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I follow Agran through the trees. I follow him everywhere. I still can't wrap my head around why he saved me that day. However, I'm really glad he did. He's a good friend. Though sometimes I can't understand him. He's a little overprotective. He follows me everywhere and doesn't let anyone get too close to me. 

I then hear footsteps. Agnar and I turn to the noise. I see shapes moving. Humans. I sometimes forget I'm a human. Wait... I know them. Astrid? Snotlout? Ruffnut and Tuffnut? Fishlegs? Toothless?! What the heck were they doing here? I had never dreamed of seeing them again. I have missed Toothless dearly. How the heck did this happen? Is this luck?

Their words pick up.

"Astrid what are we even doing here? He's not here." Fishlegs said.

About that.

"I know. I know. I just have a feeling." Astrid said.

She looks as beautiful as the last time I saw her. I can't even remember when that was. 

"Maybe he got eaten by the Death Song. If he did, let's get out of here." Snotlout said.

I seriously do hope they get out of here. Agran was looking at them intrigued. Then I hear a roar. A massive roar. I look up. I see a Titan Wing Monsterous Nightmare looking down on us. I look at it. I see his eyes green as emeralds. 

I see him dive towards my friends. I see them scream. I see Toothless fire. I take out a bladed wheel and throw it at it. It slices through its chest. It yelps and shoots fire around. It glares at them. 


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