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"Hiccup! Where in Thor's name have you been?!" Astrid yelled.

She punched me in the shoulder, which I deserved. Agron almost stopped her, but I convinced him not to. 

"Uh, funny story." I say scratching myself.

"Boy will everyone on Berk be happy to see you." Fishlegs says.

"I'm not going back to Berk." I say.

They look at me.

"You've been gone for three months, everyone was worried sick, and you're not coming back?!" Astrid yelled.

"I have... work to do." I say.

Toothless nudges me gently.

"What are you talking about?!" Astrid yelled.

I let out a breath. Agron decloaked. Everyone even Astrid screamed.

"This is Agron." I gesture to him.

He lets out a growl.

"Yeah, no kidding." I say to him.

"Is that a monster?!" Snotlout yelled.

"A hunter." I say.

"Huh, why do your helmets have the same mark?" Fishlegs asked. 

"Mark of the hunter." I point to it.

I scratch my hair. Yup, I think I have to tell them everything that has happened. I let out a breath.

"Three months ago, I killed a serpent which kind of made me a hunter. Then I almost died, and then I was saved by Agron and his kind. I was taken into the sky. Way way up." I say.

I turn to Agron. He takes off his mask. Fishlegs faint. The twins scream and hug each other. Snotlout screams really high pitch. The dragons growl. 

"The other hunters found me. Trained me to become a hunter. They made me one of them." I slam my hand into my chest. 

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