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My heart quickens. My breath goes dry. I grip my fists. A flood is coming toward us. A flood that'll hopefully not wash us away. I hear their growls it makes me sweat. Agron puts his hand on my shoulder. How is he not moving? How is he not totally freaking out? I guess he is more experienced than me. He knows how to keep calm. I let out a breath.

One charges. Agron slices it in half with his claws. I look down the dark tunnel and green eyes widen. There must be hundreds. There must be thousands. They definitely outnumber us two to a hundred. Agron shoots his gun m. The ball of plasma flies down the tunnel. I see a bunch of bodies swarming each other. I take out my spear. Maybe I should've let Toothless stay. We could've used the strength. 

They roar. It's louder than a Thunderdrum. I almost fall over. Agron shoots out a net. It grabs a handful of them but we still have a thousand pooling after us. I stab one and throw. It aside. One grabs my leg. It knocks me down. I kick him and I slice off its head. I stand up. Agron grabs me and throws me back. Seriously? I can fight.

Am I a true Hunter in his eyes? Does he only see me as a weak human? Whatever the reason he pushed me out of the way, I'm gonna prove him wrong. I stand up and I decloak. I'm gonna prove I'm strong to wield the mark.

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