Chapter 29 - Growing Up XX

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It was some time before the Ackermans moved to Musutafu. Ikiru continued his studies as usual. Levi and Mikasa became busy with their own affairs. They had work to do to prepare for Ikiru's future. Since Mikasa was not a professional hero, she could not help Ikiru with this. However, she would take over the management of the agency he would establish in the future. For this reason, Mikasa was receiving training on company management from Levi. The Ackermen already had a trading company.

Although Mikasa had been studying for years, she lacked experience. For this reason, she has recently been taking care of the company with Levi. Levi was taking advantage of his own assets and doing more than one thing. Firstly, he was expanding his bases in Musutafu to reduce the uncertainty of the future. The weakening of the hero order day by day made it easier for Levi to do these things. However, it was also reducing the value of what they had. As an AI, Levi didn't care about wealth. However, he was also aware that this wealth meant resources.

In addition to developing its bases in Musutafu, Levi was also investing in organisations in certain parts of the world. This was not only to spread his influence. It also increased future security. Ikiru, on the other hand, devoted all this time to improving his Quirk and physics. He assigned the Kitsune to protect the Mikasa. With more public appearances, their encounters with cursed spirits increased. With their combat training mostly complete, he was preparing for more extreme situations. Thanks to the technology Levi had provided Ikiru, he was able to experience these situations under the mansion.

His closeness with Momo had also grown. Being of the same age and interests was one of the many things they had in common. The high intelligence they both possessed was one of the main reasons they got along. Ikiru had a more mature and cold character, while Momo was more introverted and shy. The fact that they had the same social status did not make Momo shy away from Ikiru. Her family's huge wealth was always a problem for Momo. This was the most common problem she faced when making friends. But Ikiru's presence fascinated her.

So they became more closer. Following Ikiru's advice, Momo had improved her Quirk considerably. Not only that, she started to participate in Ikiru's exercises. In these exercises, Momo turned yellow with fear when she saw the power Ikiru had. Ikiru didn't hide his power from Momo. Although he did not reveal the whole truth about his power, he showed Momo as much as he would reveal to the public in the future. Momo was very impressed to see Ikiru lifting hundreds of tonnes of weight. Momo had guessed that Ikiru was strong. However, the scale she saw was never what she expected.

Ikiru was manipulating Momo the way he wanted. For this reason, he didn't need to hide too much from Momo. By refining his abilities, he was increasing his control over his power. Momo, on the other hand, was concentrating on increasing her capacity and limits. She was increasing the capacity of her fat cells day by day with the method suggested by Ikiru. However, the weight created by this change on her body was too much. For this reason, her physical training increased in direct proportion day by day. Momo's mother, Mayumi, did not want Momo to be a hero at first. As she saw Momo's determination, she became more favourable to the idea. Mayumi had always argued that they could help society more by using their wealth. Momo agreed with that.

But thanks to their wealth, they had access to a lot of secret information. So it was obvious to them that things would get messy in the future. In times of chaos, people would turn to power more than money. For this reason, over time, Mayumi began to support Momo. Ikiru's presence made this acceptance easier. Mayumi had known about Ikiru for a long time, due to the friendship she had developed with Mikasa. As a single wife, she had been thinking about her child's future and her family for a long time. The Ackermen's wealth and cultural background were a blessing for Mayumi. The Yaoyorozu's were a very old and rich family. They were one of the founding partners of I-island. For this reason, their wealth was almost immeasurable. Because of their status, Mayumi knew very well that Momo was seen on a golden platter. For years, she had to face many proposals regardless of Momo's age.

It coincided with the time when she was under the most pressure from the Ackerman family. Mayumi saw a little of herself in Mikasa. A single mother and a huge wealth. But instead of a daughter, she had a son. Faced with such a perfect match, Mayumi immediately began to make plans. Although she wouldn't admit to anyone that she was making these plans, she was doing what she had to do. The good relationship between Momo and Ikiru convinced her even more. Ikiru's choice of the hero as a professional had removed Mayumi's last hesitation over Momo's career. Only Momo's grandfather and grandmother were aware of all this. The greatest pressure on Mayumi was coming from them.

They wanted to secure the future of the Yaoyorozu family. For this reason, Momo's marriage was very important to them. Fortunately, fate smiled at them. So Mayumi began to encourage Ikiru and Momo to get closer. That was the main reason why Momo was able to participate in Ikiru's exercises. So time passed and Ikiru developed control to the limit again.

At the age of 11, he experienced his next breakthrough. The new ability he gained with this breakthrough was 'Curse Power'. It allowed him to create various curses and curse people. Ikiru thus gained a new method to neutralise his enemies undetected. He had no difficulty in training this new ability. The only challenging aspect of the ability for him was creativity. He could produce any kind of curse he wanted and affect people. This opened up many possibilities. It could even be used to direct or manipulate people.

Ikiru used this new ability on the men who looked after his mother at events she attended. Not only that, but the executives of their companies' competitors were also on his list. With the undetectability of psychic power, he never left a trace. With Levi's advice and guidance to Ikiru, the family business grew even more. Of course, these oddities were still noticed. For this reason, Ikiru had to hold his hand to a certain extent. As always, he continued his education. His telekinesis had improved to the point where he could lift 312.5 tonnes of weight comfortably. His improvement didn't stop there. He also worked hard on his Zone ability and reached new limits. It reached the size of a circle with a diameter of 800 metres. Thanks to his development in Zone, his 'Scan' ability was also developing in direct proportion.

As a result of the joint use of Zone and Scan ability, he could use scan without touching within half of his maximum limit. Ikiru could easily use his newly acquired 'Curse Power' ability in half of the zone area. He could scan people, create the curse he wanted, and mark his body with the zone. Even though he was suffering from headaches due to multitasking, he enjoyed using his abilities together. This was Ikiru's recent development. He had reached the sixth spot of the levelling set by the Creator. This achievement was nothing to sneeze at. Even though his circumstances favoured him, his willpower was admirable.

A week after his new development, it was time for the yearly camping trip. Ikiru was sitting at the campsite in their new forest, looking at the fire. "Mika, why are you quiet?" Ikiru asked Mikasa, who was hugging him. "I'm just enjoying the moment, love. You know I haven't been alone with you for a long time," Mikasa said as she hugged Ikiru tighter. Ikiru rolled his eyes "Yeah, the last time we were alone was last night" Ikiru said, smiling. "Right? It almost seems like ages ago..." said Mikasa, with a smile. "How is business going? You must have spent enough time with Levi" Ikiru said. Mikasa looked at the fire "Management isn't that hard. A few skilled subordinates can easily handle the workload. Levi's presence solves this problem for us. All that remains is to make the right decisions," Mikasa said, turning to Ikiru.

"Since I will direct the agency according to your ideals, I already know what to do. All that remains is to adapt to the future situation and act. So everything is ready, baby, we even decided to put the company into sectors that will benefit us. Everything will start with you entering U.A. High School and will grow rapidly. The Agency will be set up later, but everything is ready," Mikasa said, looking at Ikiruya expectantly. "I see, I would expect nothing less from you," Ikiru said as he kissed Mikasa's forehead. "I assume you've included Momo and the Yaoyorozu family in the plans," Ikiru asked.

Mikasa's face soured "Yes, I included that brat and Mayumi in the plans. Momo's Quirk will provide many benefits in the future" she said. She scrutinised Ikiru's face carefully. Momo's presence was making Mikasa extremely uncomfortable. Even though she knew and understood the reason why Ikiru was getting close to her, she was uncomfortable.

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