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Art by🎨@miishabean

🌸Oneshot ideas would be great, comment or message them if you've got one!🌸

|Let me know if a part 2 is wanted| (goes for all oneshots)

Hobie's POV

"Hey truth or dare?" A friend of mine chimed in as I took the final bite of my food.

We were eating lunch outside, so were many of the other students that didn't want to eat in the cafeteria. And I sat in at a wooden picnic table with 3 other friends. "Wha?" I glance over to the one who spoke, and my other two friends look over as the question also grabbed their attention.

"Truth or dare, pick one." He sounded again. "Wha' for?" I raised an eyebrow and another friend chimed in. "Cmon! Just pick one!" "Dare." I leaned back a little and waited for his responses.

He scanned the surroundings before he seems to have locked on a target. "You see that person over there?" He pointed out and I turn to follow his finger. "Blonde girl with the-" "no no no, him, that boy putting up his books right now." I scan the area a bit more and see a guy who was sitting in the grass, presumably reading, now put away his books.

"Yeah?" I tilt my head towards the friend. "I dare you to kiss him" he said and I look over to him and an unamused expression, raising a brow. The other two laughed. "Really he's not gonna do that one!" "Yeah go ahead and pick another!"

"I'll do it." I told them and they went silent staring back at me with surprise. "By the end of the day, 'cause the lad's gone." I gesture to the area and he was indeed gone.


I kept an eye out for him throughout the rest of the day, I could see over most of the crowd when in the halls, and I was usually late to class so I'm sure I would of notice if was in one of my classes. But after not finding him for a bit, I figured it was too much work and decided to spend the last period outside, laid atop of school's brick wall. My leg dangling off the edge as I scrolled on my phone.

I glance over at the sound of someone walking out one of the double doors and of course it was the kid I gave up looking for. I chuckled to myself at the irony and stood up, balancing myself on the wall.

Pavitr's POV————
The teacher let me be excused from class since I didn't need to review anything. I stepped outside and sat on a bench that was against the building. I rummage through my book bag for the book I was last reading and pulled it out. Though before I could find my page I hear a deep and thick accented voice.

"Oi, 'ya skippin class mate?" The voice sounded and I look up to see a tall darkskin man stood atop the brick wall that lined the school. I've heard of this man before, one of the guys that are always skipping and in detention. Through I don't remember which one he was, but I couldn't be bothered trying to remember his name. My eyes were captivated by his appearance, his long lashes, his amazing hair, his punk styles. How tall he was, even when he jumped off the wall he was giant. And how pretty he was as he- WALKED RIGHT UP TO ME???

I jolt out of my trance and blink rapidly as he approached me. "Wha- huh?" I stammered. "Asked if ya' were skippin'." He said as he looked down at me.

"Oh! 'Course not bro, my teacher allowed me to leave. I'm just waiting for dismissal." I smiled to myself proudly with a bit of a shrug.
"Ah, good job. Don't skip, 's bad for ya' grades. Or what have ya." The punk twirled his wrist and circled then patted my head and my face began to heat a bit.

"Wait, aren't you skipping?" I asked. "'Jus' gonna 'ssume 'm skippin, huh? Bit biased of ya' if 'ya ask me." he said a bit too fast for me to keep up with his accent, and he turned around with his arms crossed.

"No- sorry I didn't mean.. well then what are you doing out here?" I asked him and he didn't move for a bit. Then he shifted his head towards me. A smile pulled on his beautiful full lips. "Yeah 'm skippin'"

A laugh escaped my lips and he turns around at me with a smile. "Okay bro." I laughed as he took a step closer in front of me.

"Not bad fo' a nerdy lad like you." He looked down at me and i scoff and dramatically, placinga hand over my chest. "Nerdy?!" I say with fake annoyance and he kneels in between my legs. Which caught me by surprise so I immediately pause.

"What's ya' name, by the way?" He asked, his eyes now looked up at me. I could see his eyeliner and long lashes much better now. As well as his many shining piercing along his face and ears.

I stare at him with a flushed red face, and he briefly glanced at my lips and at that moment I realized I had left my mouth open, and I quickly close it.

"Pavitr!" I said hastily, and his cocky smirk widened. "Pavitr." He repeated in a lower tone before sliding his hand onto the collar of my shirt and gently pulled me closer. I give a hesitant nod as I allow myself to be leaned forward. "Name's Hobie." His sly smirk fading slightly as we got close enough for our noses to touch. "Hobie Brown." He added and I could I simply couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think.

But he leaned in once more and his smirk return. I could feel it against my lips a he closed the gap. My face went red, I though my heart stopped the way I couldn't feel it pounding against my chest anymore. But I couldn't feel anything other than the warmth of his lips for several seconds.

He then pulled back and looked at me for a moment. My mouth still open in shock, my body felt frozen. He stood and gave me another pant on the head. "Nice meetin' ya' Pavitr. See ya' 'round." I could still hear the smile in his voice as he turn away and gave me a back handed wave.

I blink rapidly back into consciousness and my eyes shift to the ground in embarrassment. But then I notice a black leather spiked bracket on the ground between my feet. I pick it up and turn to where the man walked off to, holding it high in the air. "H- Hey you dropped your-" 

He wasn't there.

I gently lower my hand back into my lap. Sitting there silently for a few seconds before moving to grab my book. I don't feel it next to me so I search the area around the bench I sat on. "Where's my book?"

Lovely CHAIPUNK Oneshots (Hobie x Pavitr)Where stories live. Discover now