Smile| Pt3

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Art by🎨 @ritzuart on Pinterest

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Pavitr's POV
The sky was dark, no stars in sight, only the waning moon hovering above and the gentle breeze of the cold fall winds. The streets were mostly quiet, cars driving by every now and again, and the occasional sound of distant yelling or car alarms, as expected. 
Neither of us really spoke as we walked, likely because every time I looked at him, he looked as if his eyes were gonna close at any moment.

Me, on the other hand, couldn't get my nerves to settle down. All my energy i used in the school has yet to catch up to me, I feel like I could flip and cartwheel all night till morning. Obviously, I was this excited because I got see where Hobie lived. Not only that, I was going to spend the night.

I was always just as excited when I got to hang out at a friends house. For every apartment building we walked by, I wondered if it was his. Until finally we strayed from our straight path and he turned to walk towards an apartment building. I closely followed behind as he climbed the stairs to the second floor, taking out his keys and unlocking the door.

He swung the door open and shifted to look to me, "Make yerself at 'ome." He gave me a tired smile and I return a brighter a one. Trailing inside the apartment, it was mostly dark. The moonlight shining through the windows was doing nothing to illuminate the shadows. As he trails in behind me, I hear him flick a light switch, and immediately the shadows are replaced with white walls, a large gray couch and wooden coffee tables. Posters of bands and album covers adorned areas of the wall. A tv sat atop a black dresser, speakers on each side. Attached to the room, though separated by the island, was the kitchen. "Woaah, so this is what your place looks like." I hum, letting my eyes take in every detail.

Hobie tossed his keys on the wooden coffee table, sliding off his shoes at the same time. "Ya can kip n' ma' gaff. Gimme a tic to straighten it up." He mumbled, his words stringing together like one drawn out british accented word. It was a bit hard to tell one word from another, even harder to understand what new words he spoke out to me.

"I can what? Kip?" I tilt my head, only understanding the sentence as he sluggishly moved to the next room, the bedroom. "Ya can have ma' bed." He spoke a bit slower, picking up things from the ground and tossing then in the trash.

I marvel at the room, the majority of the room being covered with posters and records, some with signatures and writing. He gently placed his guitar next to one already laying in the corner. Papers laid in scattered piles along his desk and the floor surrounding it. I could tell some were music sheets, other just had words, lyrics perhaps? I trail inward to see the other decorations and items about his room, they seemed to match his personality spot on. Honestly, it makes me chuckle. "Woah your room is awesome!" I chirp and then quickly cover my mouth.

"Oh! Hope i'm not loud enough to wake your parents!" I whisper yell and he pauses for a moment, only his eyes glancing to me before he continued. "I live alone"
His words dance around the silent room.

That's so cool! Admittedly was my first thought. Only to have an entourage of questions fill my brain immediately after. Why does a highschooler live alone? Where are his parents? If not parents, where are any of his family members? What happened?

I could tell he was preparing for the avalanche of questions, his movements growing slight stiff with anticipation. "Oh okay." I sound, plopping down on the bed, signaling the end of the conversation, which made him ease.

He stood up straight and stretched. "Alright, imma take the couch. Nigh' Pav." He turned to me, giving an exhausted wave before leaving the room. "Night Hobie!" I quickly before he closed the door and I soon hear him plop on the couch. I laugh to myself. wow he was tired.

I move to turn off the light before slipping into the bed. The cold combination of the sheets, cover and pillow sent a small chill up my spin, though a comforting one. As my body began to carve its way into mattress, I feel every piece of cloth I was touch warm from body heat. Every breath brought in the scent that was first evident when I walked into the apartment, but now it was strong. The smell of cologne and metal. Like a man who plays an electric guitar. I silently giggle to myself, taking in another sniff of the pillow. At this point, his scent was accompanied by the feeling of comfort, like the smell of a hug, or quiet 'it's okays'.

I closed my eyes but I couldn't bring my mind to a halt. Soon I hear a soft knock at the door, which was funny because it was his room. "Come in." I chime and he does so. Hobie's unique silhouette trailed closer until I could actually see his features. "Forgo' a pillow." He mumbled, and before he could take it I quickly interject. "You just just.." he looks to me, waiting for me to continue. "Sleep in here too."

His half lidded eyes widened on a bit, his pupils fixing on me while he stayed relatively still. Regret began to creep up my spine, but not for very long. "Yeah?" His lips finally part to speak. "Yeah." I give him a smile.

He gives a single nod, moves to close the door, and plops face first onto the bed, likely the same way he did to the couch. I laughed and got comfortable. I was expecting him to move, to adjust and get under the covers, but he didn't.

"Thanks for today.." I whisper, whether or not he was awake to hear it. It was a silent few seconds and then he flips his head to me. Honestly he looked like his consciousness was hanging by the thread, eyes refusing to open but he prayed them to look at me.

"No worries, mate." He mumbled, his voice sounded a bit deeper and gravely. "Anytime." He added, closing his eyes once more. "Thank you." I stare at him with a smile, watching as his facial muscles slowly relaxed. The way his long lashes laid carefully laid on his cheeks. His body rising and falls every so slowly as he slept.

I feel the adrenaline pool out my body, my eyes becoming heavy the moment I felt the rush of comfort sweep me over. I pulled the cover to get comfortable but he was still laid atop them. So I moved closer, solidifying myself in the middle of the bed. My body adjusted to the new untouched cold of the mattress. 

Despite being blocked by the cover, I could still feel his warmth radiating onto me, and I relished in it.

I close my eyes, feeling the heavy weight finally drop. The smile on my face slowly fades away as I relaxed, and before I knew it, I slipped into the darkness of sleep.

The next day we hang out until the afternoon and I quickly head back home to receive my inevitable lecture for my aunt.

Since then, the dread of hanging with my friends didn't seem so heavy. When I talked in the hall, I'd usually see Hobie pass by me and my group of friends. Every time I waved at him, and he gave me a smile and waved back. Or maybe when he didn't feel like smiling, he'd still give me a wave. My friends found him intimidating, I hoped they wouldn't think the same of me if I took a break from smiling.

Really I adored Hobie unwavering disinterest in what people thought of him. Even if he was content and he just didn't smile, he didn't care how upset it made him looked. Only smiling if he wanted to smile, or if something caused that reaction, not a fake one to plaster on to make other's comfortable. He was authentic.

"Hey Hobie!" I turn away from my circle of friends to greet him with a beaming smile and a wave. "Ey Pav." He nodded and waved at me. "I'll be there to watch you rehearse after school." I told him and this made the corners of his lips lift to a smile. "Yeah? I'll be waitin' then." His smile lingered, which made mine widens, even when he turned to keep walking to his locker.

My friends had gone back to talking, but that smile remained. So effortlessly staining my face. But once that smile began to fade, I didn't want to replace it just yet, I wanted to let the air breathe. I wasn't going to look upset, but maybe just dip my toes in the waters of smiling authentically. And after, I would get to share this experiment with my personal diary, Hobie.

Another smile pulls at my lips, I couldn't help it, not when thinking about him being proud of me for taking the first step. 'Only smiling when i felt it.'

And right now, I felt it.

Lovely CHAIPUNK Oneshots (Hobie x Pavitr)Where stories live. Discover now