Chapter 14

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I stare at the ground in disbelief. Anika was gone. Quinn was gone. Another friend of mine dead, the list gets bigger everyday. Anika, Liv, Wes, Judy. The list goes on. 

Everything and everyone I get close to ends up dead or hurt. It's like I have a sign on my back "come near me if you want to die". 

Suddenly my head whips up to the sound of Chad punching... Ethan? 

"CHAD!" I shout getting up off the pavement and throwing my cigarette down. Ethan is being held up by Chad on a van. What the fuck? I knew Chad was strong but my goodness. 

"Where were you last night?!" He slams him into the van. "Econ. You know this!" Ethan defended himself and I walk up to the two boys. Chad slams him against the the van again with force which causes Ethan to flinch. 

"Dude I was in the study hall with a hundred other people! You can ask anyone." Ethan raises his hands like you would to a cop. 

"Can you two stop fighting for two fucking seconds?! Anika and Quinn just died!" I exclaim harshly and they push off each other. 

"Oh my god.  Mindy I'm so sorry for-" Ethan started but was quickly interrupted by Mindy. "Step the fuck back" 

"We need to stick together" I speak up as everyone was glaring at Ethan. Yes, I agree it's a little suspicious he disappears the night we all nearly get brutally butchered but he was in study hall and I believe him. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. 

"I had econ!" He says desperately. I look over to my right and see Sam and Tara talking to Quinn's dad. Poor man he's lost all of his family in one year. 

"I did some digging on your first two victims. I know where the masks are coming from." Gale stated as she appeared from her news van. 


"Jason and Greg where little Atlanta rich boys. Apparently they used fake names to rent this place." Gale explains as we walk up to an old abandoned theatre that looked like it was about to fall apart. 

Something about this place gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Kirby and Gale were bickering in front of all of us and they have been for three solid hours. It's like watching toddlers fight over candy. 

We entered the building and everything was coated in a thick layer of dust. Gross. 

"What is this place? What's with all the security?" I ask while coughing a little. "A movie theatre." 

"It's not just a movie theatre. It's a shrine." Gale said correcting Tara with a sigh. 

My eyes widen at all the evidence from previous ghostface attacks. Stacked up like collectors items. 

"Fuck" I breathe out and anxiety starts to creep in, I knew something wasn't right with this place. "They've got the entire franchise" 

My eyes begin to water as I spot the knife Amber stabbed me with last year. It was still covered in blood. Beside it was a picture of me, Tara and Amber at a concert we went to when we were ten. How did Jason and Greg get all this stuff?

I walk around and stop with Gale. She stared at pictures of Dewey with a sadness on her face. 

"He's in a better place now Gale" I say and she brings me into a hug. I probably missed Dewey the most out of anyone, he was like the father I never had. 

Before I made myself cry I backed away from Gale and stood in a corner. 

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