Chapter 15

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The two siblings walked inside. Ahsoka said: "that felt good. We haven't sparred in a while." Anakin said: "where'd you learn to move like that? I don't recall ever teaching you that." Ahsoka said: "I opened myself up to the Force and let it guide me. I used the Force. It's a technique that I picked up after Mortis." Anakin said: "that was quite impressive. I don't suppose you could teach me that." Ahsoka laughed and said: "sure. I can teach you what I learned after Mortis." Anakin wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly close to him. Ahsoka snuggled up in his arms and nestled her head in his chest and started purring. He smiled softly. They remained in an embrace for quite some time. All too soon it was evening. Anakin pulled away and climbed up the ladder and settled in bed. Then Ahsoka climbed up the ladder and settled in bed beside Anakin. The two siblings fell asleep immediately. The next morning they woke up. Ahsoka climbed out of bed and walked out of the hut and looked around. She spotted John up in the tree just outside of the Base. She walked over and climbed up the tree and swung up and sat down beside John and said bluntly: "you're troubled about something." John said: "how'd you know that?" Ahsoka said: "it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. I'm a Jedi. I can sense things through the Force. And right now I sense that you're troubled about something. Wanna talk about it?" John sighed and said: "Jenny and I had an argument this morning. And the thing is, some of the things she said is true. I haven't been there when she needed me. She said she wished we hadn't been reunited." Ahsoka said gently: "John, I'm sure that Jenny didn't mean that. Sometimes, when people get mad, they often say things they don't mean. I'm sure, once she's had time to calm down, you two will be back on track soon enough. I'm pretty sure Barriss and my mom are currently talking to her right now. I'm a togruta. I can hear things from a mile away. Which isn't always a good thing. Sometimes I end up hearing things I don't particularly want to hear. Let me tell you something. I'm the official leader of this rebellion. And it's not easy having people looking to you for advice. It's not easy making decisions on when to strike the Empire and when not to. I have to make those decisions. Fortunately I have my mother and brother to help me. I know that I can always count on them to help me and guide me. John, what I'm trying to say is that you're not alone. Around here, we're a family. One big family that is constantly growing. We've all been through some sort of trauma. Me being the worst. My first Master abused me and forced himself on me and sexually assaulted me repeatedly. I was alienated. And then Anakin rescued me and took me as his Padawan. He became like a brother to me. Things got better for me after he rescued me. Eventually I healed from the trauma. Anakin has been there for me since I was fourteen and Pong Krell's Padawan. And for that I'm grateful. He helped me adjust when the Empire rose to power. And he supported me when I was elected to be the official leader of this rebellion. Anakin and my mom are the Co-leaders of this rebellion. They're my advisors so to speak. I'm sure things between you and Jenny will get better." Then Ahsoka climbed down the tree and swung over the last branch and did a back flip in mid air and landed on her feet and walked back to Base and walked up the steps and opened the door and walked in and closed the door behind her and sighed and sank down against the door and sat on the floor. Then Anakin came in with two plates and sat down beside her and handed her one of the plates and said: "you okay?" Ahsoka smiled sadly and said: "I found John up in the tree just outside of the village. I climbed up the tree and sat down beside him and talked to him. Him and Jenny had an argument this morning. I talked to John while Mom and Barriss talked to Jenny." Anakin was eating his muffin while he listened to her talk. Ahsoka sighed and said sadly: "I explained that sometimes when people get mad, they say things they don't mean. I'm not sure if I got through to him. I hope I did." She laid her head on his shoulder and ate her muffin. The two siblings sat there on the floor eating breakfast in silence. After breakfast Anakin took the two plates and stood and walked into the kitchen and set them in the sink and washed the dishes and dried his hands and walked into the main room and sat down beside Ahsoka and wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up on his lap and held her tightly close to him and placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head and held her tightly close to him and laid his head on top of hers. She buried her head in his chest and broke down and cried into his chest. Anakin let her. He knew that she was hurting inside. And while he was no healer, he could offer a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on to his little sister. She sobbed into his chest. He let her. He knew that she needed it. Ahsoka gripped his arms tightly. Anakin remembered a song his mom used to sing to him. He started singing "safe and sound". She buried her head deeper in his chest and sobbed into his chest hard. Anakin gently rubbed her back and held her tightly close to him. Ahsoka slowly stopped crying. Eventually she fell asleep in his arms. Anakin looked down and said: "Snips?" No answer. He chuckled and said: "you're dead to the world. Not even a tank could wake you up." Anakin stood and Force jumped up onto the top bunk and set her down and gently tucked her in and gently kissed her forehead before climbing down the ladder. He grabbed his jacket and shrugged into his jacket and walked over and opened the door and walked out and closed the door behind him and looked around. John was still in the tree. Anakin walked over and climbed up the tree and sat down beside John and said: "I'm starting to think that you and my sister share a fondness for climbing trees when you need to get away from people to be alone. My sister is currently fast asleep. Not even a tank could wake her up. She told me about the discussion between you two. She's right. When people get mad, they say things they don't mean." John said: "have you and Ahsoka ever had an argument?" Anakin said: "nope. Now me and Obi-Wan, oh yeah. When I was his Padawan, he and I clashed heads so many times. It's a wonder he actually survived training a headstrong boy like me. I was reckless and stubborn. I still am, according to Ahsoka." John said: "I think Jenny actually meant it. So, I'm going to fix the TARDIS and leave. Why stay when my daughter hates me?" Anakin said: "John, just give her some time and space. When she's ready to talk things out, then hear her out. Listen to what she has to say before you say anything. I think that's where things went South the first time around." John said: "do you really think so?" Anakin said: "yep." John said: "I never was a very good Father to her. When I first met her, I was ice cold towards her. It took her dying for me to realize what Donna was saying all along. Jenny took a bullet for me. A bad General was about to shoot me. Jenny saw him raise the gun and stepped in front of me and took the bullet meant for me. I left, believing that she was dead and wasn't coming back. And then, when I learned that she was alive, I searched for her." Anakin looked down and said: "try telling her that. Cause she's currently climbing up the tree." Then Anakin stood and grabbed a vine and jumped and swung down to the ground and landed on his feet and let go of the vine. Then he walked back to Base and walked up the steps and opened the door and walked in and closed the door behind him and removed his jacket and hung up his jacket and climbed up the ladder and sat down on the top bunk and settled in beside Ahsoka and Force pulled his datapad to him and read a book. A few minutes later Ahsoka stirred and woke up and sat up and said: "how long have I been asleep?" Anakin looked at his chronometer and said: "a few hours tops. I was outside while you were asleep. I'm starting to think that you and John share a fondness for climbing trees when you need to get away from people and be alone. Because I found him in the tree just outside of the village. The same one you climbed up." Ahsoka said: "I already knew that he was up in the tree." Anakin said: "I think him and Jenny are well on the path to reconciling. Between you, me, Shaak, and Barriss, they're finally healing." Ahsoka climbed up on his lap and cuddled up with him. Anakin laughed and set his datapad aside and said: "come here, Snips." Ahsoka cuddled up in his arms and nestled her head in his chest and started purring. He placed one hand on her back and the other hand on the back of her head and held her tightly close to him and laid his head on top of hers. She felt safe in his arms. He felt her purring against his chest and chuckled. Ahsoka was cuddled up close to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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