Chapter 11

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Fuck it. I kissed Mattheo back with all my might. I had never felt this way before but let's just say I never want it to end.

The kiss felt like it went on forever. I had to pull away as of a lack of breathing. Mattheo looked at me with pleasure.

Then something snapped inside me. I slapped Mattheo. "What the fuck Y/n!" He yelled holding his cheek. "Mattheo Riddle! Why would you kiss me?! Don't ever do that again! We hate each other remember!" I said out of breath. Mattheo just sighed. "Why do you keep saying 'we?' why do you keep assuming my feelings? You don't know if I want to hate you. I mean you are a bitch, but it takes a lot to get a riddle to hate you. I just simply dis-like you." Mattheo said smirking then shrugging. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah and it takes a lot to love on as well" I said giving him a death stare. "God Y/n! You're such a bitch! I FUCKING hate you." Mattheo shouted. Mattheo turned to walk away but I guess he had other things to say. He turned around and stuck his finger in my face. "You don't know shit Rockinsmight! And thats a fact. Because if you did you would actually be able to get your fat head out of you ass!"Mattheo shouted one last time before storming out of the library.

Of course I was mad at first. I mean who wouldn't. But then I started thinking about what offended him to snap like that. I mean it doesn't take a lot to make Mattheo Riddle mad.

I then though back to the kiss. There's no way I can let that go.

I ran out of the library. It didn't take long to figure out where I knew Mattheo would be. Astronomy tower.

Bye the time I arrived Mattheo was not there? Prefects bathroom? Nope. Great hall? Nope. Charms classroom? Nope. Ravenclaw common room? Nope. Hufflepuff common room? Nope. Gryffindor common room. Nope. Potions class room? Nope. I checked everywhere expect Slytherin common room. I'm so stupid. I ran to Slytherin common room in a rush. When I walked in I see none other then...?

Mattheo? But he was with somebody else? "Mattheo?..." I said softly but utterly confused. "Damn it. Y/n. This is Tom. My brother." Mattheo said. And with that everything dropped.

There was not one Riddle but two. What the fuck is happening to Hogwarts that both Riddle brothers have to come? What are they planning? I have to figure it out. Meaning I have to get close to them. "Brother?" I questioned. Mattheo sighed then nodded. "He's joining 6th year." Mattheo said looking at his brother. "Well stop talking dear brother and introduce me to this peice of cake" Tom said getting closer to me. He reached his hand out to shake mine. I grabbed his hand and Russian twisted it. "Tom-" he tried to speak. "Y/n Rockinsmight. Pleasure to meet you Tom. Now next time you call me and I quote 'a piece of cake?' I will break the fuck out of you arm." I said kicking Tom to Mattheo. Tom had and evil grin. "You just made an enemy darling" Tom replied. "I'm not scared of Riddles. I already have one Riddle. Might as well take out the whole damn fam. How do you like that '𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔'" I snarked back. His face shifted to a smirk. "I'd like that very much Darling." He stepped closer. Soon things went dark. Mattheo was in my head and I'm assuming me and Mattheo are passed out on the floor right now. "Mattheo what the fuck." I though. Then Mattheo appeared.

"Listen my brother-"

"Is a dick, yeah I can see that" I scoffed.

"No Y/n your not listening yet again! He far more dangerous then me. He's just like my father. He's very loyal to my father." Mattheo said anxiously.

"Then why is he at Hogwarts?" I replied with the same anxious tone.

"That's none of you business. And I told you already that he's joining 6th year. Let's just say Father sent him to watch over me." Mattheo said.

"To watch over you? Why?" I replied curiously.

"Because father thinks I'm not trust worthy." Mattheo sighed.

"Well I mean. You are a Riddle. That's what your known for." I replied.

Mattheo gave me a death stare not even wanting to reply. "Listen I have a feeling that Tom was about to tick you off and you know what happened last time someone ticked you off. And we can't have Tom finding out. He will tell my Father in a heart beat. I mean it. You have to watch out. And stay away from Tom. He's a player." Mattheo said with a serious tone.

"Oh and you're not?" I scoffed.

"Well played Y/n. But there's only one girl I won't dare to play. She's far to precious to play." Mattheo winked getting closer.

"And who is this girl" I flirted back also getting closer.

"She knows" Mattheo winked.

My eyes all the sudden flooded with light as did Mattheos. Tom was standing there scanning me.

"You know you are truly beautiful Y/n" Tom said helping me get up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him in. I leaned down to his ear.

"Oh honey? I know" I said whispering in his ear smirking he could feel it. I pulled away but he pulled me back in.

"Does she taste as beautiful as she looks?" Tom questioned.

"Oohhh. Dear Tom. Baby. Come find out." I said in a lustful voice. Tom finally let me pull away feeling flabbergasted. Mattheo was giving me a death stare. I winked at Mattheo as well. Then walked off back to the ball.

"Fred I'm sorry, I needed to take a minute" I said to Fred.

"Y/n it's okay " Fred smiled.

That night I was thinking of one thing. What's wrong with me?

( I though this was a good way to end the chapter. Now how do you like it 😏. I added some spicy in there as a little sprinkle. And some drama!!)

Words- 1041

My Enemy Is Mattheo Riddle/ Mattheo X Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now