Chapter 8

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I woke up remembering only one thing. Mattheo Riddle. I hated how much I wanted to taste his lips again. It's just he gave me this feeling that I never thought that I would get especially from him. I mean I don't think I have feelings for him no way I hate him with every cell in my body. I can never like someone like Mattheo Riddle. And I've already disappointed my parents enough. I am not allowed to date a Slytherin I know that no one in my whole entire bloodline has ever dated a Slytherin because they're strictly forbidden. I mean not like I want to date Mattheo anyway he's rude selfish narcissistic and definitely a cheater and a player why would I want to date someone like that it'll just end up getting me kicked out and my heart broken that's one thing I don't want in my life. And most of all even if I dated Mattheo and fell in love with him I could never marry him because I have to marry a Ravenclaw.

I honestly should just start looking for my Ravenclaw lover now before I'll never find one and I'll go lonely. I need a distraction from Mattheo and what better distraction than a new boyfriend. I immediately sent a letter to my mother telling her about the Yule ball and how I want our tradition dress that our ancestors wore and surprisingly she answered back apologizing for her behavior and she sent the dress. It was beautiful. (You won't see it until the Yule ball. 🤭😌) The Yule ball was only in 3 weeks so I had plenty of time to go shopping for other things.

Corlle asked me to go to hogsmade with her an I agreed. She said we're something warm because it's going to be freezing outside but so I ever listen? No. exactly. Hahahaha.
(Your outfit)

I mean I guess it was warm but wasn't warm enough

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I mean I guess it was warm but wasn't warm enough. Corlle wanted to stop at a store that I've never heard of for her dress. And I was her plus one.

I walked down to the common room that had barely any Slytherins in it.

"Hello Ms. Rockinsmight" a cold voice behind me that I immediately recognized. Whiteout even turning around "Hello professor Snape?" I said.

"I would appreciate it if you looked at me" Snape replied. I sighed and turned my heel make a weird sound with my mouth and shooting hand guns at him.

"What do I ever own this pleasure, professor" I said.

"Where do you think your going today?" Snape said coldly.

"To hogsmade. Where are you going?" I said smiling while rocking back and forth on my heels.

"You have to make up for last week's missed day." Snape said. I had been avoiding that for ever!

"Yeah no thanks" I replied walking away very fast. Lucky for me Snape didn't chase me. I meet Corlle outside of the boutique and away we went. There were other girls in there as well. "Ms. Renning" a lady appeared from behind dresses. "Um yes thats me" Corlle said while walking with the lady. "I have picked out a few dresses for you today do you like any of them?" Corlle shook her head no while looking through the dresses. "Ok well do you want to have you and your friend here look for some" The lady said. "Yes I would like that" Corlle then walked off looking at dresses. I looked for dresses that would suit Corlle as well.  I found two dresses and Corlle found 3. Now try on time. These are the dresses I picked out.

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