Chapter 10

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Ahsoka nodded. Anakin smiled at her. Then they entered the hut. Ahsoka grabbed one of her lightsabers and ignited it and used it to look around. Anakin grabbed his lightsaber and ignited it and said: "two lights are better than one." Ahsoka smiled. She knew what Anakin was saying without him actually saying it. They had that strong of a bond. Ahsoka grabbed her shoto lightsaber and ignited it and said: "make that three lights are better than one. Let's split up and look around." Anakin said: "nope. I'm sticking close to you. I made you a promise. And I intend to keep it." Ahsoka smiled and said: "I had a feeling you were going to say that. Come on, Skyguy." Ahsoka led the way through the house. They walked up the stairs. Ahsoka said: "watch your step. Force knows what condition this house is in." Anakin said: "duly noted." Ahsoka reached the top of the stairs and stopped. She shone her lightsabers around. She closed her eyes and reached out with the Force. Anakin reached the top of the stairs and stopped behind her. Ahsoka gasped and opened her eyes and said: "Mom!" She took off running. She followed the Force. Anakin ran after her. Ahsoka Force jumped up a second flight of stairs and landed on her feet and was running. She used her agility to her advantage. Surprisingly enough, Anakin managed to keep up with her. Ahsoka stopped in front of a room and drove her lightsabers into the door and cut a hole in the door and kicked the door down and stepped in followed by Anakin. The two siblings shone their lightsabers around. Ahsoka looked around and spotted a woman on the floor. She deactivated her lightsabers and clipped them to her utility belt and ran over to the woman on the floor and knelt down and rolled the woman over onto her back and gently shook her arm. The woman stirred and came to. Ahsoka spoke to her in the togruta language. The woman responded in kind. Anakin walked over and knelt down beside Ahsoka. He said: "Master Shaak Ti? Is it really you?" The woman nodded. Ahsoka said: "Mom, come back with us to the rebellion." Shaak Ti said: "I'd love to come back with you two." Anakin stood. Then Ahsoka stood and helped Shaak to her feet and hugged her. Shaak said: "you've grown up a great deal." Ahsoka said: "a lot has happened. It's been hard to adjust. But Anakin has been helping me adjust. He's my older brother for all intent purposes. He came here with me to find you. I'm glad you're alive." Shaak said: "we'd best be going before the Empire arrives here." Shaak grabbed her bag and said: "let's go." The trio walked down the stairs and walked out of the house and boarded the Phantom and retracted the ramp and sat down. Ahsoka sat in the pilot's seat and fired up the Phantom and lifted off and flew off Shili and set course for Tatooine and made the jump to hyperspace and sat back. Anakin sat beside her. Shaak Ti sat in the co-pilot's seat. Anakin wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly close to him and laid his head on top of hers and held her tightly close to him. She laid her head on his shoulder and fell asleep. Shaak said: "I've never seen you in anything except Jedi clothes. Seeing you in rebel clothes is a surprise. But I gotta admit, it suits you. You always were something of a rebel." Anakin said: "eh. Jedi clothes kinda attract attention to us. By wearing Jedi clothes, we're basically advertising that Jedi have survived Order 66. Ahsoka's Padawan actually predicted Order 66." Shaak said: "huh." A few minutes later Ahsoka woke up and dropped out of hyperspace close to Tatooine and flew into Tatooine and flew to the Ghost and connected to the ship. Shaak said: "huh. Ahsoka is quite the pilot." Ahsoka said: "thanks Mom." Then they stood and grabbed their bags. Anakin deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his utility belt. They stealthily exited the Phantom. They quickly made their way to their room. They walked into their room. Anakin said: "Shaak, you can take the bottom bunk. Ahsoka and I share a bunk. We'll stay on the top bunk." Ahsoka climbed up the ladder and climbed into bed. Anakin climbed up the ladder and climbed into bed beside Ahsoka. The two siblings lay down and fell asleep. Shaak Ti lay down on the bottom bunk and fell asleep. The next morning they woke up to yelling. Ahsoka sat up and said: "what the kriff is going on?" Anakin said: "no clue. I suppose we should go find out." Anakin pulled the covers back and slid down the ladder followed by Ahsoka. Shaak climbed out of bed and they walked out of their room. Everyone else was slowly emerging from their rooms. Kanan