Chapter 10

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Shit. What did I do.

Recently I have been having these moments where something ticks me off and I black out into a trance or something and I wake up and don't remember anything that happened and I think that's what happened here.

"Mattheo tell me what happened?!" I shouted aggravatingly.

" Pansy was going after you and your eyes they.. they"

"Mattheo speak up!" I shouted again.

" Your eyes went red and you moved your hands in a weird pattern and pansys arms snapped" Mattheo finished still trying to figure me out.

Honestly I'm trying to figure myself out as well, I have no idea what's going on with me. I mean Comet has already seen this happen to me before and he said my eyes went red as well and I moved my hand in a weird pattern, but this is the second time I'm hearing about it and I need to do something about it quickly or I may hurt more people.

" Corlle, Mattheo. Listen please don't tell anyone what's going on with me. Honestly I don't even know what's going on with me either. I'm still trying to figure that out. This is the second time I'm hearing about this happening with me. Listen I don't want you guys to be scared okay? Don't be scared of me. But please don't tell anyone else what's going on with me, not even a teacher do you hear me?" I said with a determined voice.

Mattheo and Corlle nodded in agreement.

"Look Y/n honestly I am scared of you, how can one not be scared of you after watching your eyes glow red and you snap someone's arm and don't even remember what happened? What if I do something that tikes you off and you end up hurting me and you don't remember what happened? You could kill someone and you're just telling me to not be scared, what's wrong with you!" Corlle shouted.

" Corlle I know and honestly I'm scared of myself too okay I just- I'm trying to figure out what's going on with me. I'm so sorry if I scare you and honestly I don't know if you're safe sleeping in our dorm. I think you should move out until I know what's wrong with me and I can control it, I don't want to hurt you. But just promise, promise you won't tell anyone else please. " I said practically begging her.

Corlle let out a sigh then nodded in agreement. " Thank you" I dismissed. Corlle walked back into the ball because even though pansy was hurt the Yule Ball must continue.

I head to the library, thank God nobody's in the library at this time even filch is in the Yule ball. So this gives me perfect time to search the whole library for a book that will explain what's happening to me. I mean it's Hogwarts after all... they must have a book on what's happening.

Once I got to the library I realized just how many books there are. There was no way that I was going to be able to search this whole thing in one night. There won't be another chance that I get to search it without Filch being in here. It would make it much easier if I had my wand,  unfortunately I left it in my dorm. Now I have to walk all the way back to my dorm to get my wand so I can just accio that shit.

I left the library but with a sense that someone was following me. I shrugged it off and walked all the way to the Slytherin common room. I still had that feeling. I look back a couple of times but saw nothing. I walked up to my dorm and grabbed my wand and left. I made it halfway out the Slytherin common room when I heard footsteps. Ahah! I turned around to see nothing?  What's going on?  I literally think I'm mentally unstable. I mean first of all with this but now I'm hearing things there has to be something wrong with me and I need to figure it out now!

I walked in the library determined to find a book on whatever. But I didn't know what to say I can't exactly just say accio book on what's wrong with me, now I'm stumped.

My Enemy Is Mattheo Riddle/ Mattheo X Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now