Chapter 46 - Sports Festival Arc IV

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At the entrance to the parkour race, students were gathered. Everyone was waiting for Midnight's signal. The entrance to the parkour was packed. Midnight snapped her whip and the race began. Ikiru immediately jumped and then began to glide. At the sound of the whip, Shoto used his Quirk, covering the floor of the corridor at the entrance of the parkour with ice. This action caused many students to become trapped. Except for some of the students, most of the students had already given up at this stage.

Momo guessed that Shoto would do something like this, so she jumped like Ikiru. However, she had different plans. Immediately after leaping, she created Jumping Stilts from her feet with her Quirk. As soon as she landed, she shot forward like a bullet. Ikiru watched all this from the air as he glided. "As expected, I think it's time for me to put on a show," Ikiru thought, turning in the direction where he felt the finish line of the parkour with his Zone. Then he increased his flight speed.

Meanwhile, Izuku, Tenya, Ochaco, Tsuyu, and the entire 1-A class had just broken free of the ice created by Shoto. Bakugo raised his hands to point behind him, creating explosions, and Tenya ran with the motors in his legs activated. Ochaco's weight lessened her clothes and ran. Shoto was constantly creating ice and sliding on it. Izuku was trying to run as fast as he could. Momo, whom none of them expected, was ahead of them all and moving fast. Just then they all heard an explosion. Just as they looked up at the sky, Present Mic's shout rose from the stadium.

"Oh, my god!!! Yes, everyone, Ikiru Ackerman has just broken the sound barrier!!! He can fly at the speed of sound!!!" shouted Present Mic. "Finally the show's on, huh," thought Momo, grinning. Part of her wanted everyone to witness Ikiru's greatness. On the other hand, part of her wanted to remain one of the two people who knew how powerful he was. As Momo thought this, one of the giant robots in front of her exploded. In the first part of the parkour race, they used the robots from the entrance exam as obstacles.

Ikiru had pierced through the torso of one of the giant robots with a score of 0. And in doing so, he didn't even slow down. "Unbelievable! It only took him thirteen seconds to traverse the entire parkour race!! We have a new record, people!!!" shouted Present Mic. "Truly, an amazing performance. And to know that a fifteen-year-old did it makes it even more incredible," said Aizawa, still in his bandages.

Meanwhile, Momo sliced a robot in half with the sword she had created. Then, she threw the sword away and kept running. The sword Momo created was made of titanium gold. With the jumper she created from her legs, she continued to run fast. By the time the others reached the robots, she had reached the canyon, the second obstacle of the race. When she saw the canyon in the distance, she increased the length of her steps, maintaining her momentum instead of accelerating. When she reached the edge of the canyon, she leapt with all her strength. Thus she crossed the canyon in one go, and she managed to do it without stopping.

Maintaining her speed, she came to the final obstacle of the race. This obstacle was a minefield. The place where the mines were buried was not obvious, but a sharp eye could see it clearly. As Momo approached the minefield, she created a pair of goggles with X-ray vision. And she created these goggles exactly over her eyes. Momo could create with her Quirk from any part of her body. A few years ago she couldn't do this, but the training she received with Mikasa changed that.

Mikasa moulded Momo from head to toe to be useful to Ikiru. This included sex education. Even though Mikasa was disgusted by the thought of it, she wanted Ikiru to have the best. With the goggles, Momo easily located the mines. Thus, she completed the last stage with ease. As she crossed the finish line, she grinned at Ikiru who was waiting for her. Ikiru walked up to Momo and took her hand, "What would people think if they knew you were trying so hard to be able to kiss me? Bad girl Momo," Ikiru whispered in her ear. Grinning, he dragged her into the waiting area. Momo's face turned red. Of course, all this was happening in front of the tens of thousands of people in the stadium and the millions of people watching the event on their televisions. For this reason, Momo was both embarrassed and overwhelmed with an emotion she could not describe.

