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"Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!" There was a lot of cheering for my return.

Berk hasn't changed in the past three months which is either good or bad. Everyone was clapping their hands for me. Though of course they did spend an hour screaming. They were shocked when I brought Agron here. We've seen weird looking dragons, but none so as weird as him. He's not even a dragon. He's a creature from the sky. 

Everyone also seems impress by my new armor. Their technology is far superior than ours. They can cloak themselves. They can shoot massive balls of energy at things and completely destroy them. 

I look around. Even though this is familiar, it's not. I feel like when I first awoke on the ship. This place feels alien. It shouldn't though. This is my home. Or was my home. I walk on the soil which I haven't done for months. I haven't breathed the fresh air in months. I haven't looked upon our people in months.

"Son!" Dad yelled.

I turn. He looks pretty much the same. Same old beard. Same old helmet. He examines me.

"Where in the name of Thor have you been?!" He yelled.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I say.

He then hugs me gently. I push Agron away. He looks a bit agitated. I embrace him back. Been a while since I've been hugged, I missed it dearly.

"I'm just glad your back son." He says.

Toothless jumped in. He wrapped his tail around us. He licked my face. Good to be back.

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