Chapter 5

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And so they watched and waited. The war continued on. One day, they were fighting battle droids when the clones turned on Anakin and Ahsoka. Except for the 501st battalion. They were immune to Order 66. Anakin, Ahsoka, and Ezra quickly got to a safe place. The 501st clones bought them enough time to get to safety. They returned to Coruscant and returned to the Temple. They found Caleb Dume alive. Ahsoka said: "Caleb, are you okay?" Caleb said: "I'm okay but my Master died. I'm the only Padawan aside from Ezra that's alive. Everyone else is dead. I felt it." Anakin and Ahsoka looked at each other. Anakin said gently: "Caleb, come with us. We have to stick together now. We don't know where we're going yet but you can come with us." Caleb said: "I already called a friend of mine." Anakin, Ahsoka, and Ezra returned to the Skywalker apartment and packed their belongings. Caleb already had his belongings packed. Anakin looked at Ahsoka and walked over to Ahsoka and pulled her into his arms and said gently: "we're going to be okay. You, me, Ezra, and Caleb. We may not know where we're going yet, but we'll be okay. We have to band together now more than ever." Ahsoka broke down and cried into his chest and said: "I'm scared." Anakin said gently: "I know. I know you are. I am too." Ahsoka buried her head in his chest. After a while they pulled away. They grabbed their bags and walked out and met up with Ezra. Then they walked out of the Skywalker apartment and walked down the hall and met up with Caleb. Caleb grabbed his bag and stood. Then they walked out of the Temple just as a ship landed. The ramp lowered and a twi'lek female stood at the top of the ramp. She walked down the ramp and walked over to the four Jedi. Caleb said: "this is my friend Hera Syndulla. Hera, this is Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Ezra Bridger." Hera said: "pleasure to meet you guys. I just wish it were under better circumstances. Come on. We have to leave immediately." The four Jedi followed Hera into the ship. Hera retracted the ramp. She walked to the cockpit and lifted off and flew off of Coruscant. And so Caleb and Ezra grew up. Caleb took on the name Kanan Jarrus. Anakin and Ahsoka kept their names. They picked up more people. A Mandalorian girl, a Lasat, and an ex- Nightsister joined them. They had three more Jedi join them. They formed a rebellion. One day Ahsoka was in the Cargo hold when the Mandalorian girl, Sabine slid down the ladder into the Cargo hold and walked over to Ahsoka and said: "hey. You okay? You seem kinda sad." Ahsoka said: "all I've known my entire life is the Jedi order. My two little brothers are dead. I only have Anakin now. He's my older brother for all intent purposes. It's just hard to transition. One minute I'm a Jedi Knight, next minute, I'm running from the Empire. At least I have Anakin to help me through this." Sabine said: "you have us too. We're all survivors here. We've formed a family." Ahsoka said: "thanks Sabine. I guess I needed to hear that." Sabine said: "no problem. Actually, Hera sent me to get you. Meeting. Everyone is required to be there apparently." Ahsoka stood and said: "then let's go. Don't want to keep Captain Syndulla waiting too long." Ahsoka and Sabine climbed up the ladder and ran to the Common room where everyone was gathered. They ran into the Common room. Ahsoka said: "sorry I'm late. I was not aware that there was a meeting going on or I would have been here earlier. Fortunately Sabine tracked me down and told me about the meeting." Anakin scooted over and motioned for her to sit beside him. Ahsoka walked over and sat down beside Anakin and snuggled up close to him. Anakin wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up onto his lap and held her tightly close to him and said: "proceed on." Then Sabine sat down. Then Hera continued with the meeting. Anakin held Ahsoka tightly close to him and placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head. Ahsoka stayed on his lap. After the meeting, everyone returned to their previous activities. Only Anakin and Ahsoka remained in the Common room. Anakin said gently: "still struggling?" Ahsoka nodded and broke down and cried into his chest. Anakin gently rubbed her back and laid his head on top of hers and held her tightly close to him. He sat back and sat there with Ahsoka on his lap. Ahsoka cried into his chest. Anakin held her tightly close to him. After a while Ahsoka stopped crying. She stood and said: "how did you adapt so quickly?" Anakin said gently: "Snips, it was hard for me to adjust at first but I found that with time, I was able to adapt to being a rebel. I guess I've always been something of a rebel. No surprise there."  Ahsoka said: "that's true. For as long as I've known you, you've never been one to listen to others. But that's what makes you unique. And I like that." Anakin stood and said: "So, ready for this mission?" Ahsoka said: "I believe so." Anakin took her hand in his and said gently: "Snips, it's going to be okay. We're going to be okay. We have each other and that's all that matters. I made you a promise a long time ago and I fully intend to stick to that promise. As long as the Force allows." Ahsoka walked into his arms and wrapped her arms around his middle and closed her eyes. Anakin wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly close to him. He laid his head on top of hers and placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head. Just then Kanan slid down the ladder and said: "it's almost time for the mission. Just thought I'd let you know." Anakin said: "thanks for the heads up." Kanan looked at Ahsoka and said: "is she okay?" Anakin said: "she will be. She just needs her brother right now."

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