said: "what's Hera yelling about now?" Shaak said: "no clue." Kanan turned around and said in disbelief: "Master Shaak Ti? How are you alive?" Shaak said: "my daughter. I went back to Shili before Order 66. Therefore, I didn't die during Order 66 because Ahsoka warned me. Ahsoka is my daughter." Kanan looked between Shaak and Ahsoka intently then said: "huh, I can see the resemblance. I knew you were close to each other. I figured there had to be some familial connection. Looks like I was right." Ahsoka said: "Anakin and I went to Shili last night and found my mom. Then she came back with us. Surprise. I asked her to come back with us." Anakin said: "hey, she's my little sister for all intent purposes. I wasn't going to let her go alone. No way. I chose to go with her." Kanan smirked and said: "you two always were joined at the hip. You were like two peas in a pod." Ahsoka shrugged and said: "guilty as charged." Kanan said: "we should go see what Hera is yelling about." Anakin said: "Hera can be kinda scary." Shaak said: "you can't avoid the inevitable forever. Let's go." Then they all walked to the Cockpit. Kanan was kinda scared. They reached the Cockpit. They stopped outside. Ahsoka winced at the loud noise due to her lekku. Shaak winced at the loud noise as well due to her lekku. Anakin placed his hand on Kanan's shoulder and said: "go ahead. I'm going to take Ahsoka and her mom away from the yelling. They're sensitive to loud noises." Obi-Wan walked over to Kanan and said: "I'll go in with you. Anakin knows best about togrutas since Ahsoka was his Padawan during the Clone Wars." Kanan nodded. Then Anakin led Ahsoka and Shaak away from the yelling. He had his arms wrapped around Ahsoka. They walked into the common room and sat down. Anakin gently lifted Ahsoka up onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her and placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head and held her tightly close to him and said gently: "it's okay, Snips. You can relax now." Ahsoka curled up in his arms and nestled her head in his chest and started purring. Anakin smiled softly. Shaak said: "does she always do that?" Anakin said: "since the rise of the Empire, yep. Well, she also did it during the Clone Wars. But she's been doing it more frequently since the rise of the Empire. When she does it, it means she needs her brother. We have our own little communication system." Shaak said: "I can tell. I noticed that she always runs to you when something happens. She feels safe with you." Anakin said: "it's been that way since I rescued her from Pong Krell. He abused her and sexually assaulted her repeatedly. I was the first one she trusted. She told me everything that Pong Krell did to her." Shaak said: "my daughter is a strong person." Ahsoka snuggled up in his arms and fell asleep. Anakin held her tightly close to him and laid his head on top of hers and sat there with her. Shaak said: "you've been there for my daughter for a long time." Anakin smiled softly and said: "hey, siblings have to stick together. Ahsoka is my little sister for all intent purposes. I've been there for her since I rescued her from Pong Krell. I've watched her grow and mature. She's grown up since I rescued her from Pong Krell." Ahsoka stirred and snuggled up closer to him and fell back asleep. Anakin said: "she sometimes has panic attacks. Sometimes they're mild. Other times they're more severe." A few minutes later Kanan came in looking like he'd seen a ghost. Anakin looked up and said: "Kanan, what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost." Kanan said: "worse than that. I've been kicked out of the rebellion." Just then Ahsoka woke up.  She said: "what? That can't be right. Let me go talk to her and see if I can get this straightened out. Surely there must be some sort of miscommunication somewhere along the line. Mom, Skyguy, why don't you come with me? I might need some backup." They stood. Ahsoka climbed up the ladder followed by Anakin and Shaak. The trio walked to the Cockpit. Ahsoka said: "there's no way I'm going to let this go. Something doesn't feel right. The Force is telling me to dig deeper into this matter." Anakin said: "I agree. Usually Hera and Kanan get along pretty well. And now all of a sudden Hera is kicking him out of the rebellion. That just doesn't make sense. We have to get to the bottom of this." Ahsoka said: "agreed." Shaak said: "we need to find out the truth of the matter." They reached the Cockpit and walked in. Ahsoka said: "Hera, I'd like to know exactly why you're suddenly kicking Kanan out of the rebellion. What the kriff did he do to warrant being kicked out