Chapter 7 - First Breath II

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[16 June 2103, alternate BNHA universe]

There was an alternative version of the universe created for human entertainment. This alternate version was similar to the original, with a few changes added to the main universe. The creator of the alternate version had made some changes to the universe for the existence of his chosen character. His chosen character was a man named Ikiru. Ikiru had experienced many things from birth to death. The creator did not specifically choose Ikiru's soul. He had found him after searching for him according to his criteria.

He had already created the alternate universe and was curious to see how someone of the character he believed could change the story of this universe would live. Therefore, he decided to send Ikiru's soul to the reality he had created. Ikiru was already dead in his home world. At the age of 69, he breathed his last breath of old age. His life was full of trauma and pain. But in his life, he was able to achieve the goal he had set for his life. The Creator was one of those responsible for the Earth known to man. He was responsible for the souls that descended to Earth and the souls that reached the end of their life cycle. However, over time, the Creator had accumulated a collection of souls from among them.

Ikiru, whom he created out of boredom and sent to the alternate BNHA universe, was one of these souls. The souls in the creator's collection belonged to people who had faced and overcome the difficulties that life had given them. Among these souls, Ikiru was among those with a darker story. He was born to a couple who had been orphaned. He grew up happily until the age of twelve. He was a cute and handsome boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He had a pure and stubborn character. All this changed when Ikiru lost his parents in a traffic accident at the age of twelve.

After the death of his parents, he was placed by the state in a children's institution. Here he was bullied because of his appearance and behaviour. However, he did not stay in this institution for long. A year later, he was adopted by a newly married couple. In the years to come, Ikiru would come to realise that the life he lived in the orphanage was nothing compared to the hell he would go through. The couple who adopted Ikiru were members of a religious cult. This cult was founded by heretics for their own ambitions. They lured stupid and easy to deceive people into their web, working and using them for themselves. Of course, this was the functioning of the cult when it was founded. In the following years, the cult had grown and attracted more and more deviant people.

Unfortunately, Ikiru had the appearance and background to arouse the interest of these perverts. For the first month of his adoption, everything seemed fine, but things changed rapidly. The cult to which the couple belonged had used their connections with the state's child services agency to prevent regular checks from being carried out. Using the excuse that Ikiru would receive special education at home, the adoptive couple severed Ikiru's connection with the environment and threw Ikiru into the hell he would live in from then on. In the years that followed, Ikiru was regularly abused by certain leaders of the cult.

Ikiru was not the only one in this situation. Dozens of children like him were captured by the cult. Years of abuse had broken many children forever. Among them, mental illness became the norm. There was even a large group of children who believed that what they were going through was their destiny and purpose. The cult's brainwashing of children worked on most of them. The children had already given up because they could see no way out of the situation they were in. Some claimed that if they submitted to what the cult demanded of them, their suffering would turn into happiness and pleasure. Ikiru was trapped in the clutches of this cult until the age of eighteen.

MHA: TITANTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon