Chapter 14 - Growing Up V

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The days passed quickly as Ikiru revealed the nature of his Quirk. The number and intensity of his training and practice had increased. In addition to training his body and mind, he was now training his Quirk. He had gained access to his powers by entering and exiting '?????' mode. The starting point for training his psychic powers was telekinesis. Unlike the person he inherited this power from, he had to train it. Ikiru knew that by improving his telekinesis, he could become the strongest in this world. However, like the original owner of his power, Ikiru did not want to be content with raw power. He wanted more.

Telekinesis training was the first step towards achieving what he wanted. Although he could lift a hundred kilos with telekinesis at first, his limit was increasing as he used psychic power. It was increasing rapidly. Within a week, his limit increased from one hundred kilos to one tonne. Since his power was still limited, the weights he lifted were small. For this reason, the equipment Levi had prepared for training was doing its job. But at the rate of development, that might not be possible in the future. Ikiru followed the same training plan seven days a week. He would get up in the morning and let Mikasa feed him. He would go for a run, repeating push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups and squats. After that, he would fight (beat) Mikasa and have lunch. After lunch, he would have a lesson with Levi. Levi would train him to improve his mind and knowledge. After that, the Quirk training began.

Ikiru would start by lifting the weights prepared by Levi into the air with telekinesis. The second step was to move the weights in the air. He would start with small but multiple weights, and towards the end of the training, he would continue with a single, heavyweight. After completing the training, he would bathe with Mikasa. After the bath, Mikasa would feed him and then put him to bed. He and Mikasa would sleep together. Sometimes Ikiru would ask Mikasa to take off her top. Mikasa would happily fulfil his request. Ikiru sometimes felt like sucking on Mikasa's breast. Mikasa was still able to produce breast milk. Ikiru was addicted to this divine milk, and it made him happy to see the look on Mikasa's face when he sucked on her breasts.

Ikiru continued this routine for a month. But danger knocked again. Another cursed spirit attacked Ikiru again. This time Ikiru was prepared. After training for a month, his strength in telekinesis had increased greatly. He could now comfortably lift five tonnes of weight. This time the attacking spirit looked like a rabbit. This spirit had a grotesque appearance. Ikiru used his telekinesis to tear the spirit to pieces. But this was a wake-up call for Ikiru. The Creator had shown him the hardships he would face in exchange for this power. The cursed spirits that existed because of his Quirk saw Ikiru as a tasty snack. Although the spirits he had encountered so far were not very powerful, the world was very big.

Knowing that there was no esper/medium in the world before, he was not very anxious, but he was not comfortable. When people with Quirk died, if their souls remained in the world, who could guarantee him that these souls would not have Quirk? Besides, the spirits could feed on negative emotions, become stronger, and then become cursed. This increased their danger. The two spirits he had encountered so far were animalistic. A humanoid spirit could be very weak or very powerful. Ikiru was planning to make preparations just in case. He had forgotten that he emitted a delicious scent for other spirits and cursed souls. He should have told Mikasa and Levi.

"With great power comes great responsibility, right?" Ikiru said looking up at the sky. He then returned to the mansion and spoke to Mikasa. Mikasa immediately reported the situation to Levi. The problem was that none of them, except Ikiru, could see or influence the spirits. This meant that Ikiru was left alone in his battle with the spirits. Mikasa bit her lip in despair. Ikiru had never left her side since he was born. It drove Mikasa mad that she couldn't protect him, even though she was always by his side. She had worked hard all her life and trained herself. However, even though she was very strong, she couldn't help her son. Levi, on the other hand, had a much more rational approach to the situation. Ikiru was in danger from the spirits, but the danger was not life-threatening. Levi had not forgotten what he had seen that day. The power within Ikiru could only be described as 'God'. And Ikiru was saying that this manifestation would come when his life was in danger. So for Ikiru in the centre, there could be no danger to his life. If there was a soul that could defeat Ikiru's '????' mode, the world would have been doomed anyway. So he did the right thing to do. He increased Ikiru's training. Ikiru was stronger and more versatile than before because he had recently started using telekinesis. Although he could also make psychic attacks, it was currently impossible to measure how powerful these attacks were.

