made the jump to hyperspace. Obi-Wan said: "why are we going to Anakin's home planet?" Anakin said: "because that is the last place that the Empire would think to look for the rebels. See, they think we're on Lothal. But in actuality, we're on Tatooine. I know. I don't particularly like the memories associated with Tatooine, but we've managed to keep under the Empire's radar to the point where they haven't attacked rebel base." Kanan said: "you should have heard this guy when we first arrived on Tatooine. He was ranting about sand for a good hour." Anakin said: "Hey! You're not the one who was born and sold into slavery as a child! You try going through that and then make that comment again." Ahsoka said calmly: "Anakin, calm down. You're doing it again." Anakin said: "sorry." Ahsoka said: "and that's why you have me. To keep you from going out of control."

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