Chapter 39 - USJ Arc I

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"Congratulations, Team C!" All Might said to Momo and Ikiru as they entered the watch room. Behind them were Denki and Jiro. Denki's brain activity had slowed down due to Quirk's overuse. Seeing them, All Might said, "Don't upset yourself, Team G, this trial was not a match you could handle. Ikiru is much stronger than we thought." Most of the students in the class nodded in agreement with All Might. Meanwhile, Shoto Todoroki was frowning and looking at Ikiru.

After All Might's speech, the next trial was started. After the trials were over, All Might led everyone to the classroom. In the classroom, he projected the footage from the trials on the board and showed them their flaws. After detailed analyses, many people learned from their mistakes. The next day, the front of the U.A. campus was packed with reporters. When the media found out that All Might was teaching at U.A., U.A. received a lot of attention. There was no one in Japan who didn't know about it.

Many students of class 1-A were bombarded with questions by reporters. Many of them were embarrassed and did not answer. The reactions of those who did answer did not satisfy the reporters. Ikiru and Momo got out of the limousine in front of the campus. This attracted the attention of many reporters. They immediately headed towards them. "Hello young ones, can you tell us about All Might's teaching?" a female reporter asked. Ikiru extended his left arm to Momo without showing any emotion. Momo immediately took his arm. The female reporter, who tried to hand a mike to Ikiru, could not extend the microphone forward.

Ikiru, using his telekinesis, had created a protection field about a metre around him. He pushed out anything that was around him. Ikiru sometimes regretted hiding his abilities. If he had displayed his abilities openly, he could have teleported to and from school. Ikiru and Momo broke through the sea of reporters and entered the U.A. campus. As they passed through, the reporters were in absolute chaos. Some felt pushed, and others felt pulled back. They almost got into a fight.

Fortunately, other students appeared after Ikiru and Momo. When one of the reporters tried to enter the school gate, the U.A. security system kicked in. Huge steel walls, five metres tall, burst out of the ground and surrounded the school. "Oh my God, what is this?" one of the reporters said in shock. "You must be new to Musutafu, U.A.'s security system goes into defence mode when it detects entry into the school grounds without a student or teacher ID card," said a middle-aged male reporter.

While they were talking among themselves, the maths class of class 1-A had started. During their lesson with Aizawa, Aizawa asked them to choose a class president for themselves. Aizawa then went to sleep in the sleeping bag he had brought with him. The class was in a chaotic situation at that moment. Almost everyone in the class wanted to be the class president. Since they were in the hero class, they were under the misconception that this position would determine their leader. Ikiru remained silent, watching the developing events. Momo had also declared his candidacy for a leadership position. Finally, Tenya raised his voice and declared that everyone should vote and that this was how they should determine the class president.

The class was convinced of the idea. "I'm not interested, but I'll support Momo, she's the most qualified person in this class after me," Ikiru said. So everyone used the papers that Tenya had handed out to cast their votes. Ikiru was responsible for announcing the results as he had not participated in the election. Momo got four votes and became the class president, and Tenya got two votes and became her assistant. Thus, the presidential elections were completed. Then they woke Aizawa up. Aizawa told them that there was no heroism course this afternoon and that they should be prepared for a special event tomorrow.

They went to the cafeteria for lunch. "Who are the two people who voted for me?" asked Momo thoughtfully. Since the first day, she had been trying to make friends and network with others. Her purpose in this was completely goal-orientated. "One is Jiro and the other is Mina," Ikiru said, bored. Sitting next to them, Jiro was embarrassed and surprised. "How do you know I voted for Momo?" Jiro asked Ikiru in surprise. "It's obvious from the way you looked at Momo with a smile that you weren't a candidate during the election. Pay more attention to your surroundings, I looked at you for about ten seconds in class and you didn't even realise," Ikiru said. Jiro found herself surprised by his words again. "You are sensitive to sound, use this to your advantage, by widening or narrowing your frequency range, you can filter out unnecessary sounds, thus increasing your awareness," Ikiru advised.

Jiro looked at Ikiru curiously. She wondered why he had helped her, and how he had found it so easy to develop her Quirk. But her shyness didn't give her the chance to ask those questions. She nodded and thanked Ikiru. They took their food and sat down, remaining silent as they ate. They all had their own questions to think about. Momo was thinking about what she should do as class president, and what steps she should take that would benefit them in the future. Jiro was thinking about the new development that Ikiru had pointed out to her. Ikiru was analysing the abnormal aura he sensed with his Zone ability.

There was someone with a destructive Quirk among the reporters camping outside the school. And given the U.A.'s proximity to the security wall, there was bound to be a disturbance. Ikiru was always on his guard. So he would be ready for whatever came his way. The problem was that he was in public. He had to restrain his behaviour to a certain extent. There was still time for him to emerge as himself. Just as Ikiru thought, an alarm went off at the school.

It meant that the school's boundaries had been violated. The cafeteria instantly descended into chaos. Meanwhile, Momo was waiting for orders from Ikiru. Knowing Ikiru's abilities and full capacity, she wasn't worried in the slightest. Jiro, who was sitting with them on the other side, was scared and worried. "There's no need to panic. Most likely one of the reporters outside violated the school's boundary. We are a school full of professionals. Therefore, we should wait calmly and wait for them to explain what the situation is," Ikiru said calmly, reassuring Jiro. Ikiru's words had a different meaning for Momo.

Ikiru trusted no one but himself, and he didn't need to. Also, when he talked about heroes, he was implying that the border violator was a villain. Finally, the mention of the reporters implied that the villains had an indirect, rather than direct, target for the reporters to blame. Momo was able to understand this because she had been trained to be Ikiru's, right-hand woman. Mikasa was an Ikiru fanatic. She knew all her son's habits by heart. She liked to look for deeper meaning in his words, so she had given Momo this habit.

Ikiru implied that he wanted danger to come to them by remaining still. Because he couldn't reveal his knowledge of the situation without revealing his abilities. Meanwhile, Tenya stood on the signboard above the entrance door of the cafeteria, shouting and attracting everyone's attention. Pointing to the crowd of reporters outside, he invited everyone to calm down and remember where they were. This caused the crowd to calm down.

Soon after, Vlad King came to the cafeteria and told them that classes were cancelled for the afternoon and they could go home. So the day ended early. "Who attacked the school, Ikiru?" Momo asked in the limousine on the way to the mansion. "It was Tomura who destroyed the walls of the school. But it was someone different who broke in. Someone with more than one Quirk, not only that but also a combination of two Quirks. This combined Quirk gave him the ability to teleport. He seemed to open a portal to his destination instead of teleporting directly, like Mikasa and me. Before I could detect anything more with the Zone, it left my range," Ikiru said.

"What do you think their purpose was?" asked Momo. "Obviously, they attacked the teachers' lounge, and what they took from there was the teachers' syllabus. That leaves me with only one logical explanation, Tomura will follow in his master's footsteps and go after the OFA" said Ikiru. By this time they had arrived at the mansion. Mikasa was waiting for them. She was at the secret base near the school when the alarm went off at the U.A. If Ikiru hadn't signalled, Mikasa would have teleported into the U.A. Since this would have escalated the border violation, Ikiru had instructed Mikasa to remain still, deeming it unnecessary. Ikiru's words were indisputable to Mikasa and Momo. Ikiru was superior to them in strength, ability, awareness and judgement.

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