Levi had tried to detect and measure psychic power based on Ikiru's descriptions. However, Levi was unable to measure this power again, except for Ikiru's '????' manifestation. Therefore, he was unable to detect and measure Ikiru's psychic attacks. However, this was not entirely a bad thing. If Levi could not detect Ikiru's attacks, then his attacks could not be detected except by spirits and those with the Quirk to detect them. This was very good for Ikiru. Even if psychic attacks didn't help with spirits, they would help a lot with other things.

After Ikiru informed them of the spirit attack and told them that these attacks would increase, Levi and Mikasa had different opinions. Levi thought that Ikiru should use his power in different ways. Mikasa, on the other hand, decided it was time to teach Ikiru how to use his powers in deadly ways. Ikiru had been trained in the assassination before. In this training, he had learnt about human anatomy and its deadly points. However, since humans were not the only species he would be fighting, he would need a different kind of knowledge. And that was destructiveness. Since they were all inexperienced with spirits, they turned to the most basic thing they could do. Raw power attacks.

They knew that Ikiru had unlimited psychic energy. Although he could not use all of this power, the regeneration rate of the power he could access was very high. Therefore, it would not be unreasonable for him to use raw power attacks. With Ikiru's descriptions, the spirits turned out to be very different from what they knew. From their appearance to their power. The first spirit that attacked them looked like a wolf and its attack method was to release poison from its body. The second spirit that attacked them was rabbit-like. Its attack was more mental.

As soon as it appeared in front of Ikiru, it tried to put him in an illusion. Since Ikiru was extremely strong, this attack did not work. This caused the second spirit to shatter into pieces. What Mikasa and Levi had learnt from this information was that spirits were more dangerous than they thought. Ikiru needed to exploit the advantage he had. Raw power attacks could be performed at range or up close. With Ikiru's remarkable talent for psychic power, he quickly improved in this area.

However, Levi had shown him another point of improvement. Levi had been studying Quirks for many years. For this reason, he was an expert in the use of Quirks and the power they could have by increasing one's control. The point he pointed out to Ikiru was flying. One of the most important things in one-on-one and group combat was mobility. Mobility could be decisive in most battles. For this reason, Levi said that Ikiru should learn to fly using his telekinesis. With his current level of telekinesis, Ikiru could lift to five tonnes of weight. Ikiru was almost four years old, weighing about fifteen kilograms. Lifting himself into the air would have been a piece of cake for him.

With Levi's guidance, he quickly learnt to fly. But for Levi, learning to fly was not enough. He had to protect himself from the air currents he would experience while flying, and learn to manage the pressure he would experience at high speeds. He had to prevent the G forces he would experience in sudden acceleration and deceleration. Although the Ackerman bloodline strength increased Ikiru's tolerance to g-force, it would not be enough for the speeds he would reach in the future. For this reason, Levi created a machine that simulated different conditions for Ikiru. With this machine, Ikiru would become accustomed to extreme conditions and adapt over time.

Flying, telekinetic power attacks, psychic raw power attacks, one-on-one combat practice, using flight in combat, meditation and heartbeat control, Ikiru learnt these things over the next year and a half. He was not yet proficient in all of them. However, he managed to reach the beginner's level in all of them. With regular training and an indomitable will, there was little that could not be achieved. Ikiru had been under a lot of stress during the past year and a half, but he had managed to overcome it. His awareness and consciousness, which far exceeded his age, helped him a lot. But it was Mikasa who helped him the most. Thanks to her endless love and attentive care for him, he believed he could overcome anything. Over time, Mikasa's teachings distorted Ikiru's mind. Knowing that he had been chosen by God helped this change. Not being able to communicate with anyone other than Mikasa and Levi made it worse.

When Ikiru was four years old, Levi told him that he should be able to communicate with other people. However, Mikasa argued that Ikiru's powers and abilities could be recognised, and if that happened, Ikiru would be in danger. Mikasa was not wrong. However, the danger posed by the spirits was ignored by both Mikasa and Levi. There were more spirits in cities where there were more people. This meant that if Ikiru went to the city, he would be attacked by many spirits.

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