Chapter 18

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It's been a week, my and Mattheo haven't said a word to each other. Honestly it's been awful. Hennessy has gone a little easy on me. Props to Mattheo for at least talking to her.

I miss Hogwarts. I miss everything. I miss me and Mattheo being enemies. Everything has changed, life has become darker, more depressing. Death eaters killing people left and right. I wish so bad to go back to our old life. Even though my parents were the worst, I miss them so very dearly. I don't even remember how we got to this point in life. It all flashed before my eyes. I mean how could you not miss the memories. Running around in Hogwarts with Fred and George, Sneaking out, the parties, talking shit with friends. Now... All of it is gone. The memories are slowly fading because the dreams are turning into nightmares.

Nightmares are a fascinating thing. They are so dark and carry such fears and lack full hope. They tear you down without you even being conscious of it. They are so dark you have the choice to wake up. But what would happen if we didn't wake up from a nightmare. Some of us have nightmares about fictional things, such as movies or books. Some people have nightmares about family, cruel people or them dying. Some people have nightmares about themselves. Nightmares come in the form of many things. Dark things. See the resemblance between the future and nightmares if you can never see it coming. You don't know what happens next, being stuck in a bed not moving. Nightmares are so powerful they take over your brain. You just sit there and watch everything unfold and not able to do anything about it. The future, you can control. But you never know what's coming. The thing people forgot to mention when it comes to "flight or fight" is freeze.

Thoughts are powerful, beautiful, and deceiving. They also come in the form of many things. When you let your mind wander, anything can  be thought of. Death, life, school, rape, clothes, friends, books, movies. Anything. But when thoughts turn into nothingness, and dreams turn into nightmares, and the future turns into a black pit. Is when depression has begun. You start to see tear stains, less energy, more screens. Of course we have an option to do things but do we want to? No. Because everything that used to be the most beautiful things in the world such as, thoughts, dreams, and the future. Has become nothing. Nothing but darkness and hope less. People consider killing themselves as an option for it to stop. I have been thinking about it. Did I do it? No. Because I looked around. I saw Aries and Comet. My only hope. Now even though depression is a black hole sucking every happy thing in its power, you always have that one hope that you think about all the time. Nothing can get rid of it because it is in the form of a powerfull thing. A thought. You have one hopeful thought. Which your so scared of the nothingness the depression has brought you that, that one hope is so powerful. My brothers are everything I am. So therefore I could never kill myself. Because I cannot be happy knowing the last thing I did was destroy them.

*Snaps out of thoughts

"Y/n" someone said. The voice was unfamiliar. Although everyone's voice had become unfamiliar. I was on my bed just staring at the roof. There's this one spot on the roof, it has a black spot on it in the shape of my brothers. Then one next to it in the shape of Hogwarts. My only hopes right now. I sit up from my bed and my eyes are drained. I haven't been crying I just haven't been sleeping. I look to my right and see Hennessy. Great. She comes and sits next to my bed. "Hey.." Hennessy says. I shift my body back, falling onto the sunken bed where my body has made its mold. "Look, I know you don't want to hear this right now but Aries is gone. Like we've searched all morning and we couldn't find him. We found out when he didn't come back from his morning shift." Then the freeze I have been stuck in turned into fight. I shoot up. My heart beating more than it had in a week. I grabbed my shoes and flung out the door. I saw Mattheo for the first time. I ignored his glance, and ran to comet who was crying. "Comet stop." I said cold. Comet stopped crying. He looked up and hugged me. My one hope hugged me and it felt amazing. I finally smiled.

" Did he mention anything about going somewhere?" I said panicked yet drained. Everyone should there head no. I ran out of the tent, then out of the shield. I yelled and yelled not caring about who would hear me. I honestly don't care if I die or not. If I die, I die. Then finally the cry I needed. I was in the middle of nowhere. I just ran and ran till no one could see me. I dropped to my knees and cried. Just cried. For what seemed like hours. The cry was so good and so powerful. I let everything out, all of it. It was like a relief had set in.

"Y/n" a voice I did infact not recognize said. I looked up, red glossy eyes. Tom Riddle. "Tom where the fuck is my brother." I shouted at him. "Where is mine." Tom said cold circling me on the ground. "Show me Aries now" I demanded now standing up. Tom then revealed Aries, all beaten up and bloody. The sight of my one hope practically dead has ruined me. Now everything including my hopes are fading. Mattheo and Hennessy has showed up. "Y/n get away from Tom" Hennessy said. "What? My get away from him?! He has my brother!!" I shouted at her. "Well if you didn't fucking run away we wouldn't have this problem" Hennessy said rolling her eyes. I cracked.

"HENNESSY SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm so tired of you acting like a fucking bitch to me for no God damn reason. I have done NOTHING but exist. You are such a bitch. If you want mattheo fucking take him. He's no good for me. He's dead to me. So why must you always constantly beat me down. You drain me. I don't understand how no one has seen past your bullshit!" I screamed at her. I then used my powers to slam her into a tree. She blacked out. Maybe this is finally my chance to have her shut the fuck up for once. "Y/N" Mattheo yelled running to Hennessy. "Why one earth would you do that" mattheo yelled. I ignored him. I turned to Tom, Toms arms then snapped, legs broke. Tom was screaming on the ground as I was boiling his blood. You could see his blood on the inside of his skin bubbling. I saw comet come out of the middle of nowhere. It almost made me stop. I grabbed Comet and Aries and aprated out.

We landed at my house. It felt so good to see it. My parents came running out holding us. Aries and comet didn't say anything just hug back. My mom then rushed us inside. "Listen I know about your powers Y/n. Death eaters have been here twice a day now. They are looking for you. Your not safe here." I nodded understand her completely. "I know." I said drained. "Comet and Aries will be staying here. I'm so sorry my love but Im doing this for you. You have to leave. You have to save yourself. I'm keeping your brothers because you need to only focus on yourself, you can't risk having to save other people in the process of running, we will be fine." She finished. She was right, I can't save Aries, Comet and myself. But I can't go on. Aries and Comet are my only hopes. Without them I have no motivation. I can't live with myself if something happens to them. But I have to leave. Without saying a word I left. Little did I know that was the last time I would see that house again.

Words- 1409

(Omg guys Im actually so sorryyyy. I know I haven't published anything. I apologize so bad. It's been so hard to think of something. I have lost my love for harry potter fanfics. They don't really strike my fancy anymore. I guess I've grown since I started this. But I will still continue the story. I love you guys and think for reading)

My Enemy Is Mattheo Riddle/ Mattheo X Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now