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"What's happening?" I ask.

We walk down the hallways of the ship. Hunters are gearing up. Putting on more armor. They were sharpening their claws and spears. There's a sense of dread in the air. Why are they preparing so much? Is war truly upon us?

"They are planning on destroying the entire planet." The Elder growled.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask stunned.

"They are also called The Consumers. They go around planet to planet to feed on their resources. Every planet we've ever hunted on has been destroyed by them. They are our greatest nemesis. They will suck the energy out of this place until it's as dry as a desert." The Elder said.

Well that's a shaky thought. My heart was racing. I don't know what is happening. It's chaos on the ship. The entire planet is at risk?! What the Thor?! I am not prepared to fight an entire army of these things!

If I had Toothless than yeah I'd feel a little bit better but I don't. I don't have Astrid. I don't have my Dad. I don't have the other Riders. I have the Hunters. I have guns and claws. I have cloaking. I have spears. I have the other Hunters. I don't want to get them involved. I grip my fists. War is upon us. By Thor I hope we win

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