Chapter 6

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And so they did the mission. After the mission, Ahsoka headed for the gun turret and climbed up the ladder and sat down. Anakin followed suit. He climbed up the ladder and sat down beside her and said: "you okay?" Ahsoka said: "not really." Anakin said: "wanna talk about it?" Ahsoka shrugged. Anakin scooted closer and wrapped an arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder. He held her tightly close to him and lifted her up on his lap and placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head. Ahsoka tucked her head in his chest and stayed there and didn't move.  Anakin sat there calmly. He laid his head on top of hers and held her tightly close to him. She broke down and cried into his chest. Anakin gently rubbed her back and spoke soothingly to her. Sabine heard them and went to talk to them but Ezra touched her shoulder and said gently: "don't. You can't do anything to help her right now. She needs her brother right now. Only Anakin can help her right now. I know you want to help her, but there's nothing you can do to help her right now. I know my former Master well enough to know when she needs her brother and when we can help her. This is one of those times where she just needs her brother. Walk with me and I'll tell you about her so you know more why she is the way she is." Sabine nodded and they walked around the ship. Ezra told her about Ahsoka and Anakin. When he was done, Sabine said: "so, Ahsoka was abused and sexually assaulted by her previous Master? And Anakin rescued her and took her as his Padawan and trained her? And she rescued you and trained you even though she was only sixteen years old herself? Wow. No wonder her and Anakin are so close. I always wondered why they were so close to each other. Thank you for telling me this, Ezra." Ezra said: "just don't let on that you know. I don't think she'd feel comfortable knowing that others know. The only reason why I told you is because I felt that you need to know about Ahsoka and why she is the way she is." Sabine turned and wrapped her arms around Ezra. Ezra wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. Unbeknownst to them, Kanan was watching from the doorway of his room with a smile on his face. He had a feeling that Ezra and Sabine would end up as a couple eventually. He chuckled to himself and walked into his room. After a while they pulled away. Ezra and Sabine continued walking. A few weeks later they were on a mission. Ahsoka and  Anakin were deflecting blaster fire while the Ghost crew got the cargo on board the ship. Once the cargo was on board, Ahsoka and Anakin Force jumped up onto the ramp as the ship lifted off. Ahsoka retracted the ramp. They deactivated their lightsabers and clipped them to their utility belts. Anakin said: "that was interesting."

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