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"Alright guys, I know you've probably never faced anything like this before, but I have. If we do not stop this ship, we all die." I say.

"I am so not opposed to dying." Tuffnut says. 

"Me neither. I so do not like dying." Ruffnut slams her head into Tuffnut's.

"I'm not opposed to destroying this entire ship." Snotlout says.

"Hiccup that's a big ship, do you really think we can?" Fishlegs shivers. 

"Guys I know you're scared. I am scared beyond belief, but we can't let this fear take us down. We have to stand. We have to fight." I say.

My gun shoots out a ball at the ship and it makes a tiny explosion. Heat signatures erupt from the ship and the dragons being mined controlled shoot up to us. 

"Incoming!" Tuffnut yells. 

A giant beam shoots out from the ship. I dodge it. It completely destroys a glacier.

"That is one powerful weapon!" Fishlegs squealed. 

"Which we need to destroy." I say.

Toothless roars and shoots out plasma at the ship. It hits.

"Good job bud. Alright everyone circle around the ship. Don't let up. We need to constantly destroy it before it destroys us." I say. 

"Got it Hiccup!" The A team yell.

I let out a breath. We charge. We fire. We spin around the ship each one of us firing. I watch as the eat signatures were diminishing. We we're doing it. Unfortunately, we weren't doing it fast enough. I can still see them sucking up the life from the planet in the vines. I grip my fists. I saw them preparing to fire again.

"Toothless!" I yell.

We dodge. I watch as it destroys one of our ships. Oh Thor. I have to end this now. I jump off of Toothless and land on the ship. I have to blow this thing up sky-high. I grip my fists. 

"Hiccup, what are you doing?!" Astrid yells.

Toothless flies down to the ground and roars gently.

"Everyone get clear!!" I yell.

I press buttons on my wrist. This bomb is do or die. If I do it, no one dies. If I fail and die, heck, the entire planet is screwed and that's not a good thing. I put the bomb down. I didn't set the timer for that much time. I've got like two minutes. Which might not have been the best move, but I have to wrap this up. I then run like heck. 

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