Ikiru and Momo had finished the first round of the festival so fast that they had to wait about five minutes for another student to cross the finish line. When the forty-second student crossed the finish line, Midnight announced the completion of the first stage. There was then a ten-minute break to give the students a chance to rest, and to give those who needed it a chance to recuperate.

After ten minutes, Midnight announced the second round of the festival. "Firstly, let's give a big round of applause to the students who made it through the first stage. Now it's time to announce the second stage's event. The event of the second stage will be a cavalry battle. According to your place in the ranking, each of you will be given a lanyard with your score written on it. Your goal is to capture the other participants' lanyards while protecting your lanyard, and collect the highest score! However, the score of the lanyard of the first place in the obstacle parkour is ten million! Now, in the ten minutes you will be given, form teams of up to four people and form your formation, students who fail to form teams will be disqualified!" said Midnight, cracking her whip.

"Do you mind if we put Jiro on the team?" Momo asked Ikiru. Ikiru rolled his eyes, "It doesn't matter," Ikiru said and Momo went over to Jiro. "Kyo, do you want to team up with Ikiru and me?" said Momo. No one had any doubt that Momo would team up with Ikiru. "Thank you Momo, but I want to get through this stage under my own power. If I team up with you, I won't have to do anything. And I don't want to feel useless," Jiro said sadly. "It's okay, Kyo. I hope you do well," Momo said with a warm smile.

With the time allotted to the students over, Midnight cracked her whip again. "Yes, the second stage of the sports festival has now begun!" said Midnight, shouting at the end of her words. Hearing her words, there was an explosion in the centre of the arena. Dust rose into the air, sending all the participating students into a momentary daze. Before the stage began, in the centre of the arena, Ikiru was standing with Momo in his arms like a princess. "Don't forget to create ornaments on the throne," Ikiru said in Momo's ear.

At Midnight's signal, Ikiru took a step forward. With his step, he applied tonnes of force to the centre of the arena. This caused a huge explosion. The explosion created a cloud of dust and engulfed all the students near the centre of the arena. The audience was instantly affected by the explosion. All eyes were on the cloud of dust. Suddenly, from the top of the dust cloud, a throne appeared. The throne was made of raw earth. Ikiru was sitting on the throne. With his left elbow on the arm of the throne, and his head resting on his left fist, he was holding Momo's waist with his right hand.

Momo was hugging Ikiru with her left hand while creating golden plates and long swords with her right. Ikiru used his telekinesis to make them fly while decorating the throne on which they sat with the plates Momo had created. The swords Momo had created stabbed into the top of the throne, making it even more majestic. Present Mic's eyes bulged out, "You've got to be kidding me!!!" he shouted.

Ikiru's lanyard was around Momo's throat. Ikiru had first broken the earth of the arena, then, with telekinesis, he had brought the earth together in the shape of a throne and lifted it into the air. He did all this in two seconds, and there was not a speck of dust on him or Momo. "Damn, this guy's too manly!!" shouted Kirishima. Standing above him, Bakugo was looking down at Ikiru with a frown. He immediately slapped Kirishima on the head. "Stop talking and start running!!!" shouted Bakugo.

"You weren't wrong to call the kid arrogant. But to give him his due, he definitely has a style," Kamui Woods said to Mt. Lady. Meanwhile, Mt. Lady sprayed her drink when she saw what Ikiru was doing on the stage. She wiped her mouth, "It doesn't matter that he's strong, he's still an arrogant brat", she said as she tilted her head back, looking at the centre of the arena. While they were talking amongst themselves, the battle had started in the arena. There were explosions everywhere, and different Quirks clashing. Meanwhile, someone decided to attack Ikiru, who was sitting on his throne in the sky. "I will defeat you and bring your nose down from the sky!" shouted Shoto Todoroki towards Ikiru. Ikiru looked bored at Shoto, who was using his ice Quirk to levitate into the air. "Know your place, fucker," Ikiru said as he lifted his right foot slightly and stepped down again. With that move, Shoto crashed to the ground as if he had been hit by a truck.

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