Chapter 44 - Sports Festival Arc II

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"The searches are complete. No attacks have been detected anywhere on campus, except the U.S.J. building. In total, 108 villains have been apprehended. The monster who fought All Might refused to answer any questions. What's more, he didn't move a muscle, except to cooperate when captured. Our guess is that it's like an organic robot," said Naomasa. The entire U.A. staff was in the conference room. Even though the meeting was late in the evening, it could not be delayed because of its importance. "The information we have gathered suggests that their goal is to kill All Might. But we don't think that's their only goal," Naomasa said.

Nezu took over, stepped onto the conference table and started walking. "Judging by the way they call themselves, it is clear that they have created an organisation. There have been many cases like this in the past. It's not new for villains to come together and try to influence society. The problem is the power this organisation wields. This creature, which they call 'Nomu', has multiple Quirks. It has the powers of 'super regeneration', 'super speed', 'super strength' and 'shock absorption'. This is enough to understand the seriousness of the situation. The danger of this group, called the 'League of Villains', lies not only in the power they unleash. Their connections are deeper than we can imagine. Infiltrating the U.A. is no small task. It's safe to assume they triggered yesterday's alarm. This suggests that the infiltration was a declaration of war," said Nezu, as cheerful as ever.

Nezu's words made the atmosphere in the meeting room tense. "If they want war, they'll get it. I won't let them get away with what they did to Shota," Present Mic said. "This infiltration will reflect badly on U.A.'s image, fortunately, there were no casualties among the students. Otherwise, this attack would have been a disaster for us. The school's security will also have to be increased," Nemuri said, frowning and biting her fingernail. "Let me tell you a little about the information we found. Most of the captured villains were categorised as low-level. Those who were interrogated all spoke of one thing in common. In addition to their usual hardships, there was a widespread belief that Tomura Shigaraki would lead a revolution. This revolution, they said, would eliminate the oppressive heroic society," Naomasa said as he closed the thick file in front of him.

"It is obvious that they do not recognise and choose the person they have identified as their leader. He had a childish mentality and behaviour. When he saw me, he started yelling and saying that I should die," said All Might. "Perhaps this childish demeanour was impressive for the villains who were tired of the hero pressure they talked about. Because during the interrogation, they often expressed their loyalty to Tomura," said Naomasa. He then left the meeting, saying that he would help the other police officers and that he had to leave to expedite the arrest.

With Naomasa left, the U.A. staff discussed the need for increased security and the devastation the attack had caused to the U.S.J. building. After a while, the topic turned to the student's behaviour during the attack. "This year's students are really admirable. No one was seriously injured except Izuku. Who was injured due to his inability to control his own power? Even though the villains who attacked were not street-level, their achievements are still admirable. The fact that they can act without freezing under pressure shows that they are made of good cloth," said Cementoss.

"Ikiru surprised me the most. His performance in the entrance exam and in the battle trial does not reflect his power. He helped me in my fight with Nomu, even managed to immobilise Nomu," said All Might. Unaware of this, the personnel were stunned. "Even if the attackers claim that the creature Nomu is as strong as you, they are wrong, aren't they? Because I can't imagine a fifteen-year-old boy being able to take on an opponent as strong as you," Snipe said as he twirled his weapon in his hand. "I wouldn't say he's exactly as strong as me, but he's as tough as me. Although he is not as strong as me, his power level is not that far from me," said All Might. These words silenced the meeting room. Meanwhile, giggles filled the room. "Ikiru's actions weren't just to stop Nomu. First, he neutralised the villains in the conflagration zone from which he was forcibly teleported. Then he rescued Aizawa from Nomu's hands. Then he rushed to the help of his fiancée. And in doing so, he destroyed the roofs of the conflagration and downpour zones and most of the floor of the centre zone," Nezu said, chuckling.

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