of the rebellion all of the sudden." Hera said: "none of your business." Anakin stepped up beside Ahsoka and said in his General tone of voice: "Hera, you're kicking Kanan out of the rebellion without a kriffing good reason. And we want to know why. Because Kanan is practically devastated. All because you're kicking him out of the rebellion." Shaak stepped up beside the two siblings and said: "if you kick Kanan out of the rebellion, you're no better than the Empire." Hera snapped and stood and said: "good! I hope he is devastated! He's nothing but a burden around here!" Ezra came in and stood beside Anakin, Ahsoka, and Shaak. Ahsoka said coldly: "you really have no clue how it feels to be alienated. Well, let me tell you something. It hurts to be alienated! I was alienated when I was Pong Krell's Padawan! I was confined to my room unless we were training or on a mission! I wasn't allowed to have friends! I couldn't even be myself! If I spoke out of turn, I was punished! Pong Krell abused me and sexually assaulted me repeatedly! He forced himself on me and raped me repeatedly! I was afraid to trust others! I was forced to be quiet and submissive! You don't know how that feels! I wasn't even allowed to cry! And if you're going to kick your own crew members out of the rebellion, we're leaving! Because I won't be part of a crew that disowns their own members!" Ezra said coldly: "I agree with my former Master. If you're going to kick us out of the rebellion, we're leaving. We'll just start our own rebellion." Then everyone else came in and stood behind Anakin, Ahsoka, Shaak, and Ezra. Sabine said coldly: "all you're thinking about is yourself. You don't care how Kanan feels right now. I trusted you. You were like my mom. Now, I can't stand being in this crew anymore. The crew has become something I don't even recognize anymore. And if it's going to continue like this, then it's time I left." Everyone else made the same choice." Then they left. Ahsoka said: "so, this is it. We're leaving this crew and starting our own rebellion." Anakin said: "it would seem so." Obi-Wan said: "yep. Let's go." Then they grabbed their bags and left. They boarded the Phantom. Ahsoka sat down in the pilot's seat and fired up the Phantom and set course for Shili and disconnected from the Ghost and flew off of Tatooine and made the jump to hyperspace. Ezra said: "where are we going now?" Ahsoka said: "my home planet. Shili. We'll base the new rebellion there. We'll have to rebuild the village huts. But we can do it." Anakin said: "I agree." Obi-Wan said: "we'll be okay." Plo said: "who'll be the official leader of the new rebellion?" Shaak said: "I think Ahsoka should be the official leader of the new rebellion." Everyone else agreed. Anakin said: "I agree." Ahsoka said: "I accept the role of official leader of the new rebellion." Then they dropped out of hyperspace close to Shili and flew into Shili and flew to the village and landed just outside the village and powered down and stood and lowered the ramp and they walked down the ramp and walked into the village. Ahsoka said: "I think the chief's hut is still intact. Follow me." They followed Ahsoka. Ahsoka stopped in front of a hut that was bigger than the others. She walked up the steps and opened the door and motioned for the others to follow her. They walked in and looked around. Ahsoka said: "well, it could use some cleaning up. But for now, it's inhabitable. It'll do until we can rebuild the village huts. Fortunately we're all used to camping on the ground. I think there's some blankets in the closet. Hopefully they're in good condition." She walked over to a nearby closet and opened the closet and said: "well whaddya know? The blankets are in pristine condition. After all these years." She grabbed the blankets and closed the closet doors with her foot and pulled out the cots and made the beds. After that was done, she walked outside and sat down on the steps and sighed. Anakin came out and sat down beside her and said gently: "you okay?" Ahsoka said: "this ought to be interesting. My people were led by a male chief. I'm the first female chief ever." Anakin said: "for what it's worth, I think you'll be an amazing leader. So, how are we going to rebuild the village huts?" Ahsoka said: "well, the huts were originally made from the trees surrounding the village. I kinda want to stay true to the traditions here. For many generations, we've never used anything but what we had nearby. It was simple but it was peaceful. Nobody fought with each other here." Anakin said: "I like that idea." Ahsoka smiled faintly.

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