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Still in Alice's PoV

I was sitting in the back of the plane with Bella's barely breathing body a few feet away from me. Carlisle was ready with the set up. I didn't tell him more than that. I couldn't do that over the phone.

Once we landed I drove the car back to the house and sure enough the scene was set. There was a cliff close enough to the house and we came up with the story. And from there Bella was rushed to the hospital in our car. I had stopped the blood in Italy. It was just a matter of how much brain damage she would have, though I knew it would be a lot. Thankfully Carlisle was able to get her into a secluded room where we could check on her and she woke up. Very confused and clearly not okay. She couldn't respond to basic questions or use half of her body. I felt horrible but knew it was best, she wouldn't remember anything.

"Oh jesus! Bella! Dr. Cullen is she gonna be okay?? What the hell happened!?"

Her father, Charlie Swan, the police chief, was very worried about her as I sat beside her in the hospital room as I had been the one to "find her" in the forest. I played the part of the concerned friend well due to everything weighing down on me.

"Well, we were visiting our house and preparing to sell it by boxing up all of the furniture when Alice decided she needed to take a break and went for a walk in the woods. There's quite a few cliffs covered in rocks and leaves so she was careful. I heard her scream and ran towards her when I saw her cradling Bella in her arms. I'm afraid that Bella has lost her ability to move her right side of her body completely. With time and a lot of rehab she may be able to move again. However she has suffered serious brain injuries and will never be able to speak again. The blow punctured her hippocampus and her memories are obliterated and she will never function properly again. I am so so sorry Chief."

The chief crumbled to the floor and Carlisle and I left the room, and the hospital as he'd given the excuse that he needed to be the one to tell Charlie as he was the one who found her and he was still the most experienced doctor this town had ever seen.

I knew we were going to have a dramatic family discussion when we got back and I was dreading it. Quicker than I'd have liked we were back at the house and everyone was outside. The second I stepped out of the car all eyes were on me and I knew I had to deliver the blow.

"Edward is dead."

No one moved or said a thing for a while as we all processed it. Esme broke first collapsing into Carlisle, Rosalie turned and buried her face in Emmett's chest, Gwen and Owen clutched onto each other and Jasper was by my side as I was stone faced. The first to speak was Jazz and as much as I love him, what he said stoked the flame of the fire and I couldn't blame him, I knew it was what everyone was thinking.

"Did Lydia agree to it? What did she say?"

Once again all eyes were on me and I had to close them.

"She wouldn't make the choice, she couldn't. She took Aro asking her so to heart she turned invisible and vanished."

I heard Owen snort which made all of us stare at him.

"What? Lydia hasn't reached out to me in all the time since our conversation and she can't even stand up for Edward? Why should I be sad??"

I heard Jasper growl in rage and before I could say anything Jasper had pinned Owen to the floor and I knew that this wouldn't end well.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. She was absolutely broken by what you told her but on multiple occasions she told me she wanted to reach out to you. Every time I brought her up to you you growled at me and told me to get her dirty name out of my mouth. You know what? I'm leaving. Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rose I'll stay in touch but I can't stay here, I can't be in this coven not anymore. Alice, come on."

I looked at him sadly.

"Jazz, my love, I have to stay here and make sure everyone is okay. I will join you eventually wherever you end up I promise. I've already decided on it. I love you."

He had crystal tears in his eyes and he kissed me passionately and without looking back he vanished.

"I hate to say Carlisle, but Hale is right. I can't stay here anymore either. Gwen, come with me, we'll be nomads again, like we were before. Thank you all for the memories and friendships we shall miss you."

Gwen glanced around at all of us, sadly, before nodding her head softly and following Owen into the darkness of the forest.

I stared at the remaining members of my family waiting to see what would happen though I already knew. Carlisle took a step forward and I knew he was ready to make a speech.

"My dear children, Rose, Emmett and Alice. You as well as Jasper will always be my family and I have come to love you all very much. You have made my life a joy. There has never before been anything strong enough to tear us apart but now there is too much pain and suffering. I think it's best for us all to start fresh. You all have our phone numbers so please, stay in touch. For now I think Esme and I will join the Denali coven."

He stepped back and Esme melted into him, her body wracked with dry sobs. Rosalie looked up at Emmett sadly, and I knew she wouldn't be able to talk so he spoke for the two of them.

"Rose and I will become nomads, maybe even catch up on some travelling and visiting friends. Thank you for being the best family. We both love you all."

They hugged Esme, Carlisle and I before vanishing. So my ex parents turned to me.

"I don't know where I'm gonna go but I have to find me again. I know I'll end up with Jasper again some day. Thank you for taking us in with open arms, you are the best friends and parents anyone could ask for. I will miss you."

The two of them wrapped their arms around me tightly, each kissing my forehead before we broke apart and with watery eyes and wobbly smiles we parted ways for the first time in a long time. My resolve broke. I lost it and ran and ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore and that's when I smelled it, the delicious blood of a human I did not think, I only moved. When I came to, I was covered in blood and that's when it really hit me.

The Olympic coven was no more. 

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