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I skipped major details of my excursion, but I kept the story clear. I was rescued by these hunters, and they made me a hunter because I bear the mark. There were a lot of questions. Some I couldn't answer. Most I couldn't answer because if they found out, it would cause a panic.

"Hiccup, what exactly are they?" Silent Sphen asked.

"Hunters. Other than that, not sure." I look at Agron. 

He nods. I look at him. I nod. He takes off his mask. A couple ladies screamed and fainted. I cover my face with my hand. Snotlout screamed in his own high-pitched way. The twins screamed. Fishleg screamed. Even Astrid screamed gently. 

"Okay, so put your mask back on." I say.

He nods and growls.

"Why is that thing here?" Snotlout asked hiding behind a chair. 

"To hunt. As am I." I say. 

"Hiccup, I don't follow." Dad says.

I rub my hand through my hair.

"We're on a mission." I say.

Agron growls at me.

"Yeah, he says we're hunting evil extraterrestrials. Basically, we're hunting creatures that have been around for a long time." I say.

Everyone looks at me confused. I turn to Agron. This has gone horribly wrong. I'm embarressed.

"We should probably go." I say turning. 

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