Chapter 12

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They started a new rebellion under Ahsoka's leadership. One day Ahsoka was sitting at the desk examining reports. Suddenly Anakin knocked on the door. Ahsoka looked up and stood and walked over and opened the door and said: "Anakin. Come on in." Anakin walked in. Ahsoka closed the door behind him and walked over and sat down at her desk and said: "what brings you to my hut? I'm assuming it's important judging by the way you knocked instead of just walking in. Usually you don't bother knocking. You just walk right on in." Anakin said: "your Mom sent me to get you. She's currently dealing with a certain twi'lek pilot. Merrin is with her." Ahsoka stood and walked over and opened the door and walked out and walked down the steps. She swore under her breath. She walked over to Shaak and Merrin and said: "what the kriff is going on here?!" Shaak and Merrin turned around. Ahsoka crossed her arms and said: "Hera. What the kriff are you doing here?" Hera said: "I came to apologize. I was wrong to do what I did." Ahsoka said coolly: "the damage has already been done. You should have thought about the repercussions before you did what you did. We're not coming back." Hera turned around and walked back to her ship. Shaak said: "you know, she was genuinely sorry. I sensed it in the Force." Ahsoka said: "I'll call a meeting and discuss it with the others before we give a verdict. Mom, tell her not to leave quite yet." Merrin said: "actually, I kinda subtly caused the engine to malfunction. So, she's stuck here. Don't worry. I can reverse it." Ahsoka said: "Merrin, that is brilliant." Merrin said: "eh. I just used my nightsister powers for a good cause. Funnily enough, I haven't used my powers in quite some time." Then Ahsoka called a meeting with the others. They discussed it. They decided to give Hera a second chance but weren't going to rejoin the original rebellion. Ahsoka said: "the vote is unanimous." Then Merrin reversed what she'd done to the engine. Then Ahsoka walked over and boarded the Ghost and walked to the Cockpit and walked in and said: "we discussed it and we've decided to give you a second chance. However, we're not rejoining the original rebellion. We're inviting you to join our rebellion." Hera said: "really? After what I did?" Ahsoka nodded. Hera said: "question: who's the leader?" Ahsoka said: "you're talking to her. I'm the official leader of this rebellion. We rebuilt the village huts. The village is the Base. Unlike commander Sato who is stubborn and is quick to judge people, I listen to what they have to say before I make a decision." Hera said: "to be honest, I left the original rebellion. I didn't like how Commander Sato was running things. He was too judgemental. So I decided to leave the original rebellion. And that was after Commander Sato had Chopper dismantled and scrapped. Fortunately I rescued the parts before they were destroyed." Ahsoka smiled and said: "well, luckily for you, we have someone who can fix Chopper." Hera said: "who?" Ahsoka said: "grab the parts and follow me. I'll take you to our resident droid expert." Hera ran to get the parts and returned. Ahsoka and Hera walked down the ramp. Everyone else went back to what they were doing previously. Except for Anakin. Ahsoka said: "my brother is our resident droid expert. He knows droids like the back of his hand. If anyone can repair Chopper, he can." Ahsoka and Hera walked over to Anakin. Ahsoka said: "got a project for you, Skyguy." Anakin said: "a dismantled astromech droid? Well, that's a bit tough. But it's not impossible. Let me see it. It's a good thing you have all the original pieces. Or else my job would be harder. I'll get started on it right away." Hera handed the crate full of parts over to Anakin who walked away. Hera said: "do you really think he can fix Chopper?" Ahsoka said: "yep. He's fixed old battle droids and turned them into rebel droids. They help out around base. They do odd jobs. Basically whatever we ask them to." Hera said: "I gotta admit, your rebellion is more efficient than the original rebellion. I'm guessing those hits on the Empire was you guy's work?" Ahsoka smirked and said: "you gotta admit, it was pretty explosive. Skyguy and Sabine teamed up. When those two team up, well, they're the ones who make the explosives. We've only had one death. Zeb died. But we've managed to do some major damage to the Empire. Just then Kanan ran over and said: "Ahsoka! Come quick!" Ahsoka said: "what's wrong?" Kanan said: "follow me." Kanan took off running. Ahsoka followed suit. She followed Kanan. They stopped. Ahsoka said: "what am I supposed to be seeing?" Kanan said: "it's Ezra. He walked off. He looked like he was hypnotized or something." Ahsoka said: "okay, get Anakin, Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, and my Mom. I'm going to go ahead and see if I can find him using the Force. I know this land like the back of my hand. I was born here." Kanan nodded and took off running again. Then Ahsoka closed her eyes and focused hard. She followed the Force and opened her eyes and walked down a path. She followed Ezra's Force signature. Ahsoka ducked under low branches and jumped over fallen branches. Ahsoka spotted Ezra up ahead and sure enough, he was moving like he was hypnotized. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Kanan, and Shaak arrived on scene. Ahsoka carefully approached Ezra, not knowing how he'd react. Ahsoka said: "Ezra?" Anakin used the Force to stop Ezra. Ahsoka moved in front of Ezra and looked at him and gasped and ran off. She ran back to Base and ran up the steps and opened the door and ran into her hut and sat down on the bed and cried. Meanwhile, Anakin said: "what was that all about?" Shaak walked in front of Ezra and said: "someone go get Merrin." Just then Merrin came crashing through the brush and said: "no need. I'm already here. What's going on?" Shaak said: "come see for yourself. You're the nightsister expert." Merrin walked over and joined Shaak and said: "it's Dathomirian. This is Maul's doing." Anakin said: "can you do anything to help him?" Merrin said: "Maul and I don't get along. Never have. Maul is evil. I turned over a new leaf. I've been working on my nightsister powers. Fortunately, I can reverse it. Although, I'll need you guys to move out of the way." Anakin motioned for the others to head back to Base. Shaak and the others went back to Base. Anakin said: "I'm going to stick around. Just in case Ezra reacts violently. Besides, Ezra is Ahsoka's former Padawan. Ahsoka is my former Padawan. Ezra is like a son to Ahsoka. So, it upset her a great deal. That's why I Force grabbed Ezra." Then Merrin reversed what Maul did to Ezra.

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