Chapter 16

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A month has passed and let me tell you I'm exhausted. I mean I hadn't got much sleep and with all this night shifts and day shifts, I really just want to take a day off.

And why are they putting the one who's in most danger out on a shift? I still can't believe me and Mattheo had sex! I mean she was so good at it. I mean I only did it once with Draco. I can't believe of all people Draco was the one who took my virginity. I don't know what I was trying to do. I guess jealous he was running in my mind but Draco told everyone never making that mistake again! Mattheo was only my second time and that was way better!

Honestly I'm kind of scared because I'm not really experienced in that type of stuff so I hope I didn't do terrible. I mean I didn't get to really know Mattheo as a person I will only seen just a little bit of him so I'm really wanting to get a know him and his softer side. I'm so glad Aries and Comet don't know about me and Mattheo yet. I mean Aries would totally flip.

We haven't ran across any death eaters yet thank God and our parents haven't said anything yet. I mean they still think we're at school so they seriously don't have any idea that we're on the run. I'm just still wondering what my parents did that made death eaters chase after us? That question has been running in my mind for a while. I mean I don't think my parents are bad people so what do they do that we had to run away? And why didn't our parents come with us they just let their children adventure in the woods when there's death eaters chasing after them? There has to be more to the story and I really want to figure it out but I'm afraid if I send a letter at the theater will get a hold of it. Aries and Mattheo both told me that I'm not allowed to have any communication outside of them. By the looks of it Aries and Mattheo have actually been getting along.

For the past month Mattheo has been helping me with my Powers being able to control them being able to remember. So far I've only been able to remember and I've been able to do cool tricks while conscious. I mean I can make a force field around me blocking any of the most powerful spells out there. I know it was dangerous for Mattheo to use one of the darkest coolest killing spell on me but we just had to test it out and it worked! Which means if any death eater tries to use that spelling me I can just put up my force field real quick and it won't even hit me.

We've also been through the basics how to save myself how to block how to be offense how to be defense. And you know me working with Mattheo I've got to see his softer side he is a very sweet person if you get to know him. And today me and Mattheo were taking a day off while Aries and Comet watch. Mattheo is going to be teaching me more even though it's already been a month I mean at least we got some progress am I right?

I woke up got dressed and made breakfast for everyone. " Hey guys! good morning! how did you guys all sleep?" I said while putting pancakes on each of their plates.

" Not too bad" Aries replied while dripping syrup on his pancakes.

" I mean it could have been better without Aries snoring" Comet said while chuckling away.

Mattheo bent down in my ear and whispered in it so only I could hear.

"I mean it was great but it would have been better with you princess" Mattheo said as I could see the smirk out of the corner of my as I could see the smirk out of the corner of my eye. I blush but quickly hit it not wanting to face the fact that I have feelings for Mattheo Riddle. Yes I'm not denying anymore I have feelings for the one and only Mattheo Riddle. I mean how can you not he's so charming, hot, sweet, protective, and he's great with his tongue. Honestly I just cannot resist him there's always something pulling me towards him. And he was so kind that he's staying with us and he's helping us when the death eaters are his own kind. He's betraying his own father to help me? I mean I kind of have a sense that Mattheo has feelings for me too but sometimes I brush them off because he also sometimes doesn't act like it. But why else would he be doing all of this? She hates me right there's no way that someone hates me or doesn't like me would do any of this?

My Enemy Is Mattheo Riddle/ Mattheo X Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now