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The rocks were covered in some slime. It looks like Cavern Crasher slime but it smells like acid. The rocks were also scratched up. I run my fingers over the claw marks. They're deep. They also appear to be wide.

There's a lot of them here by the amount of scratches and slime. What could they be after here? The eggs? It seems the most likely. I've seen dragons that break in here and eat the eggs or at least try to. We're usually there to stop it.

We continue on the trail. There's an eerie growling in the air. I grip my fist. I look around. Nothing coming on my mask. Then I hear a noise behind me. I become visible. I shove my claws almost into Tuffnut's neck. He lets out a small scream.

"Tuff?? What are you doing here??" I ask.

"Duh. Looking for you." Tuff says.

I draw back my claws. I drop him.

"Tuff are all you guys here?" I ask.

"Pretty much yeah." Tuff admits.

I let out a sigh. Astrid always has been stumbling. That's both a quality that I love about her and a quality that I really wish she didn't have sometimes. I rub my hair. I look around.

"Tuffnut, where are they?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah about that, I have no idea." Tuffnut says.

"What?!" I yell.

"Yeah so we kind of all got separated. Which may or may not have been me and Ruff's fault." He says.

"Oh Gods." I sigh.

I turn.

"C'mon Tuff. Let's see if we can find them." I say.

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